Chapter 10

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Billy's POV

When I got home Bea wasn't here, my parents aren't home either so I am all by myself.

I don't have guards because I am not as important as my lovely sister.

I wonder where everyone is.

I had a snack and am currently sitting in the TV room watching a recap of The 100. Finn aka Thomas McDonell is so freaking hot. Well I think he's hot. So is Bellamy though aka Bob Morley.

My cell rings and I hit the answer button.

"Hey-o!" I pause the TV, not wanting to miss a second.

"Go to your room." The person says.

Its a male and his voice sounds very familiar yet I cannot place a face to the voice.

"Who is this?" I ask, feeling the tiny hairs at the back of my neck stand up.

"Go to your room." The person says and then hangs up.

What if this person is waiting for me in my room and is going to kill me.

I am so frightened but my curiosity overides that.

Oh god!

I walk out of the TV room and climb the stairs, my heart beating drastically faster with each step I take.

I reach the door to my room, slowly reaching my hand out to the knob, hearing psycho-style music play in my head. I turn it and causiously push the door open, my eyes scanning the room, expecting to see someone.

I open the door fully, acknowledging that it is empty and take a step inside.

I don't know why I do this but I close the door behind me.

I examine the room one more time until my eyes land on something on my bed.

My heart stops.

"Mr Cuddles?" I whisper, walking towards the stuffed wolf.

There's a note lying next to him, in my favourite colour, green.

I pick up both objects.

The note says;

She has pretty brown hair
And alluring eyes,
She knew it then, she knows it now
She'll always be mine

Betrayed her once
Won't do it twice
I made a promise
Now I've come to make things right

She knew me well
I was her first
I knew her too
And I was hers

The wolf is a reminder
Of what we used to be
You might have a mate
But you'll always belong to me

The letter falls out of my hand after I have read it with horror.

I feel something warm run down my cheek. What the . . . I'm crying?

How does he know that I have a mate?

Many emotions curse through me. Fear, betrayal, hurt, anger, confusion, heck even love.

But worst of all. Sadness.

Don't ask me why because I myself don't know.

My heart feels heavy and I drop Mr Cuddles. I thought he was gone forever.

Axel won him for me at a carnaval we had our first date at.

Mr Cuddles smells just like him, of earth and spices. That's probably why I dropped him.

This weird feeling passes through my body. Almost like a shudder of some sort. Something inside my body tingles, its almost as if, as if electricity is racing through my veins, which is completey insane.

Wait, why is everything sinking? Or am I getting taller?

I look down only to find that legs haven't gotton longer but that they aren't touching the ground, with nothing but air bellow me!

What the hell?!

I begin to panic.

How did I get up here? How is this even possible? How do I get down? Turn this anti-gravity off?

"Ouch." I frown when the top of my head hits something hard.

Oh lord I've reached the roof of my room.

"Anybody home!" I know that voice. It's Chord.

He can't see me like this, he'll think I'm some sort of freak.

But I don't know how to get down.

I float towards the ajarred toilet door, making swimming movements to get there.

Turn off. I think, closing my eyes.

When I open them, I am still hovering in the air.

"Hello? Bills? Munchkin, you here?" Chords footsteps are getting closer.

I grab the top corner of the bathroom door and place one hand over the other, pulling myself towards the ground.

"Just gimme a sec." I say.

The doorknob turns and panic rises within me.

Suddenly, the levitation stops and I tumble to the ground, thankfully landing on my back with a huge thump, knocking all the air out of me, instead of my head.

My door opens and Chord rushes to my side, "Munchkin, you ok?"

I nod meekly, allowing him to help me up and lead me to my bed.

I sit down, patting the spot next to me so he'll join me.

He obliges and the catches sight of Mr Cuddles and the letter.

"That's nothing." I try reaching for it but he's closer.

His eyes rake over the letter, "Billy, what does this mean?" He looks at me with fear in his eyes, gesturing at the letter.

I know I can't lie to him so I tell him the truth.

I sigh, "It means that Axel is back."

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