Chapter 12

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Seth's POV

After a failed dinner with my parents, I drive Bea home, not because I want to but in hopes of seeing Billy.

I cannot take it without her anymore. I need to see her. Talk to her. Hold her.

Love her.

"You came with to see Billy, didn't you?" Bea states once I turn off the engine outside her house.

"Bea, you said yourself we should have an open relationship. Brownie is my mate and its been killing me being without her." I say honestly.

Bea fiddles with her nails, looking down at them as she speaks, "I know Billy's your mate, Seth, I just thought that you'd try being mine. Your father won't let you have her. You know that right? He won't give up his title either, not until our arrangement is official."

"We'll see." I say, my voice giving nothing away.

When I get out of the car I notice that many of the Eternity Pack members are scouting around.

I walk into the mansion, not bothering to wait for Bea to join me.

I have a bad feeling about this.

I see Alpha Rudy pacing in the living room, running his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Calm down, Rudy. I'm sure she just went out for a run or something. Maybe she's with Chord." Greta, Billy's mother, tries to touch his shoulder to comfort him.

He cringes away from her, looking at her accusingly, "Don't you tell me to calm down. My daughter is missing! Her phone is here and Chord isn't answering. The only clue we have to her disappearance is this fucking love letter." The Alpha throws a green peice of paper in his wife's face.

My Brownie's missing? No, I must not have heard him right.

"What's happening?" Bea asks, suddenly behind me.

"Your sister's missing. We have no idea where she is and the only friend she has isn't picking up his phone." Greta tells Bea.

I feel my heart stop.

I reach for the letter Alpha Rudy threw at Greta earlier.

She has pretty brown hair
And alluring eyes,
She knew it then, she knows it now
She'll always be mine

Betrayed her once
Won't do it twice
I made a promise
Now I've come to make things right

She knew me well
I was her first
I knew her too
And I was hers

The wolf is a reminder
Of what we used to be
You might have a mate
But you'll always belong to me

The letter has me reeling, my blood boiling and my anger flaring.

Brownie is mine.

She is no one elses!

But even as I think this I know that the person who wrote this letter will always be a part of her. The letter doesn't say as much but I can tell that this person had an intimate relationship with my mate.

I feel really jealous knowing that I will not be her first anything, but then again, it would be hypocritical because she won't be my first either.

But still, it pains me to know that.

"Daddy, she'll be ok." Bea says.

"No she won't!" Alpha Rudy yells at her, he looks like he is about to go crazy, "She's a very special girl, don't you understand how dangerous it is out there for her! God I knew I should have given her guards!"

"But daddy, Billy's just an ordinary human, what's so special about her?"

Alpha Rudy opens his mouth and then closes it again, he hesitates before he answers, "She is my daughter and your sister. Any father would be this concerned over his daughter. It is even more dangerous out there for her because her father is an Alpha. Don't you care about your sister at all?"

Even though his words hold truth, I know he is holding something back, something important that nobody else should know.

Two pack members enter and the Alpha's head snaps in there direction, his eyes a dark shade of grey.

"Did you find anything?" He asks, his voice holding no emotion.

The men shake their heads.

Alpha Rudy growls loudly, making everyone besides myself flinch.

Alpha blood.

"You're useless! Get the fuck out of my sight before I kill you for your incompetence!" He roars.

The two bow and then scurry out as fast as their feet can carry them.

All at once it kicks in.

My mate is missing and I'm just standing here doing nothing.

I swear if the bastard who wrote that letter has her I'll kill him with my bare hands.

I turn on my heels, making my way to the door and ready to go off at anyone who even looks at me the wrong way.

When I step a foot out of the threshold, I catch sight of Chord holding a limp body in his arms.

By the scent I quickly know it's her.

My heart rate speeds up with each step I make towards the pair.

I hate seeing her in his arms but now is not the time to go Alpha on the poor guy.

"What happened to her?" I look down at my mate.

She looks so peaceful.

"She's ok, just fell asleep on the way home." Chord says, walking past me.

Alpha Rudy rushes through the doors, taking Billy out of Chord's arms and kissing her all over her face.

"She's safe!" Alpha Rudy exclaims.

His expression quickly turns from releaved to anger as he growls at Chord, "Why the fuck didn't you pick up your phone! Do you know how worried I was! You idiot! If it were up to me, I'd strip you of your duty, you're fucking lucky Billy trusts only you." The Alpha holds his daughter close to him.

Wow, he really loves Billy a hell of a lot.

Wait, I thought Chord wasn't a werewolf, so how come he has duties to protect her?

All these damned secrets!

I follow the Alpha as he walks up the stairs towards a room I presume to be Brownie's.

He lays her down on the bed, stroking her cheek tenderly with his knuckles. He throws a quilt over her, tucking her in lovingly and kissing her on the forehead.

He then turns to me, all the love I saw just a moment ago is completely vanished, replaced with coldness and cruel Alpha features, his expression giving nothing away.

"So you're Billy's mate, huh? Well I guess you should know the truth then," the Alpha says emotionlessly, "The whole truth."

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