Chapter 4

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Billy's POV

When I arrive home I throw myself on my four poster bed and take a nice nap.

After everything that's happened I forgot to mention the other half of my life.

I live with werewolves.

Freaking unbelievable, huh?

Well long story short, the reason mom and dad are so in love is because they are mates.

Mom is human but dad is a werewolf, so there was a fifty fifty chance of her kids being human or werewolf.

I guess because Bea and I are twins, one of us were bound to be wolves.

My dear sister turned out to be the lucky one. Or maybe unlucky. I don't know whether she sees her ability as a curse or a blessing.

Chord doesn't know about my family and we try to blend in with civilisation as much as possible.

Most of the pack live in the residential area but some stay in the woods, not wanting to lose touch with mother nature.

Dad has to multi-task at times, he has to take care of the family business and sort out things with his pack. I wonder how he does it.

There is a meeting place in the woods where the pack meets up at if dad wants to have a meeting with them or inform them about certain things.

I wonder what Seth's doing right now.

As quickly as that thought comes to mind, I shoo it away.

I have to focus!

Tonight Bea's suitor is coming over and I need to work on my communication skills; when ever someone is interested in her, they try talking to me, to get my definition of her because no one knows her better than her twin.

Because of my obvious problems I don't say much and apparently its my fault that Bea doesn't have a mate yet.

They should be grateful to have her either way, she-wolves are very strong and extreamely rare. There is a ninty percent chance that a human woman will die giving birth to a were-baby. My mom was either lucky or damn strong.

Dad needs a good Alpha or Beta to be Bea's mate because he didn't have a son to take over the pack one day. After the trouble mom had been through with my sister and I, dad couldn't stand putting her in that kind of danger again.

So you see, my sister is the perfect one. The one who has all the attention. She will give birth easily and is very special because she is so rare.

I'm not jealous, or envious, or hate her. Quite the opposite actually, I love her and will support her. I do not wish to be her. She has too many responsiblities and cannot be with who she wants.

Well I guess she can see Chad in secret because she loves him so much. But what if her suitor takes her away.

Oh god, please no.

"Billy, get dressed, guests are arriving." Mom yells through the door.

"Be down in half an hour." I shout back.

It's quiet for a moment on the other side of the door but then I hear my mother sighing, "Just make sure you speak to people at least. Last time you didn't say a word to anyone."

"Deal." I push myself off my bed and make my way to my bathroom.

After taking a shower to wake myself up, brushing my teeth, putting on a rich purple sparkling low-high dress with studded boots, pinning my hair to the side and applying some make up to my features, I decend the staircase, not caring about the weird looks people are giving me.

Yes this is supposed to be formal and I'm wearing the cocktail dress to prove it, but the boots are standing out. I did not wear them because I wanted attention, I wore them because they are the only representation of me in my outfit.

I do not make eye contact, it kind of helps me deal when I think people are staring at me. It's almost like, if I don't see them, they don't see me.

The foyer is filled with people of the pack, dressed up all fancy like to impress the Alpha of the BloodBound Pack.

I see that my parents have taken out the best champagne for our guests. I have never met anyone from the BloodBound Pack but I know they live close to our pack.

Apparently they go to the same school as us too but because I don't have many friends, I haven't met them.

Also, if it wasn't for the no-scent perfume that grammy had given me, I'd be surrounded by them.

Because I live with wolves, I smell like them and I could be mistaken for one of them, that's why I have the no-scent perfume, so I smell like nothing.


I stiffen at that nickname, my heart standing still.

Oh crap, what's he doing here.

I turn around, seeing Seth in a jaw droppingly hot white tux, looking at me in confusion, probably wondering the same thing I am.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"I live here. What are you doing here?" I try my very best not to gawk at how amazing he looks right now.

"I'm here to meet my mate."

"You're a werewolf." I state with utter shock, peices form in my head, putting together the puzzle, "You are the next Alpha of the BloodBound Pack and my sisters suiter."

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