Chapter 22

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Billy's POV

Becka and I are fine but the only way we'll be fine is if -

Chord is cut off somehow.

Chord? I call.

No answer.


Still no answer.

Could it be that he is dead?

No it can't be, I would have felt it like I always feel him.

Axel's breath caresses my neck and his arm tightens around my waist.

"Don't leave me. Please don't leave me . . . Billy . . ." He whispers in his sleep.

I turn around so that I am facing him, removing my hand from underneath the blanket.

I stare at his beautiful features. His beautiful wounded features.

Using my fingertips, I stroke the side of his face.

He looks so broken. In so much need of attention. My heart clenches as I replay the words he just said in his sleep, in my head.

Oh Axel. I forgive you for breaking my heart but I cannot stay with you. I have a mate and I love him.

Maybe if Seth hadn't shown up, I would be happy with Axel right now, but the fact simply remains is that Seth is here and in my life as my mate.

Axel pulls me closer to him, so my belly is touching his rock hard abs.

His eyes flicker open and he smiles at me, "Were you watching me sleep?"

I feel my face flush, "No." My lie is pretty obvious.

"I don't mind." He pecks my lips.

He brings his lips on mine again and sweetly strokes my lips with his.

He rolls us over so that he is hovering above me, without breaking the kiss.

I don't move, I let him take control, once again imagining he is Seth.

He tangles his fingers in my hair and runs his other hand up and down my side, giving me goosebumps.

Unexpectadly, he peels his lips from mine, his blue eyes growing a darker shade.

"Go to the closet." He commands, licking his lips.

"Wh - what?" I stutter, blinking rapidly.

"Go to the closet now and don't let anyone in."

I don't wait for an explaination as I scurry away from him and into the closet, grabbing one of Axel's T-shirts and throwing it over me because I am only in underwear.

I wonder what's happening.

I hear the cracking of wood and I just know that the door is broken.

"Where the fuck is she?" A familiar voice roars.

"Get the fuck out of my room and off my territory now. I don't recall giving you permission to enter." Axel snarls.

"Well very soon this place won't be a territory any longer. Now where is she? I can smell her in here!"

Finally. I am saved.

Took him long enough, a snarky little voice comments in my head.

I roll my eyes and turn the knob of the closet door but it doesn't budge.

What the . . .?

I use my shoulder to give the door a little shove.

Still nothing.

What the hell is going on?

As I am about to push harder, a voice speaks out, "I spelled it pretty tight, love."

I turn around to see a woman about my mothers age, holding a jar of dust in her hand.

I ignore her and bang on the door, "Seth! Seth, I'm in here!"

"He can't here you, hun. And even if he does open the door, it'll create an illusion. All he'll see is the closet without you in it." The lady cackles.

"Why are you doing this?" My eyes start to burn.

"I just follow my orders. Alpha Axel knew they'd come for you eventually and thought ahead."

"Seth!" I turn back to the door, banging as hard as I can, "Seth, I'm - whoa!" The door must have listened to my plea's because it swings open, causing me to face plant on - concrete?

I use my hands to push myself up and - big shocker here, I'm not in Axel's room, I am in a jail cell.

"Wha . . .?" My jaw drops.

"You can scream all you want here, nobody will hear you." The lady is standing behind the bars and then just disappears, like into thin air.

I appear to be in some dark cage-like cell. There is another one beside me but it is empty. It seems I am the only one in here.

It is so dark so I cannot make out much.

I slide down to the floor, holding back no restraint on my powers as I sob into my crossed arms that lie on my knees.

My heart sinks as I think that I might never get to see Seth again. That he will find someone else and that if I ever do see him again, I won't be as young as I am now and he'll have kids.

I realise now that my father did indeed love me even though we always fight and tend to stay out of each others way.

Why is this happining to me? Can I not just be dead or something?

I mean everybody will be just fine without me in the picture, Axel would move on, Seth would challenge his father and take the Alpha title by force, Bea would get what she wants, Chord would stop having to worry about me and finally decide to ask a girl out.

Maybe in death I won't be so much trouble for everyone around me.

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