🏳️‍🌈DR2+UDG Sexualities

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(Edited because I felt weird having 'uwu' typed out in one of my hcs!!

Please remember that these are my headcannons and I don't mean to offend anyone in any way.

Hiyoko: lesbian uwu (but she has internal homophobia)

Teruteru: I think he's panromantic but heterosexual.

Ibuki: Our Bi queen

Mikan: Bi but leans more towards girls

Hajime: Hmmmmmmmmmmm Bi but he'd probably date orange juice

Nagito: gay. gay gay gay gay gay gay gay super high school level gay

Chiaki: Pan baby

Fuyuhiko: Demi+Bi

Peko: Doesn't even know at this point, probably bicurious/queer. We all know she'd date a girl but y'know, young master

Mahiru: lesbian. And mom friend. That has nothing to do with it I just wanted to point that out

Kazuichi: biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisieiiiii

Gundham: "Oh what's gender, never heard of them." Pan!! Also non-binary!! :> not sexuality but yes.

Sonia: I want to say she's Pan but she get portrayed as a helpless princess so idk

NEKOMARU NIDA-: idk,,?? I didn't really form many headcanons abt him,,

Akane: idk Bi maybe I might pass out anyway she's hot

I think that's it

Wait UDG

Takemichi: haha femboy hooters time, gay.

Yuta: def Pan

Toko: I said this in part 1 but Bi

Komaru: Also bi

Jataro: gay

Nagisa: Bi

Monaca: straight

Kotoko: straight

Masaru: Bi but prefers girls

Haji: a piece of shit

The end


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