Chapter 11

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Reges' POV

She was gone. She was just right in front of me and now she's gone. My hands curled into a fist. I couldn't protect her. In a frenzy, I urgently looked for her presence, but I couldn't sense a thing. She isn't here and it's my fault, I wasn't there by her side.

There was nothing I could do and before I knew it, tears were escaping my eyes. I felt frustrated, ashamed and useless. This wasn't supposed to happen, this was supposed to be an easy win. Yet, I underestimated the opponent's power and let her slip through my fingers.

I ran throughout the tavern, hoping to even find a hair of her, but to no avail, I couldn't find her. I could only desperately wait and trust her.

Simon's POV

I looked over to Reges and saw the same exact aura I was giving. The feeling for failing, of not being powerful enough. I'm not dumb, I notice his glances towards her, I see the way he gives in and how she unconsciously smiles her brightest when she's with him. I've fallen in love with a girl already in love, but I will protect her to the fullest.

I knew we shouldn't have come, but she'd already accepted the headmaster's request. With no time to lose, me and Reges looked for her, but no matter how hard we tried, we couldn't. The only thing to do now was to wait. I couldn't deal with it, so I ended up sending a letter to Max, hoping that he's have a way.

Reine's POV

I wasn't planning on speaking, but I was left with no choice. Enforcing my enchant, I hummed and sang a melody. I wanted to be done with this bastard once and for all. He stopped as he heard me sing and I thought I got him, only to be disappointed.

"Just kidding" He said as he slashed thought my enchantment with his blade. Just how powerful was he?

I knew this wasn't going to be an easy battle, but I never knew someone like him existed. He smiled before running my way. I could now only face him head on. I summoned my flute (a gift from Max) and played a screeching tone, making his ears bleed, but that wasn't enough. He continued in my direction before placing a slash on my stomach. I would've healed it, but there seems to be a void in this room.

"Not even that powerful, yet you dared to go against me?" He said.

"You haven't seen my full extent" I said with a smile.

"Then show it to me, or is this it?" He glared at me.

Being provoked, I could only continue play louder. More emotion, more power, more... more... My music landed on his body and there were multiple slashes appearing on his body. I laced my music with mana to make sure that his globs don't simply reconnect.

He said some words under his breath and an explosion right in front of me appeared. In shock, I didn't have time to deflect the attack, causing the mask on my face to break into two. He knew who I was and I knew who he was. This was a disadvantage, but I doubt he really knew who I was. No one really did.

"What a beauty. If you say it, I'll add you to my harem right now." He said. This man really- that was too much for me.

"In your dreams." With that, I played a tricky and fast tune as more slashes were coming in contact with is body. I had to finish him fast before he had the chance to attack again. I didn't like him one bit and I knew that if he continued to stay alive, he'd be a pest. I placed us under an illusion once again. In my space, I was the ruler. I summoned my blade once again an covered it with my mana, hoping to cause more destruction. This wasn't a time to be all fun and games.

Our blades met as we charged toward one another and caused an outburst that we both had to pull away from. He smirked before he coming in my direction once again. I was ready to deflect it, but he quickly appeared behind me, faster than I can predict and stabbed through my right arm. Feeling the pain, yet unable to do anything, my knees dropped. I'd never been through something like this before. I was a prodigy, a person with power, but there was always someone stronger than me. With that embedded into my mind, I made a vow to myself to get out of here alive and train seriously to get stronger.

I got up and ran toward the man, my blade only cutting a hair as he dodged my attack. He again struck me with his blade, this time on my left thigh, right through my bone. I could only get back up with the help of my blade, glaring at him the whole time.

"If you have the ability, beat me. Kill me right now", he said.

I couldn't say a word, more I didn't have the power to. He simply smiled once again, before finally coming at me once again, aiming to take my heart. I tried to dodge the attack, but couldn't. I wasn't ready for this at all. Being an OP character, I thought I'd make it no matter what, but boy was I wrong. I was arrogant with no power. But before I closed my eyes, there was a glow shining out from them, I felt it.

He looked at me with surprise. My power was coming back and the wound in my heart was closed. I was faster now, I was stronger. I once again pulled out my flute and played my most powerful tune, fearing close combat with this man. I sent a wave of multiple slashes and ended it with a big one, able to cut off his right arm. Before he could get to it, I used this change to burn this arm using a tune. I took us out the illusion and kicked his arm back to him, an arm that was now useless.

He was laughing louder like a madman. "You are quite the one, come with me? And that'll save your life." I ignored his comment and pulled out my blade, able to land it on his upper body, quickly pulling back to avarice any tricks. I desperately needed to get out of here, my wounds are still bleeding and I was exhausted.

I landed one more attack on him with my blade. This one attack was different from the other. I found it! His Achilles heel. Pushing harder on this, I missed the glint in his eyes. He placed his hand on my chest and chanted some words before I was pushed across the room, hitting my head on the wall.

We were both at our limit and I was definitely winning. He came running to me, with death evident in his attack towards me, but before he could get to me my eyes, as if warning him, shined and he was thrown across the room, his wounds bleeding harder and getting wider. What was going on? Did I have another power?

I was getting tired, my eyes were going to close. NO! I WOULDN'T LET IT! With all my effort, I kept my eyes open only to see that the wounds on his body were regenerating. HOW! I though, I couldn't even do it in this room.

He walked in my direction, still obviously hurt. I knew he couldn't heal himself completely, my attacks were brutal. He came to my ear and whispered something. I felt it. I felt the fear rising in my heart. With that, he disappeared, nowhere to be seen. My eyes dimmed and drifted close.

I seem to have Reincarnated. As the Villainess at that...Where stories live. Discover now