The First for the Twins

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"Well what did she say?" George asks the second I step through the portrait hole with a smile on my face.

"Well I'm taking first year and second year classes for charms and transfiguration!" I exclaim and George smiles.

"I always knew that you were smarter then all of us." He said putting his hands in his pockets.

"What gave it away?" I ask with a smirk.

"Knowing more spells then most first years combined, being able to do non-verbal spells and that's just a few in the list." He says taking a slow step closer to me.

"Hey! Where did you go?" Fred exclaims as he enters the common room from the boys dormitory.

"Just to talk about some class changes for transfiguration and charms." I say.

"What changes?" Fred asked looking confused. I open my mouth but George answers for me.

"She's now taking first and second year classes for charms and transfiguration." Says George and Fred smiles.

"I alwaysknew that she was smarter then the rest of us!" Fred says and he ruffles my hair.

"That's exactly what I said!" George exclaims.

"Wicked!" They say together.

"So since I'm done with my home work, what do you want to do today?" I ask them and they look at each other and smile.

"Thought you would never ask." Says Fred.

"What tricks do you have up your sleeve Freddie?" I ask him.

"Two words," he says,"prank slytherins."

"Prank Slytherins?" I ask in confusion.

"Yep. Want to help?" George ask.

"Sure, but I've never pranked anyone before." I lie with a grim expression on my face.

"Well then you've met the experts." George says.

"I'm not even going to ask." I mumble but they hear me.

"What's that?" Fred ask me.

"What prank are we going to pull?" I grumble with a frown. "It better not land us in dettention."

"It won't. I promise. " George says, and I believe him.

"So about the prank." I say and Fred jumps in.

"We are going to plant dung bombs I the corridor that leads to their common room. I think I have an idea where it is." He says.

"What are we waiting for then?" I ask him.

"Nothing. Let's go." One of them says. I can't tell which because I'm already walking towards the portrait hole.

"Wait up!" They cry as they catch up to me and I'm all ready halfway down the corridor.

"What took yiu so long?" I say with a grin.

"We had to grab the dung bombs." George says as he catches up.

"I thought you all ready had them." I state then start to walk again. Fred takes the lead.

"Follow me. I know where the coom in room is. It's in the dungeons. I followed one yesterday." Fred says.

"So you can find the Slytherin common room, but no the Great Hall?" I ask.

"That's besides the point." Fred says shortly making me laugh.

"Yes." I say. "Of course."

"Just a little farther." He says completely ignoring my comment.

"Are you positive that it's around here?" George asks his twin.

"Yep. Here come a group of Slytherins right now." Fred says.

"Ready?" George ask me.

"As I'll ever be." I respond.

"Allright, 3!" Fred starts.

"2!" George says.

"1! GO!" I whisper yell and the dung bombs set off the second they hit Marcus Flints feet.

"Run!" George says to me so I run as fast as I can, my curly brown hair bouncing on my shoulders until I reach a certain tapestry in the charms corridor and slip inside.

"How do you know about this?" George asks me after we are safely hidden from the Slytherins.

"My mom." I day, my breath easy while the boys are hunched over, hands on there knees, trying to catch their breath.

"That was awesome!" Fred says.

"I guess." I say quietly.

"What do you mean, I guess?" George asks me.

"We could've gotten caught and I don't think my mum would like to hear that I got caught in the first week we are here. She would send me a howler!" I say.

"Ouch." George says and cringes.

"She must be tough. I bet she made you learn those spells. Wants you to be better then everyone." Fred says with a sneer.

"Not really. And I can tell that your wondering if my mother taught me all the spells. You are wrong. I taught myself. Now of you'll excuse me I have to go turn in my parchment for Proffessor Binns and Proffessor Snape. I will see you around." I slightly push open the tapestry and see that no one is in the hallway so u walk out and down the hall to th e dungeons.

"Proffessor Snape?" I ask as I knock on the potions door.

"Come in." He says.

"Hello Proffesor." I say."I'm here to turn in my essay. You said we could turn it in early if we wanted to."

"Place it on my desk then get out. I'm quite busy." He says.

"Thank you, Sir." I say then do as he wished and walk out. My essay for Proffesor Binns isn't complete yet. I'll finish it up in my dorm.

"There you are! I've been looking all over for you!" George says once I step through the portrait hole and into the common room.

"Hey Angelina!Do you hear anyone talking to me?" I ask her as I walk over towards the girls dorm.

"Ye- no I don't hear anyone talking to you. It must be something in the walls." She says and I smile.

"That's what I thought too." I say then turn to head up the girls dorm. I turn to face Angelina and I see George looking deflated. Then I turn and head back up toy dorm.

Allright. So. Not the best chapter, but I did get something posted. Please, PLEASE comment about what you think I should do.

A) write a series


B) make a super long book

Thank you for your support.

Hang in there and keep reading.


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