The First Letter

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"So, do you want to come to The Burrow this holiday?" Fred and George ask me at breakfeast the next morning.

"No." I say then finish my scrambled eggs and leave the Great Hall so then I have time to grab my books before class.

"You really should go. It seems that they really want you to." Angelina says as I enter our dorm to grab books.

"I don't want to intrude or anything. I'll probably just cause them more trouble. Either way I already have a place to stay, I have Hogwarts. Now I have to get to Charms and you would be wise to follow." I say then walk back out the dorm and through the portrait hole, into the Charms classroom. Just as the bell rings.

"Thank you for join us Miss Oblen." Proffesor Flitwick says as I take my seat in the front row

"Sorry Proffesor. I forgot my books." I say then pull out my book and wand and sit at attention.

"Now that we are all here, let us continue the levetating spell. This time, on rats. Here are our helpers." He squeaks and flicks bis wand so that all twenty seven of us have a rat placed in front of us faster then you could say Hi.

"So are you coming? It's more of a your coming with us thing. Pack up your trunk this evening. And before you say anything. You won't cause us any more trouble. With seven of us one more is fine." George says switching seats with the Ravenclaw girl that used to sit next to me.

"Fine. You win. Get ready to have the most boring vacation ever. I have to study and practice my charms. You would be wise to do the same." I say then go back to focusing on levitating my rat. This will be the most tedious Holiday yet.

After morning classes I have a free period after lunch, so, naturally I head to the library. When I get ther and take a seat at my usual table, Fred and George join me.

"To what do I owe this pleasure." I sigh and George smiles.

"We wanted to ask if you had started packing yet. Plus, we don't know what you want for Chirstmas." They say in unison.

Art supplies. A new scetch book and some drawing pencels. I'm also running low on acrylic paints. I think but in reality I say, "Nothing. Just having somewhere to go is a present by itself."

"Why were you told-" George starts but I inturupt him.

"Oh my! Look at the time. I have to go grab my books for Herbology. See you there." I say then get up and rush out of the library. We don't even have Herbology today, I just had to get out.

I race back to the common room and up to my dorm to write a letter to Mrs. Weasly.

Dear Mrs. Weasly,

This is Bella. Fred and George invited me over to your home during the holidays and I have yet to give them a reply. I don't want to cause you any more trouble if you will let me come and will do my best to help around the house even;

I stop there and trash the draft. I then grab a few peices of parchment, and leave the common room to head to the Owlry. After I race through the school and up the icy steps to the Owlry before I lean against the wall and write my final draft.

Dear Mrs. Weasly,
Thank you for you kind invatation to spend my holiday at your family's home. However, I don't want to cause you any note trouble by dealing with another kid on top of your seven others. Fred and George are practically begging for me to come, but I keep refusing. Thank you for your kind invatation, but I don't want to trouble you any more.
Happy Holidays,

So, after reading the letter six times over, I call down an owl, attach the letter to its leg tell it the adress (The Burrow), and leave for my next lesson. But for some reason the weight on my chest just gets heavier as I walk away.


"Where did you go after you stormed out of the library?" George ask me during Flying.

"The Owlry. I had to send a letter." I whisper.

"To who?" He asks.

"None of your business." I say then hop on my broom and take off into the air. Unfortunately, Fred and George join me soon after. I get squashed between them.

"Who's  None of your business?" George asks me.

I groan, "Can't you two ever take a hint that your not wanted?"

"No need to get angry sugar." George says with a smirk but I don't hear the rest because I speed away and avoid them for the rest of the lesson. After the lesson finishes, I skip dinner and head straight to the common room to pull a prank. I feel the need to cause trouble. It's been a very quiet day. I look through my prank supplies and see that I have packets of sugar. How ironic. I decide to sprinkle the sugar in Georges sheets then look around and find a few spiders. I hate spiders. I quickly pick a few of them up and quickly place them on the beds then cover them up as quickly as possible. Prank number eight has been completed.

When the boys enter the common room after dinner I try to pack up my books quickly before they see me. It fails.

"Oi! Bella!" George calls and I sigh, collapsing back into the chair I was doing my History of magic essay in.

"You cought me. What do you want?" I ask angerly and cross my arms.

"For you two explain to us what in the world is going on inside your cute little head." George says and my face turns crimson.

"For your information I'm four five and never call me cute again, that or you might not have the balls to." I say and throw a glare his way. He gulps.

"Okay," Fred says slowly. "So do you want to tell us what's going on?"

"Why should I?" I dead pan and Fred smirks. That is never a good sign.

"Because we're your friends." George says simply and I sigh, giving in.

"Fine, but try to decode french." I say and open my mouth to speak but Fred inturupts.

"Just use English please." He says and I comply.

"Fine. My mother sent me a letter telling me that my grandmother is deathly ill and will probably die within the next year. She also said that if I did anything bad then she would take me out and homeschool me. I was also told to do any and everything others wanted me to do because I am just a silly girl and boys mean strength and power. I was told to stay at Hogwarts so then I wouldn't trouble anyone with my prensence. I've been trying to be invisable, but  obviously that didn't work out. Thanks to you two. So now I'm stuck here with two or at who are forcing me to do something that will only cause them more trouble. I even sent a letter to your mother about how you wouldn't want to have me because I ruin everything all the time!" I scream at them then turn, grab my books, run up to my dorm, and throw myself onto my bed so then I can cry me self to sleep. I'm glad that the break starts tomarrow. That's when almost everyone leaves. I'll just be heat NY myself. Peace and quiet. That's something to look forward to, right?

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