Fights and confessions

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I walk into the Great Hall, set my empty mug on the table, then I walk back out and up to my dorm. George asked me to hogesmade, he broke up with Alicia, it's obvious that he likes me, and I haw no idea what I'm going to do. I grab my books and race out of my dormitory.

I run through the halls and accidentally bump into someone, " I'm sorry I'll be more careful. "

"It's fine Bella. I've been trying to find you anyways. I need to talk to you about something." Cedric says as I stand up. I gulp.

"Ask away." I say tentatively.

"So the third and final task is in two weeks." He starts and that's when I relize that time has flown by.

"It's that time already? Wow. I've been lost." I say dumbly and Cedric chuckles.

"It's been pretty hectic. Anyway, I don't know if I'll live through the last task." He says slowly and it fells like my blood runs cold.

"You might die?" I squeal out. Cedric is like the brother I've never had.

"I'm not saying that I will, I'm saying that there's a small chance. If I die, I want to die happy, so Bella, will you make me happy by going to Hags made with me?" Cedric ask, his cheeks turning pink.

"Oh." I say surprised. "Umm. Let me get back to you. I have so many things to do, I don't even know if I'm going at all." I say awkwardly. That's when I notice George standing off to the side in the backround. I bid goodbye to Cedric and make my way over to George.

"Are you going with him?" He ask me weakly and I frown.

"Whhaat! No! I'm going with you." I whisper and he laughs.

"Sure. Now it's your turn." He says and turns around and walks off leaving me stunned.

"George wait!" I call and put my head down before running after him.

"What." He says as I catch him and forcefully turn him around. "I can't make you choose it's your choice and you chose Cedric."

"How? All he did was help me pick up my books." I say defiantly.

"Here we go. It's me or him. Choose." He says and I freeze.

"Your both some of my closest friends." I say. I never thought that George of all people would be the one that would make me choose between my friends.

"Choose." He presses and I snap.

I slap him across the face and start to yell, "YOU REALLY WANT ME TO CHOOSE! YOU, OF ALL PEOPLE! YOU WILL NOT TALK TO ME AGAIN UNTIL  I SAY SO! Goodbye George."

He stands there open-mouthed and gaping as I push past him and into Charms.

"Morning Proffesor." I say to Proffesor Flitwick and he nods in my direction.

"Miss Oblen." He squeaks as he climbs onto his stack of books and waits for everyone to join class. Cedric walks in and over to me trying take a seat but I stop him.

"You will leave me alone too." I say sending him my stink eye and he gulps. Before backing away and taking a seat on the oppisite side of the classroom. Then Fred walks in and he sits next to me.

"I'm not my brother." He says and I nod as he sits down.

"No truer statement could be said." I say and he smirks.

"He's acting like a git right now." Fred says and I snort.

"Really? I had no idea!" I say sarcasticly.

"Yah, it looks like you snapped earlier too."

"You heard that?" I ask, embarrassed.

"I think everyone in the school heard it."

"As if my life could get anyworse." I say and put my head in my hands.

"What do you mean." Fred ask me, looking genualy interested.

"Well George asked me to hogsmeade and then Cedric asked me back to back. Then George got made and I yelled at him, you know the rest." I tell him and he nods.

"I get it. Are you going to Hogsmade?" Fred ask me and I look at him strangly.

"I don't know, why?" I say slowly and he keeps a straight.

"I was thinking that maybe I could join you in Hogsmade. It would make George and Cedric jelous and you would have fun. If, you don't mind third-wheeling with Angelina and I." He says and I nod at the propsion.

"Your going to regret this." I tell him and he laughs.

"I'm sure I will. I'll tell Angelina later."  He says and I freeze. He said Angelina.

"Angelina?" I say, fighting to keep my voice steady.

"Yes." He says simply and I gulp.

"Well, maybe another time." I say and he just nods.

Then Proffesor Flitwick starts class and all goes well. I successfully turn my vinegar into wine on my third try and I earn 20 points for Griffendor.

Then I feel something nudge my hand. I look over at George and see him making something out of paper. Then I look at Cedric and see his wand pointing directly at me. I open the note and read it.

"I love you, can't you see that?" Is what it reads. I'm shocked there's no other word for it. Then another note taps my hand. I know without looking that's it'd from Goerge.

"It's me or him. You have to choose." I know exactly what he means. The thing is, I don't want to choose. There both some of my best friends and I don't want to lose either of them with my decision. I've kind of givin up on George too. With the Third Task coming up in just a few week, and Hogsmade on Saturday, a big descion could change friendships, and I don't want to choose.

Cliffhanger! I'm sorry about the slow updates, but I had a very busy weekend and wasn't able to get a chapter out. I hope you enjoy it. Hang in there and keep reading.

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