Back to Hogwarts

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"Hurry up! We don't want to miss The train!" Mrs. Weasly yells from down stairs, her voice amplified throughout the whole house waking everyone up. I grab a pair of black Jean shorts, a red crop top and leather jacket before I run downstairs, dragging my trunk behind me. The twins and everyone else follow soon behind me and we scarf down breakfeast before rushing out the and piling into a car that the Minestry lent Mr. Weasly so then we can get to Kings Cross station on time. We don't want to miss the train.

"George, you come with me." I say and grab him by the sleeve as we run through the barrier that leads to platform 9 3/4. Everyone else ariarive soon after and the whistle blows just as I step onto the train with my trunk. The twins then rush to find a compartment while I rush towards the prefect carriage.

"Here's the deal, as long as you do your rounds and keep on top of things your good to go." The Head Boy says and then walks out and we follow close behind after the Head Girl gives us our schedules. I soon find Fred and Georges compartment that Lee had joined and I bring my trunk with me too. Who knows, better safe then sorry.

"Well if it isn't the biggest most, ugly,-" Flint starts as soon as he sees me and I hold up my hand.

"Save it for someone who actually cares what a dunder head like you thinks." I say firmly then flounce into the twins compartment and flop next to George.

"Well that was interesting." George says and throws an arm around my shoulder. I lean into him.

"You two should really just get together already." Ginny says as she pops her head into our compartment.

"So should you and Harry." I fire back and smirk when she flushes and dissapears, closing the curtains behind her.

"She likes Harry?" George ask me looking down at me.

"It's like, completely obvious. You boys really don't notice any thing. Anyway, I'm going to go change into my school robes. Fred, could you grab my trunk?" I ask and he pulls it down for me so then I can grab my robes. I leave the compartment and head to the loos to change. When I come back I hear talking so I listen in.

"If there were a dance this year who would you ask?" I hear Lee ask and George answers. I can tell because bis voice is deeper then Freds.

"Angelina. Or Alicia." He says and Fred jumps in.

"What about Bella." Lee asks him.

"Dunno, she probably has her hopes on some other guy. Someone other then me." He says and I can tell he's frowning. I take it as my cue to walk into the compartment.

"Someone say my name?" I ask innocently pretending that I wasn't just eves dropping on there comversation.

"No." George says quickly as I flop next to him. He try to put my arm around me but I throw it off.

"I just came to get my trunk. My rounds are soon. Plus I'm shore that you would a ant Angelina or Alicia under your arm." I say quietly. I don't think any of them catch it though because I grab my trunk from above Fred head, accidently on purpose hit George in the face with it, then walk out of the co.partment dragging my trunk behind me only to run onto Cedric bloody Diggory. Just what I need.

"Need some help with that?" He ask gesturing at my trunk.

"No thanks, I got it." I say then proceed to pick it up and continue walking, brushing  by him and flashing a smile. He smiles back looking kind or dazed so I make sure to move my hips a little extra and look back over my shoulder to see not only  Cedric, but George and Lee staring at me. Perfect.

"We will be a riving at Hogwarts in five .I nuts time. Please leave your luggage on the train." The voice says and I find an empty compartment to sit in until the train enters  Hogsmeade Station then I see Hagrid and the Carriage is being pulled by thresturals.

I jump in a carriage and Cedric, George and Lee follow soon after this will be very interesting. Cedric sits across from me, Lee sits diagonal to me, and George sits next to me. I scoot as far away from all of them as I can.

"So, what classes are you taking thus term?" Cedric asks me and I look him in the eyes as I answer.

"Care of Magics creatures, Transfiguration, Herbology, Potions, Defense against the Dark Arts, Muggle studies, History of Magic, and Charms." I say then look over at George. He avoids my gaze and looks down, Lee does the same.

"Giving up that easily, I thought people who were sorted into  Griffendor were supposed to be brave and  courageous. Guess I was wrong." I say and Georges look of  confusion changes to one of understanding.

"Guess so." He says looking embarrassed I'm shocked. He doesn't even try to deny it. I change the subject.

"Any new products?" I ask expectantly and George just shrugs and mumbles something that I can't understand.

"We're here." Cedric says and I hop out of the Carriage and run into the Great Hall. Finally, I can get away from that awkward tension in the carriage.

The sorting begins soon after the Great Hall and I clap whenever someone is sorted into Gryffindor. Then the food. Comes. I dig in and eat as much as I can before Dumbledoor stands up and makes an  announcement.

"This year it is my painful duty to inform you that the Quidditch season will be cancelled. A lot of people boo but I just drop my fork and sigh.

"This is because of a very special event that will be happening at Hogwarts. The Triwizard tournement. However, only students of age will be allowed to enter. This means of seventeen or older. To ensure this I will be drawing an age line around this, shall we say, impartial judge." He continues but the twins inturupt him and start yelling.

"Your joking!" They yell in unision and Dumbledoor chuckles.

"No I am not joking Mr. Weasly." He says and they sit back down. "Let us continue. The delegates of  Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will arive on October 30. I ask you to welcome them.woth open arms. Now, off to bed." He says and I step over the bench and head towards the common room. The first years follow behind me.

"Flabertostodol." I say to the Fat Lady and she nods and swings open so then we can walk in.

"Harry! Wait up!" I say and he turns and makes his way towards me.

"Hey Bella." He says and I nod grimly.

"I want you to be careful this year. I feel that there's something up with Moody. Do enter the tournement and never go anywhere alone. Do you trust me. It seems that every year something bad happen s to you. I don't want anything bad to happen again." I say before walking up the girls staircase and out of sight. All I can do now, is wait.

Tension! Please comment on who you want Bella to go to Hogsmade with or, if no one comments, (that will make me sad😔) then it will be up to me. Hang in there and keep reading.

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