The Delegates arrival

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"Class is dismissed. Please put all belongings except for your wand in your dormitory. Then you will meet the rest of your house in the Great Hall." Proffesor McGonagle says zthen walks out of the classroom and we all follow behind, except for me.

"Yes, Miss Oblen?" She asks me kindly and I grimice.

"Do I have to go out?" I ask and she sighs but frowns.

"I'm afraid you do. You'll see incredible magic, then after the feast which you have attend, you can leave." She informs me before making a move to walk out.

"Oh, and Proffesor, what should I do with my gerbil?" I ask and she smiles.

"Ten points to Griffendor you may place it on my desk." She says before walking out and I follow soon after.

I rush up to my dorm to drop off my books, parchment, ink, and quills before running to the Great Hall where McGonagle was lining us up by year. Soon enough we March out of the Great Hall and out the Front Doors onto the Front Yard of the school. The worst part about it is that I'm in the back, and I'm short.

Lucky for me though I'm at the end of the row and am standing next to the Hufflepuffs, specifically Cedric.

"How do you think their going to arrive?" He asks me and I choose to ignore him and look at the sky when someone shouts out."Look! Above the Forest!"

"If my eyes do not decive me, then I believe it would be safe to say the delegates of Beauxbatons are ariving." Dumbledoor says as the baby blue carriage lands in front of us. A boy hops out of the door and fiddles with something before three golden steps pop out and a monstrous woman, bigger than Hagrid, steps out.

"Dumblydor! 'Y pupils." She says in a thick french axcent. Carelessly waving her hand, " 'ow are 'ou?"

"Splendid Madame Maxine. Headmaster Karoff and his pupils should be ariving soon I think. Would like like to stay and greet him or warm up inside of our school?" Dumbledoor asks kindly.

" 'arm up I zink." She says and walks inside her student following elegantly after.

"They sure are pretty!" Cedric sighs dreamily making me laugh.

"Yes. They float so elegantly. There like birds." I say sarcasticly snapping Cedric back into reality.

"Sorry." He says blushing madly and I laugh.

"It's fine. I'm pretty sure some of them are part Veela. Now how do think Durmstrang will arive.?" I say and Cedric points to the lake. I follow his finger.

"By boat." He says as a mast emerges from the murky depths of the black lake. Once fully out if the water an anchor is thrown from the shiny, black ship that my gaze has been locked to.

"That's pretty cool." I say with wide eyes and Cedric chuckles a low slow chuckle that sends shivers down my spine. Lucky for me, he doesn't notice. George does though and he's on my other side so he throws an arm around my shoulder making me lean into him. I don't fight his arm and lean my head onto his shoulder and we stay like that until the Headmaster of Durmstrang walks down the plank that had been set out.

"Ah,Dubledor. How are you old friend?" The Headmaster booms.

"Just booming Headmaster Karoff. Simply wonderful. Madame Maxime and her students have already arrived and are warming up inside. Would you like to join them?" He ask with a kind smile just like he did with the Beaxebons Headmistress.

We all walk into the Great Hall and our gest stay outside. I wonder why, but just keep on moving with the crowd. Once we sit down, classical music starts playing. Then the Beaxebons students float in. They start to dance and Fred and George, who are seated on either side of me, stare at them in awe.

"There the most gorgeous things I've ever set my eyes on." George sighs and I clear my thought loudly making Lee and Fred laugh.

"Besides my erm best friend here." He says gesturing to Fred making me laugh.

"If these girls have this effect on you, what do you think the boys will?" I ask jokingly and all three if then laugh. Then the Durmstrang boys march in. They dance around with flames and blow put fire to make different animals. I see the animals that represent our houses all unit to make the Hogwarts crest. The whole entire hall is hypmotized. When they finish everyone practicly leaps out of their seats and applauds the boys from Durmstrang. Then Victor Krum walks in.

Ron's mouth drops, eyes bugged out and I start to laugh and point at him while the three boys give me weird looks until they see ron. At that point it seems that everyone is in awe or laughing at Ron. Once Dumbledoor stands up, the Hall is silent.

"Welcome, guest, to Hogwarts. As you all know the Triwizard Tournement will take place here this year. The impractical judge will choose who will compete, and the winner will win eternal glory, and 1000 gallons. Now, Tuck in!" He says and food appears on the tables. Everyone digs in except for some Beaxebons student who complains about the food being to heavy. I laugh at this then Dumbledoor stands up again.

"Mr. Flich." He says, and Flich shuffles forward with what looks like, a casket in his arms. He places it carefully in front of Dumbledoor.

"The Goblet of fire." He says simply and waves his wand so then a goblet bigger then a turkey floats out if the cub and lands on a pedistol that had just appeard.

"If you would like to compete, please place your name in the Goblet before tomarrow's dinner. To ensure that no one over the age of seventeen will take part in this tournement, I will be drawing an age line around the goblet. Now, off to bed." He says and there's a great scrapping of benches as everyone leaves the Hall. But I can only think of one thing. I have to go to the Library.

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