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"What are you thinking of doing to Lee?" Angelina asks me a little while later after we had finished lunch.

"Well since he called you dung, I think we should return the fauvor." I say.

"Brilliant!" She cries.

"I might have some dung bombs and pink or green powder somewhere in my trunk." I say with a sly smile and Anglinas face lights up.

"Lets use pink. It sounds like a perfect plan." She says.

"Allright. Let's plan this prank!" I shout and throw my fist into the air. This is going to be awesome. I just can't wait.

"Wait." Angelina days. "Why not prank the twins as well. The three of them are always around each other. It's htting three birds with one stone."

"You, Angeljnga, are absolutel, positively BRILLIANT!" I scream.

She blushes, "Thank you!"

"Now let's put this plan in action."

"Wake up Lee!" Angelina sings into his ear.

"Five more minutes mummy." Lee says and rolls over in bed.

"Lee wake up! Never adress me as your mother!" Angelina screams and Lee sits straight up as do the twins and they all hit there heads on buckets that we rigged to cover them in pink and purple powder. It will stay on them for the remainder of the week. Five days, since it's only Tuesday. It's Halloween too. This is going to be the greatest day ever.

As we walk down to breakfeast the twins and Lee catch up with us.

"That was not cool," Fred says.

"What you did to," Adds George.

"Us this morning." Finishes Lee.

"You sorta asked for it." Angelina says as I open my mouth. I guess great minds really do think alike.

"We did now did we?" Fred ask me.

"Well Lee did." I clarify. "But I just couldn't resist the opportunity to prank you boys as well."

"Now that makes a lot more scense." George says laughing.

"True." Fred agrees.

"Do you two ever fight?" I ask George.

"Us! Fight! Never!" George says sounding offended.

"I'll take your word for it." I say through a chuckle as Fred glares at his twin.

"Why," George says then looks at his twin and laughs. "Fred, stop being Fred."

"But I am Fred." George says answering his own question.

"Wrong." I say.

"What!" George ask in disbelief.

"I said wrong. You are George so stop pretending to be Fred. I know because  whenever you wake up on the morning Fred is a grouch and you are ready to get the day started. You also have a dimple on the left side of your face when you smile and Fred has no dimples." I say. Then turn and speed walk down to breakfeast leaving the twins standing there in shock. I guess no one has ever called them out before.

Twins: 0
Me: 1

"What took you so long?" I ask the four as they sit down around me at the Griffendor table in the Great Hall.

"Your the first person to ever notice anything different about us. Even our own mother mixes us up. How did you do it?" George ask, looking at me in awe. I blush slightly not used to being the center of attention.

"I make observations." I say shortly. Then, I finish earing and head back up to Griffendor tower to grab my bag and get ready for my classes for today.

Defense against the Dark Arts
Should be an interesting day. I wonder how many pranks I can pull and there's only one way to find out. First up, Charms with Flitwick. Now this should be interesting.

"Good morning, Miss Oblen." Proffesor Flitwick says as I walk into Charms. I'm the first one there, as always.

"Good morning, Proffesor Flitwick." I respond politely and take a seat in one of the rows of desks that line the classroom. As the other students start to trickle in I see the twins and Lee walk in. Perfect. They will be my targets, again.

"This seat taken?" George says as he tries to sit down.

"Yes, by my books." I say shortly then place all of them quickly on the chair so then he can't sit down.

"Well now there take by me." He says and sets them on the table in between us. This could work well.

The bell ring and Flitwick climbs up his pile of books and starts class.

"Today we are going to learn the levitating charm. Does anyone know the iniciation?" He squeaks and I raise my hand almost imeditly. "Miss Oblen."

"The iniciation for the levitating charm is Wingardium Laviosa." I say.

"Correct! Ten points to Griffendor." He says and smile at me. "Let us begin. Mr. Weasly, yes you, please pass out these feathers that are on my desk. Everyone gets two. Thank you. Now, today you are to work with your table partner in order to correctly use the charm. You may begin. Remeber, Swish and Flick."

I wait til Fred passes out the feathers then try it on my first one. George starts imidetly and his blows up.

"Swish and Flick. Swish and Flick. Wingardium Laviosa." I say and my feather rises of my desk and over to tickle Flitwick in the nose.

"Well done! Well done!" He squeaks. "Fifteen points to Griffendor." Now I can pull my prank.

"Swish and Flick!" I tell George. "Not, Stab and whack. Watch."

"Wingardium Laviosa." I say to the nearest animal, a spider. I glide it around the room and make it land on Fred's nose. He screams.

"SPIDER! SPIDER!" He yells and hits himself in the face with a book.

The rest of my classes go like this. It's Halloween. What can you expect.

"You had to prank us all day didn't you." Says George with a frown.

"Yup. I also have a new nickname for you. Georgie pordgie, pumpkin pie. Fred, do you want one?" I ask innocently while George's face Co torts with rage as the letters in grave then self on his face with a marker that I enchanted and Fred burst out laughing.

"No thanks, I reccomend-" Fred starts, but I'm already running for the Girls dormitory and reach the top of the stairs just as George starts to run up them and it turns into a slide. I see my opportunitie and slide down, landing right on top of George. I climb off him then climb back up the stairs and dissapear into my dorm to change for the feast.

"I will get you!" George yells and I throw a dung bomb ready to explode out the girls dorm in response. It blows up and I hear everyone groan.

I turn back to my bed and see Angelina and Katie laughing on the floor. Today has been a successful. I can't wait for tomarrow.

First I want to say sorry. I've been working on this chapter for a while. Then I went on vacation and didn't have WiFi so I couldn't post it. Hear it is and it's pretty long. Hope you enjoyed it. Hang in there and keep reading.

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