The First task

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"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" I shout as I jump around around on everyone elses bed rousing them. It's barley seven thirty but the task starts at nine.

"If it's before eight o'clock, I will kill you." Angelina mumbles and I just laugh.

"Good luck trying to find me then." I say through my giggles and take off running for the boys dorms. I enter Fred and Georges dorm and slid under Georges bed. He barley sees me before Angelina burst in.

"Where is she." She growls and Fred perks up and takes her arm before leading a very confused Angelina out of the dorm.

"Thank you." I say as I crawl out from under Georges bed and flop down on it.

"Do I want to know what that was about?" George ask me and I relize that I'm laying next to him.

"I may or may not have just woken them up because the first task where Harry may or may not die is staring in an hour and a half." I say in a small voice and George just laughs.

"Well I'm up, so unless you want to see me naked then, I think you might want to leave." He says sleepily his eyes flutter shut. I pry them open and yell in his face, the sensible thing to do.

"WAKE UP GEORGE-PORGIE PUDDING PIE! KISSED ANGELINAAND MADE HER CRY!" I shout at the top of my lungs and he jumps out of bed and runs to the showers.

"Works everytime." I say to myself before exciting the room and making the way back to my dorm so then I can shower myself. Once I shower and change, I run down to the Great Hall. I sit down at the Griffendor table and the twins join me soon after.

"Why," Fred yawns, "did you feel the need to wake us up that early?"

"The first task." I say simple then pop a blueberry in my mouth.

"Is that all your going to eat?" George ask me and I nod.

"Yup." I say before standing up and making my way to the Quidditch pitch where the task is being held.

As I walk to the Quidditch Pitch, someone catches my arm.

"Bella, someone put my name in the Goblet. Do you think it was Moody?" He asks me and I smile.

"I don't know, I'll try to find out kid. Hey, don't die." I say before walking off to get a good seat in the stands. But out of the corner of my eye I see Mad-eye Moody walking into a big door with a giant set of keys in his hand. Something is wrong, but I don't know what it is.

"Hey." George says as he takes a seat besides me in the stands.

"Hey, you." I say and lean into his shoulder. He puts his arm around me and I'm comfortable.

"Awww, look at the happy couple." Fred says and I give him a dirty look and roll my eyes.

"Shut it, Fred." George says and I smile to myself.

"Yah, we're not a couple." I say and smile, but inwardly I frown. George probably likes someone else.

"Yah." He says and smiles, but I can tell it's fake..he retracts his arm and I remove my head from his shoulder. Fred. He always ruins everything.

Just then the task starts and Cedric walks out. He has to face a Swedish Shortsnout. Their small, but very powerful. He walks out and transfigurs a rock into a dog and the Dragon gets distracted, but loses interest quickly. The Dragon turns back to Cedric and blows fire at him. He ducks behind a rock but isn't quick enough and his face gets burned. He then makes a mad dash and grabs the egg. The crowd goes wild and Cedric walks out of the arena.

Next comes Victor Krum and he shoots some spell at the dragon and hits it in the eye. It tramples over half the real eggs before recovering and by that time Krum had grabbed the egg. Then Flear comes out. She walks up to the Dragon and says a spell that makes it very sleepy and soon it's on the ground fast asleep. But as she sneaks by to get the egg, the drop takes a deep breath and sets her skirt on fire. She gets the egg though and in the end, she's ok. Then Harry walks out.

"Oh!" I say as the most deadly looking Dragon is let into the arena.

"He'll be fine, don't worry." George whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"I hope so." I say back and grab his hand.

"Accio Firebolt." I hear Harry say and nothing happems. Then a whooshing sound fills the air and the broom flies over out lr heads and onto Harrys hands. He mounts it and takes off into the air the dragon trying to follow him. Then the chains break and the Dragon abandons her nest to go after Harry. Seeing this, Harry dives and grabs the eggs staying just outside of the dragons reach.

"He did it." I say and breath a sigh of relief before getting up from the stands and walking back towards the castle.

"Hey! Wait up!" A voice says and I turn to see one of the twins following me.

"I don't want to talk George." I say as an arm turns me around.

"Well lucky for you I'm Fred." Fred says and I crack a smile.

"Walk with me?" I ask and he smiles.


"So about George, how is his hint for Alicia or Angelina going?" I ask. A partner me is a bit curious.

"Oh no, he likes someone else." Fred says and I smile.

"Well he does have options. Practicly half the girls in our year are throwing themselves at him." I say with a smirk and Fred laughs.

"Yah, but the person he likes is you." Fred says so quietly that I almost miss it. I freeze in my tracks before starting to walk again.

"Well he has a funny way of showing it." I say carefully. "Now if one, or both of you need me, I'll be in the library. I have an essay for Herbology to finish."

"Yes ma'am." Fred says and fake salutes me as  we enter the common room and I run to grab my books before heading to the library, but I can't focus. George likes me. George likes me. George likes me. The words keep playing over and over on my head. So I head back to the common room and slip through the crowd up to my dorm. The party is in full swing, but I've never been a party person. I prefer a quiet life, but with Fred and George in the picture, that will mever, ever happen. Not even in a million years. But before I go to bed, I throw a few dung bombs down into the common room just to spice things up a bit. This should be a surprise for all the drunk people who have gathered around them.

Hello! Thank you for sticking with me all this time. Only around 13 chapters left! Please comment, vote, and continue you to enjoy my story. Hang in there and keep reading.

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