The Yule Ball Pt. 2

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I stand there stunned, so George ask me again.

"May I have this dance?" It's a slow song too, of course. Luck is just running my way tonight.

"So you expect me to dance with you like we're freinds? So I should just forget you turning my life into complete Hell? Pardon my language, and you want me to dance with you, the person who caused all of my misery? You. George. Fabian. Weasly!" I hiss and he gulps and takes a step back.

"I'm, sorry?" He says but comes out sounding more like a question then an apology.

"Really?" I ask with an eyebrow raised and a hand on my hip.

"Uh, I guess." He says and I smirk.

"Fat chance lover boy." I say with a "what the heck?" face on.

"I could get down on my knees." He offers and I smirk. God Bella! Enough with the smirking!

"That would be nice. But you hold your pride above your honor so I don't think you will. By the way, what Harry did to me was all planned, but I did actually slap him. I like someone else. Now excuse me, but I think Hermione is waving me over. See you later, Weasly." I say leaving him standing there dumbfounded.

"What did he want?" She ask with a smile on her face.

"A dance." I snort and she laughs weakly.

"What did you say?"



"He's been spreading rumors about me, treating me like crap, and now he wants to dance? I don't think so." I say to no one in particular and she nods.

"Okay. It's the same way with Ron. The stupid git." She says and I see Ron walk up behind her and clear his throat.

"What was that about Ron?" He ask in a high pitched voice that makes me laugh and Hermione flush deeply. 

"N-n-nothing." She stutters and Ron laughs.

"Yah, right." He says.

"Anyway, what's it to you Ron?" She says as they start walking towards the Entrance Hall.

"Your accosiating yourself with the enemy! That's what your doing!" He says practicly yelling now.

"How am I, accosiating with the enemy Ronald?" Hermione yells.

"I thought you were supporting Harry. Now you go to the ball with someone who is way to old for you, and is from Durmstrang!" Ron yells.

"What's that got to do with anything!" She yells at him as a tear slips down her face.

"Your supposed to be supporting Harry! Plus you had boys falling all over you! Couldn't you have chosen one that didn't get on my never so much!" He yells and Hermione is seconds away from breaking down.

"Go to bed. Both if you now." She snaps, since Harry had come to see the argument. That's when I relize that there's a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see George looking down down at me.

"I'm sorry." He whispers and I know that he truly is. I have my friend back.

"Interesting turn of events." I say and he nods. I laugh a little and lean into his side.

"I agree. The only question now is when the two of them will put aside there pride and get together." He says and I smile.

"Well, speaking of pride, you put yours aside to apologize to me. I didn't think anything could ever be more important then your pride." I say and it's his turn to laugh.

"There are somethings." He says and I nod.

"Well I'm going back to the common room. Want to walk with me?" I ask and he offers his arn. Snape had come out and was taking points from every house that still had students in the hallways.

"Sure." He says and we start to walk.

"How was your night with Alicia?" I ask and he frowns.

"Womderful. I broke it off." He says matter of factly, without portraying any emotions.

"I'm sorry Georgie." I say and stand on the tips of my toes to ruffle his hair. His breath seems to hitch and I wonder why until he starts to talk.

"How was your night with Cedric?" He ask and I laugh.

"Oh no. I just ran into him  accidentally. The funny thing is, he didn't even reconize me." I say and we both laugh. George stops suddenly and that's when I hear the shuffle of footsteps.

"Come on. There's a broom cuboard right around this corner." He says and drags me to it.

"What is that all about?" I ask in a whisper, trying not to laugh.

"Flitch. If he catches me at midnight he thinks I'm breaking something or causing havic. Granted, I usually am. This does mean that we need to stay here for a while." He tells me quietly and I nod.

That's when I relize how small the broom cuboard actually is. I'm practicly pressed up against George and my face feels hot. I quickly do a nonverbal spell that expands the cuboard slightly. Then I hear Flitch pass.

"Ya know Hermione told me that you have a crush on me. The truth is, I have a crush on you too. I was wondering if maybe," He tells me and my heart stops beating so I inturupt him.

"Oh my look at the time. I have homework to do. I'll see you I'm to morning." I say and leave the broom cuboard I'm a hurry. I hear his footsteps after me and I say the password and start to run up the girls stair case that leads to my dorm, when I feel a gentle hand on my wrist.

"I'm sorry if I upset you Bella." George says and I sigh and turn to face him.

"You didn't. Just caught me surprise is all. Goodnight, Georgie." I say and lean down to give him a quick kiss on the cheek before running up the rest of the stair case. When I reach the landing I quickly glance over my shoulder to see George standing there, red in the face. I smile to myself before ducking into my dorm where Hermione is waiting for me.

"Well?" She ask and I sigh, before telling her about the nights adventures. By the time I'm finished, day us breaking and as I shimmy down under my covers I hear Hermione say something softly to herself. I catch it though.

"Ron and Harry each owe me a gallon. I knew this would happen." I can't help but snort and Hermione curses, before I role over and fall fast asleep.

Sooooooooooooo, do you think they'll get together? Post a comment on what you think. Til then, hang in there and keep reading.

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