Defense against the Dark Arts

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Bella Pov

"Welcome to Defense against the Dark Arts. It seems to me that you have delt with dangerous creatures, spells, jinxes, but in my opinion, you are very behind on curses. Now that you are in your second to last year here at Hogwarts, you must learn these. Constant vigilance!"He yells at us and I jump.

"You! Name an unforgivable curse." He screams at me.

" Th-th-the Im-impervious curse." I say quietly and he smiles an evil little smile.

"Ah yes. That one gave the Minestry quite a bit of trouble a few years back. Let me show you the effects." He says still grinning. It's then that I relize I've met Moody before and he was like tgis, but less evil. Something is wrong. Let me give you an understanding." He says and pulls out a spider. I cringe and frown trying not to show my fear.

"Imperio." He says and the spider starts to float around the room spinning and keeping in what looks like a dance. Around three fourths of the class laughs, but I stay silent a with wide eyes.

"You may laugh, but how would you feel if that were you I were controlling. You I could make throw yourself off a building." He says and the laughter dies down almost instantly.

"The next curse." He says and looks at me expectatly.

"The Crucaitors curse." I say through gritted teeth remebering my mother.

"That's right. For this one, I think, it needs to be a but bigger to understand. Enorgio, now watch closely. Crucio!" He yells and a look of pure glee flashes across his face and I just catch it before it dissapears. The spider flips onto its back

"George, somethings wrong." I tell him and he frowns.

"He's twisted, but he knows." He tells me before looking back at the proffesor.

"Like really wrong." I whisper before Moody turns to look at me again.

"Now the last curse. Again." He says smiling evily.

"Th-th-the K-k-killing c-c-curse." I day trying not to cry and his smile if possible gets eviler.

"That's right. Avada Kedavera!" He roars and at that I gather my books and race out of the room trying to stifle back sobs. I duck around a corner and a door appears in front of me so I step inside.

Inside is a room filled with books and everything I could imagine. Except for food. A clock on the mantle by the fire place says that its lunch time but instead of going to lunch, I pull a book off of one of the many shelves and start to read. Around thirty minutes later, I hear a bell ring. Back to class I go. What a shame. I race to Charms then Herbology. Before heading back to my common room to do my homework. I skip dinner too.

"You okay?" George ask me sitting down next to me after he returns from dinner.

"Yah. Fine. I'm pretty tired though. I think I'm going to head to bed." I say and quickly gather my books, but when I get up to leave, he just pulls me back down.

"You look like you've done your homework, but I haven't done mine. I'll go get my books. FRED! Keep an eye on Bella hear, make sure she doesn't escape." He yells then walks up his dormitory steps and Fred takes his place.

"I have to go to the bathroom." I say quickly and make a quick escape for my staircase just as George steps of his. I make a mad dash up the stairs. I make it just in time for both Fred and George are standing at the bottom of the stair case.

"Maybe next time!" I shout before dissapearing into the girls dorms. I do end up staying awake and finish my homework. It's only until after I finish all of it that I pull out a color bomb and peek out the girls dorm to the twins and Lee siting. By the fire that I sneak down a few steps before throwing it and ducking back just intime. It hits George right in the face. I was aimng for Lee, but that works to.

The color bomb blows up right in Georges face splattering his face with color. Some of it hits Fred and Lee, but George gets the most of it. His entire face is covered on the powder and he looks murderous. I then flick my wand and a note flutters down from the celing. The Lion has struck again. But just then George looks at the Girls staircase and I duck behind it, but I'm not quick enough. I think he sees me, but I don't risk popping my head out to check. He might see me then and I can't risk that. So instead I quietly slip back into my dorm and fall asleep. When I wake up, it's seven in the morning and time for breakfeast.

"Morning." I say as I walk into the common room. I came from the library.

"Where were you? You missed dinner last night and didn't go to breakfeast this morning." George asks me from his spot on the couch.

"I wasn't hungry last night, and I was looking for a book in the library. I couldn't find it though." I say and he looks at me like he's searching me for some thing.

"Okay, but you better be at lunch, other wise, I will force feed you." He threatens and I laugh.

"Yah sure. It's a date." I say making sure to cross my fingers behind my back. I look over my shoulder as I walk up the Girls stair case and see that George is blushing like mad and staring after me while Fred us laughing his head off and saying something to George that makes home go even redder, if possible. Then Angelina appears and puts Georges arm around her shoulders. I take that as my cue to dissapear. When I reappear, I see the pair snogging on the couch. I swear I can feel my heart break a little bit. Lucky for me it's October 30th. Today lessons end early so then the delegates can arrive. This should be very interesting.

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. I have decided that there are going to be 36 chapters in the book. Not to long and not to short. It also looks like Bella missed her chance with George, don't worry though, it all works out. Hang in there and keep reading.

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