Chapter 1

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The sun was peaking through the blinds, lighting up my bedroom. I squint in the morning light and peel the blankets off of me. The patter of my bare feet against the hard floors is the only sound heard in my tiny, one-bedroom apartment. I yawn sleepily as I make my way into the kitchen, starting the coffee pot and peering out my kitchen window.

New York traffic was already in full swing at only 8am. Once the coffee pot was finished brewing, I pour myself a piping cup, the smell alone already waking my senses. As I stand there, watching out the window and sipping the delicious drink, my phone begins buzzing on the counter beside me. I immediately recognize the name and answer her FaceTime call.

"Hey Daisy!" I smile at my cousin.

"Hello gorgeous! You excited for tonight?" She grins, asking.

"Very! I don't even know what I'm going to wear!" You laugh, but inside you were frantically scanning through outfit choices you knew were in your closet.

"Nonsense! Come to my hotel at 2, my team will help us get ready!" And with that, she hangs up. Wow, I can't tell if it's the coffee or tonight's festivities making me so jittery.

My cousin Daisy Ridley and I were very close growing up. Being so close in age, and me being an only child, we were always more like best friends. And when she made a big breakthrough being cast as Rey in the new Star Wars trilogy, I couldn't have been more proud of her.

Because of my constant support, Daisy always promised she would repay me even though I told her she was being ridiculous. We were family, of course I'd show endless support.

But a few weeks ago, she had called me out of the blue. She explained to me that they lost one of their makeup artists. That's where I come into play.

I studied in Manhattan, earning my bachelor's in Theater and Arts, all while attending Cosmetology school at the same time. While I'm still exploring my career, I have done work with several broadway plays and a couple low budget movies.

Daisy excitedly told me on the phone that she told their director, THE JJ Abrahams about me, and he was interested in meeting me for the position.

So, now cue tonight's festivities. Daisy has invited me to be her plus-one to the premier of The Force Awakens, where I will meet all of her cast and friends. And afterwards, there will be an after-party celebration in which I will get to meet JJ Abraham's.

To say I'm excited is the least. I barely slept a wink last night because of this. Already being a Star Wars fan, I was totally stoked to know I'd get to watch the first premier of the newest movie before general audience does.

This was also my first red carpet, I've never been one to be in front of the cameras. Always behind them. So this made me a little nervous, but Daisy assured me she'd be by my side the entire time.

I glanced at the clock on the stove, only 10am. I was already growing impatient. To pass some time I walk around the counter of my kitchen and over to the couch. My living room and kitchen being one giant room, my bedroom to the left at one end, and the bathroom right beside it. It was small, but cozy. It was all I needed.

I flip on the tv, scrolling mindlessly through channels before finally settling on a random crime show. I'm watching intently at first but then I find my mind slipping off into my thoughts of what might happen tonight.

Feeling like a teenaged girl going to her first concert, I wander what famous celebrities I may meet. Carrie Fisher being at the top of the list, of course. I grin at the thoughts. Thank you, to the best cousin ever.

After a couple hours of watching pointless tv, I make my way back to the kitchen. Rummaging through the fridge for a bite to eat, I decide on making a simple sandwich, leaning against the counter as I glance at what's happening on the tv show. I stand there, eating my sandwich until I'm finished and I discard my trash and flip the tv's power off.

It was now half past noon, an hour and a half to be at Daisy's hotel. I decide to go take a shower and begin getting ready.

The hot water rolls down my body, relaxing my muscles. I him quietly as I shampoo my hair and cleanse my body before stepping out and towel drying. I patter over to my bedroom, digging in my dresser. I throw on a pair of shorts and just a plain t-shirt. It was warm this time of year in New York, and I wanted to remain comfortable while Daisy's team did their magic.

After getting dressed, I made my way back to the bathroom and quickly blow dried my hair. I studied myself in the mirror, satisfied with how I looked and I began searching for my belongings. Grabbing my bag and my phone, I lock my apartment door on the way out.

I catch a cab downstairs just outside of my apartment building, giving them the address of the hotel. I shoot a quick text to Daisy, letting her know I'm on my way.

I knock on the numbered door that Daisy had given me and almost immediately it swings open, revealing the wide, happy smile I've grown up around.

"Hi!!" She exclaims, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug. A wave of happiness overcomes me as I hug her back, inhaling the sweet scent from her hair. While we may constantly text or talk on the phone, I don't get to see my dear cousin as much as I wish I could. With her living in London, and I in New York, on top of our conflicting work schedules, it's a miracle if we get to have a holiday together once a year.

"I've missed you." I sigh with a smile as we break from the hug.

"And I, you. Come on! You get the red carpet treatment tonight!" She grins, tugging my hand, pulling me further into her suite. She introduces me to four middle aged women; her team, and directs me to sit in one of the chair facing a large mirror.

Daisy and I make small talk as the women get to work, one woman starting my makeup while the other works on my hair.

"Who are you most excited to meet?" She asks, looking at me through the mirror. I glance at her before being asked to close my eyes as the lady begins my eye makeup.

"I'm not sure... I just know I'm excited to see you on the big screen!" I grin with my eyes closed and can hear Daisy's bubbly laugh beside me. An hour and a half later our makeup and hair were finished. I stare at myself in the mirror, shocked. My makeup was done beautifully; stunning but not heavy. My skin held a seemingly glow to it, the false eyelashes opening my eyes and the red lipstick completing the look. My long, chocolate brown hair curled and pinned in a simple up-do that seemed elegant.

"Wait until you see the dress I've picked for you." Daisy grins, skipping to the closet and opening it. I stand patiently yet eager to see, and my eyes widen at the sight of the gown she pulls out. Two of the women help me undress and slip into the gown, fastening the back for me, and I admire myself in the mirror.

A stunning, red dress. The top being an A-Line off the shoulders, hugging my bust nicely and revealing just the right amount of cleavage. While the train was a sheer material and flowed out at the bottom, feeling light and airy when I moved. Smiling wide at my appearance, I turn to see Daisy finishing zipping up the back of her outfit. She's wearing an off-white pant suite with a v-cut at the top. Her short, brown hair that reaches just above her shoulders were in loose waves. She finished her look with a nude lipstick and a pair of black heels. She looked stunning.

"You look so beautiful!" I gush, grabbing her hands and looking her over.

"As do you, darling! Look at yourself! Oh, here." She laughs before handing me a pair of silver heels to officially complete my look. I felt like a princess.

Inside the black SUV, I suddenly began to feel nerves and adrenaline kick in as we make the drive to the Premier. All the eyes; the cameras that will be on me. The celebrities that'll I'll be honored to be in the presence of. And most importantly JJ Abrahams, what if he decides he doesn't like me?

"It's going to seem like a lot at first, but it's really quite simple, I promise." Daisy assures me. "I can't wait for you to meet everyone!"

Hi everyone! If you're reading this, welcome to my story! Thank you so much for reading. I have a lot planned for this book so bear with me as I'm just beginning to write it (6/29/20).

I hope you enjoy the story! I'll try to update a chapter everyday or every couple days. (:


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