Chapter 7

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"If I don't find a man who will read me our life love story when I'm old and don't remember, I don't want him." Daisy says, shoveling a handful of popcorn into her mouth.

I glance at her, laughing, before turning back to the movie. We are watching The Notebook, one of the same cheesy films we normally decide on.

Though this time I'm having a hard time paying attention to the movie. There's a faint tingle upon my lips, the sign that Adams lips were once here, not too long ago. My mind hasn't stopped going over that moment. The way he appeared out of nowhere, kissed me with so much emotion and then disappeared just as quickly.

Part of me had to convince myself that I hadn't just made it up, that it really did happen. I contemplated telling Daisy about it, but I decided not too. I wanted to speak to Adam first. To see what that was, what it meant.

My heart flutters at the thought that the crush I was beginning to develop on that man could be reciprocated. Why else would he kiss me? But then my thoughts wander to how Daisy would take it. Would she be upset that I was developing feelings for her co-Star? Or would she give us her blessing if we decided to move forward?

I don't want to ruin my night with Daisy, not being able to remember the last time her and I had a sleepover. So I shove the thoughts to the back of my mind and focus on her. We chat throughout the movie, shoveling our faces of popcorn.

After the movie, Daisy heads back to her room for bed. I toss and turn in mine, desperately looking for sleep but unable to find it. I felt excited to confront Adam, a little nervous, but excited. He kissed me. That had to mean something.

But something deep in my subconscious was trying to warn me.

The sun shines through the glass doors of my balcony, waking me up just a few minutes short of my alarm.

Climbing out of bed, I walk to the bathroom to get ready for work. I decide to take the extra effort in my appearance today. I apply a full face of makeup, adding black eyeliner, mascara and filling in my eyebrows lightly.

I curl the ends of my hair, pinning half of it back behind my head. I rummage through my closet and decide on a pair of high waisted, olive green pants. The top of the pants are ruffled and it has a fabric belt attached that I tie into a bow on the front. I slip into a black tank top that has lace at the top and tuck it into my pants. I top my look off with a pair of black heels.

I review myself in the mirror and I'm shocked at how sexy and beautiful I feel. I've never really considered myself to be ugly but I have struggled with self-confidence in the past. My shy personality making me doubt myself occasionally. But today, today I feel confident and unstoppable.

I apply some lipstick and grab my purse and belongings. Spraying a little perfume, I take a deep breath and leave my room.

I go to the cafeteria to grab some breakfast, stumbling into Oscar.

"Wow, you look gorgeous!" He swoons as he joins me in the buffer line.

"Thank you." I smile, blushing slightly.

"Care to catch the ferry with me?" He asks as he grabs a to-go bowl of oatmeal and fruit.

"I'd love to." I nudge his arm playfully as I reach for a bagel and a coffee. We walk together outside and toward the dock.

It's an exceptionally beautiful morning. The sun is shining brought and there's a chill in the air but it isn't unbearable. The birds are singing in the trees. I smile to myself. Today will be a good day, I feel it.

"Any big scenes today?" I ask as we take a seat on the top deck, sipping on my hot coffee.

"One. It's a flying scene, you'll have to make me look sweaty and dirty." He and I laugh along together.

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