Chapter 26

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The rest of the weekend proves to be uneventful and boring. Monday arrives at last and I'm eager to get back to work.

It feels as though it's been an eternity since I've gotten to actually work within the makeup trailer and I'm excited to feel a sense of normalcy again.

Today, I take a little longer getting ready. My excitement encouraging a tad bit more effort into my appearance as I curl my hair and apply my makeup.

I'm still out of the door at a decent time, remembering to stop by the cafeteria to grab a coffee and bagel.

As I'm walking outside of the hotel's main doors, I'm greeted with the warmth of the spring air now beginning to settle in. I inhale deeply, sweet-floral aromas filling my nostrils. Spring has always been my favorite season.

Trees blossoming, the heavy smell of earth as colorful arrays of flowers push through along with the sweet scents that follow. Days become longer and the weather becomes warmer. A time of rebirth.

My spirit is immediately uplifted, as if I weren't already over-the-moon-happy today. I'm humming to myself, coffee in hand, as I skip toward the hill leading to the ferry. I glance around, taking in the views of birds flying above, and people seemingly happier with the cheery weather.

Something catches my eye though and I slow my pace to watch.

I see Noah exciting the hotel, moments after me, wheeling behind him two large suitcases toward a black cab parked on the street. My walking comes to a halt as I watch now, my heart rate increasing at the sight of him. Scenes from the bar race through my mind: his malicious grin as his hands connect with my hips in a deathening grip. The pounding in my ribcage as I can practically feel his breath creeping across my skin.

As if he can also hear my vociferous thoughts thrumming in my mind, he lifts his head, glancing in my direction. I feel the hammering in my chest freeze.

There's a moment that passes by, wether it be minutes or hours I don't know, where we both just stand there staring at each other. Frozen. Feet glued to the ground. And in that moment, I wish the earth beneath me would crumble to the core and take me with it. Bile burns at my esophagus as it rises.

A scowl crosses his face and he rips his gaze from mine, tossing his luggage into the back of the cab. I swallow, my throat becoming very dry. The blaring horn of the ferry boat causes me to wince and I'm reminded of work. I turn on my heels and rush toward the ferry, not taking a second glance back. I force my breakfast back down as I take a seat aboard the ferry, focusing on controlled breaths.

My sprightly mood now extirpated. Chewing on my lip, I'm more eager to get to the makeup trailer for different reasons now. I rush through set, paying no mind to the crowd of workers and head straight toward the familiar camper.

I nearly trip over my own feet as I stumble inside and I'm shocked to see Adam sitting in my chair. His feet are propped on the counter and he's reclined back, absentmindedly scrolling through his phone. He glances up at the sound of my entry and his eyes immediately sparkle.

All uneasiness I was feeling before fade away. Diminishing as if they didn't even exist and my mind no longer remembers it. I smile at him, walking over and dusting his feet off of the white makeup counter. His shoes sound a heavy thud as they hit the floor.

"Where's Oliver?" I question, taking note of the empty trailer besides Adam and I.

"He left a note..." He trails off, glancing around in search of the note. There's a crinkling noise beneath his ass as he wriggles in the chair. I raise an eyebrow at him, crossing my arms.

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