Chapter 5

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"Maddy! Maddy wake up!" A voice calls from outside my room, someone banging on my door. I groan, trying to ignore it but it doesn't stop. I recognize the voice, Daisy.

I sling the blankets off of me, stomping to the door and opening it for her, before turning around and heading back to bed.

"Good morning sunshine!" She says cheerfully as she walks in.

"Daisy, I love you, but could you be a little less cheerful this early in the morning?" I groan, glancing at the time. 8AM.

"Come on, the guys are waiting downstairs, let's get some breakfast." She says with smile.

I'm truly thankful that she was trying so hard to include me in things. I'm enjoying all the time I get to spend with her, she is practically my best friend.  But also because I don't really have anyone else here but her, and the guys. I haven't really made friends with others yet.

I'm oblige and get up, just throwing a pair of leggings and a sweater on quickly, and tying my hair into a messy bun. It's too early for me to care about my appearance at the moment.

We make our way to the first floor, immediately the smell of food fills the lobby as we walk down a hall toward the cafeteria.

The cafeteria is basically a large dining room filled with plenty of tables and seating, a kitchen at the end of the room, separated off. The ceiling seems even higher in this room and one wall is completely made of glass, giving for an extraordinary view.

Daisy and I walk to the wall lined with plates of food, buffet style. I grab a piece of china, going down the line, grabbing what looks delicious to me.

My plate consists of bacon, a blueberry muffin and an omelet. I also grab a paper cup of coffee, the smell already feeding my sleeping soul.

Daisy leads me across the room, toward the large glass wall and to a table where I notice John and Oscar sitting.

"Morning." I simply say, smiling at them as Daisy and I sit across the table from them. They're already deep into their plates full of food.

"Morning! And don't you look like sunshine and rainbows today." Oscar teases with a mouthful of food and I kick him lightly under the table.

"Hey. I wasn't expecting to be up early on our days off. And this one," I say, nudging Daisy with my elbow, "Gave me quote the wake up call."

The other laugh as we eat and I glance out the window. I don't think I'll ever get used to this. The huge, fairytale-like hotel. The beautiful Ireland scenery. Or the fact that I'm working so close with famous actors.

I feel this sensation over my body as I stare out the window, something I can't explain. As if, someone's watching me. I turn, my gaze searching the room before they lock on him.

Adam is a few tables over, he's standing and pulling his chair out, getting ready to sit but he's staring at me. Our eyes connect and he gives me a smile which I return.

"Maddy?" Im torn from his stare and I look to where the voice comes from. John.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" I apologize, feeling my cheeks heat up. I sneak a quick glance back in his direction, he's no longer looking this way.

"I was saying that it would be a good idea to exchange numbers with Oscar and I. So Daisy doesn't have to be the messenger every time." He offers a kind smile.

"Oh, of course. Here." I say and slide my phone to them, watching as they enter their phone numbers. When I get my phone back, I send both of them a text so that they receive my number as well.

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