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Warning:Sexual harassment

No one pov

"U-uhm" Y/n looked back and forth to Ayato and 'Yui'. Luckily 'Yui' just stared suspiciously at Y/n then turned to Ayato.

"Nevermind. I'll find out sooner or later for now-" 'Yui' looked at Ayato 'smiling'. "Ayato why don't we have some fun like the old times." Ayato's eyebrow twitched and grabbed 'Yui' and they disapeared. 'Okay that was weird and nerve wreaking' Y/n thought before continued on her destination.

Y/n was now leaning on the counter holding a cup of water staring, seemingly in her own world. 'If that was Cordelia how is she still alive? When I saw those visio-memories I saw her there, dead. So how? Wait, is that her soul and she posessed Yui? No way...................................." Y/n continued on thinking every possibility.

The door suddenly opened with a slam and came in Ayato. "Average how do you know about that bitch of a mother, Cordelia?!" He shouted causing the brunette to drop the cup of water. Y/n looked towards the door and saw an angry Ayato. In the blink of an eye Ayato was in front of  Y/n and trapped her between his body and the counter. "I asked you a question!!" Ayato shouted punching the counter and damn it left a big dent. "I-i saw her in a room." Y/n answered. "Which room." Ayato growled but calmed down a tini tiny bit. "Th-the one that was chained and l-locked." Y/n managed stutter now shaking a little. Ayato seemed to notice because he stayed quite. Y/n just looked down staring at their shoes. When she realized their position she tried to suppress her blush to not get Ayato have the wrong idea.

Now calmed down Ayato lowered his head until it reached Y/n's left ear. "Have you ever seen anything or anyone other than her?" he said staring at her face. 'I need to lie' Y/n thought. "N-no" she said. 'Please believe it please believe it please believe it' Y/n kept chanting in her mind. Ayato seemed to belive it because he backed away, looked at her, tched and disappeared. Y/n slowly slid down now breathing normally. 'Thank God Ayato is not like Reiji.' Y/n then began cleaning up the spilled water and went to her room.

When Y/n entered, she saw Shu sleeping on her bed. She frowned and sighed. She grabbed a pillow, blanket and her mp3. She began setting up and went to sleep listening to music.

Thankfully when Y/n woke up she was still in the couch. And just like always Reiji came in and informed her that breakfast is ready and went out. Y/n fixed her blanket and pillow and wore her uniform and also a shorts. She was about to wear her thigh high socks when someone pinned her to the bed. "Why hello Kitten." Laito purred. Y/n struggled to free her hand. "Fu fu Kitten stop struggling or else I'll lose control~" he said in a sing song voice. Y/n stopped for a second then struggled again. Laito held her wrists with one hand and grabbed her face. "Fu fu your really pretty Kitten. Makes me want to see more of your expressions" Laito said while blushing. He then leaned his face until their nose touched. "I wonder what expression you'll make if I do this?" Not giving any time for Y/n to protest Laito smashed his lips with hers.

Y/n quickly closed her lips trying her best not to get things more worse for her. But Laito wasn't going to let that happen so he bit her lower lip however Y/n didn't budge and endured the pain. Laito smirked and licked the blood from her lips. He suddenly bit her neck and she gasped from the sudden pain. Laito sucked some blood before pulling out his fangs and kissed her. He entered his tounge inside her mouth and explored her wet cavern thoroughly.

'Her lips are so sweet. I want more.' Laito thought and put his free hand behind her head to dippen the kiss. He played with Y/n's tounge and stopped to catch a breathe before continuing. He stared at Y/n's closed eyes, some tears flowing out, satisfied to make the girl like this. Laito pulled back creating a string of saliva, Y/n's face was flushed, she was dazed. Y/n's tounge was out and Laito took the chance and bit it. Her face scrunched up in pain. Laito stopped and kissed her again.

After the kiss, Laito stared happily at Y/n's flushed face a little saliva trickling down her cheek and tears on the side of her face. She was breathing heavily. 'This situation is fudged up. I want to die please save me.' she thought still closing her eyes. "Fu fu Kitten I want to do more things to you but Reiji will get mad if we won't go down. For now I will leave it to this. You're lucky I held back my desire to do things to you." Laito put a finger on Y/n's nose and booped it. "Bye bye Kitten." He said seductively before vanishing. Y/n took a minute or two to process what just happened and she blushed so  hard the color red was put into shame. She was rapidly saying things in her mind about being saved and wanting to crowl inside a hole.

Y/n then remembered something and her eyes widened like saucers. She quickly wore her socks and shoes then went running downstairs shouting inside her mind 'DAMN YOU LAITOOOO!!!! THAT WAS MY FIRST KISS!!!'

I hope it wasn't bad. It's my first time writing a scene like that so please fogive me if it's bad. And I'm also sorry if it's short. Thank you for reading and please keep reading this story.

Have you ever kissed someone?

Ps. : I'm so sorry Y/n😢

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