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(Edited: 07/09/2022)

Y/n pov
I stared at Yuma bewildered. How can he forget things that easily? "Aha ha ha ha ha ha!!! You really believe that?! Hahahaha!! How stupid can you be?!" Yuma suddenly exclaimed. My face turned a bit of red because of embarassment. I glared at him and splashed water to him and walked out the bathroom, taking the book that I 'borrowed', and walk out the room. I can still hear Yuma laughing. 'Stupid'

I reached my room and plopped on my bed huffing before opening the book and continued reading. 'I hope Kou-san isn't like that, I don't care about dinner.' I thought continued reading eventually dozing off.

No one pov

Morning(night) came, and Y/n was still sleeping. At the same time, Kou was visiting Yui. After he finished his talk with her, he visited Y/n with his "gift" in hand. *Knock knock* "Good evening, Koneko-chan, may I come in?" Silence. "Koneko-chan?" Kou opened the door to find Y/n laying on her bed wrapped in her blanket. "Oh, she's still sleeping?" Kou smirked before walking to her bed and putting the 'gift' on the table. He climbed up and put his arms on either side of her head and straddled her. He leaned in and then whispered, "Koneko-chan~ Wake up I have a present for you~"(Zenitsu vibes). However, Y/n just frowned then moved her head to the side. Kou was dumbfounded before chuckling. His chuckling died down, and a serious surfaced.

He climbed down the bed before yanking the blanket away, causing Y/n to go slightly shiver, her hands moving from side to side looking for her blanket. Her eyes cracked open, blinked, and then closed again. Kou's smile was twitching before he flapped the blanket, producing a cold breeze towards Y/n. She flinched and then brought her knees closer to her, she's like a baby desperately keeping herself warm. "Hmmmm.......!" She hummed uncomfortably, then slowly opened her eyes. 'I just slept. Why is he or she waking me up? What time is it?' She lifted her head annoyed.

"Finally! Koneko-chan, I didn't know you were a heavy sleeper." Kou teased Y/n frowned, confused of why he is here. "Come on, Koneko-chan, sit down." Kou patted the bed's side and Y/n reluctantly sat up and looked at Kou still dazed and confused.(Parap parap parap para para-) She then gestured Kou to give the blanket back, he returned it and she wrapped herself in it. Smiling a little because of the warmth, she forgot Kou was there. Kou cleared his throat, and Y/n looked at her.

Yo! I'm back sorry for the short chapter guys and the cliff. And thanks for the votes by the way for my other book "A new day A new life" I was shocked when I saw that someone voted for every chapter.

Shout out to @Anonymouse_14 for noticing my mistake. I actually noticed it then I kinda forgot when writing OR my lazy ass didn't edit it. Don't worry I think I'll edit it in the future(hahahah).

Thank you very much for voting on A new day A new life guys. I didn't do this there because y'all might not read it cause it was dicontinued. Though, I'm happy that some voted even though I didn't continue it. That was my first book so I really appreciated you voting it. And thank you also for the follow.

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