Eternity And Automated Messages

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(Error sans x Underlust sans)

Word prompt: voicemail

There were perks to being the destroyer of universes, and Error would be lying if he said he didn't take advantage of many of them.

Everyone, save for the odd exception, knew that Error was untouchable. His stats were glitched beyond legibility and his attacks were strong enough to easily kill within a single turn. While certain outcodes such as Dream or Ink or Nightmare may have fared an even chance with him in battle, most matches against him were pitiful. 

For the most part Error enjoyed not being bothered by the numerous anomalies in the multiverse. Most feared him they didn't dare interact with him. He got what he wanted when he wanted it because the majority of monsters were too scared to deny him anything. And those who did were never a cause for concern much longer.

Being the destroyer of the multiverse was nice, cushy almost. It was lonely too.

"hey error, i know you're probably busy now since i can't get a hold of you, but me and my brother have some tickets to mettaton's upcoming show! i was wondering if you'd want to tag along?"

Error remembered when he relished the feeling of isolation, the freedom of being completely alone. Socialization had never been his strong suit, really.

He preferred his own company and would rather be left alone than to entertain others.

"if you can't then it's no big deal, i'll give the tickets to alphys or someone; you were just the first person who came to mind. you're always couped up in the anti-void and i figure that can't be healthy. "

But now, he wondered whether he truly loved loneliness or if it was simply easier to be alone. Easier to be shut off than to bear through the possibility of being rejected.

Error knew he was already so hated, but how could he ever cope with opening up and knowing what people truly thought of him? And better yet, how would he deal if someone actually liked him?

"i know i bug you more often than you like, but monsters are social creatures and i'm sure being alone all the time can mess you up in the head. if going to a show isn't really your speed, then how about we hang out at my place for a little? we can watch those cheesy romance movies i know you like."

He had once read that if one wanted the rewards of being loved, then they have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known.

The quote had always struck a chord in him, and a sore one too. But he had never quite understood what it meant until he met Lust.

"oh, and i can buy a bunch of that expensive chocolate you like, i've been working overtime at grillby's after all. i know you aren't fond of underlust but you could stay over the night if you'd like."

Lust had been… a miracle to Error. And one he hadn't deserved at that.

He had barged into Lust's universe with the charming intent of wiping it from the multiverse, to just say lightly. He had been in the process of destroying Snowdin when Lust, bold and defiant and stupid Lust, had decided to tackle him. He wasn't proud to say he glitched out before going unconscious.

He woke up some hours later bound in a burrito of blankets in a completely purple room he didn't recognize. Lust had come later, not angry nor with ill intent, but instead, coaxing and urging him to calm down. How could Error have ever known that such circumstances were what the start of such a non-conventional relationship would look like?

"or we could go ice skating, there's this really cute little lake in the snowdin woods that's frozen over. it's really quiet and not a lot of people know about it, me and my brother used to go all the time. it's been a while, actually."

Lust had been patient with Error and all of his quirks and faults. Always calm and gentle like he was attempting to convince a frightened stray to eat out of his hands.

Error remembered the first time Lust called him a friend, and he remembered how scared he was that he'd screw up again and that Lust would leave him. That if he revealed how terrible he truly was that his first and only "friend" would be gone in an instant. And of course he screwed up again. But of course Lust stayed.

"if you have any ideas i'm pretty open, just tell me! even if it's just sitting in the anti-void together watching undernovela. it's been a month or two so i'd be happy to just catch up with you. you'd be lying if you said you would rather be alone after all this time."

His time with Lust had been torturously brief. Barely a flash in the time he'd lived.

Being the destroyer of universes came with a lot of abilities, and functional immortality was one of the few. His irregular soul, warped by all the time he had spent in the anti-void, was held together by the same blue strings that he used to kill and his HP was constantly glitching in ways that shouldn't have been possible. It was some sick joke that for someone on the constant verge of death, it was so hard for Error to die. 

Skeleton's could live centuries, and Lust did, but for someone fated to exist until the end of time even hundreds of years barely registered to him.

Their relationship had evolved from friends to lovers within their time together, and they had made plenty of good, and now bittersweet, memories.

"i'm sorry for talking so long, just call me when you get the chance please! see you soon! bye!"

Error let his phone fall to his side as the voicemail ended, and allowed the warm and painful stirring in his heart to settle. After a lifetime spent with Lust, nothing but a few pictures and messages were what he had saved of their time together. Not many other sentimentals had stood the test of time.

The messages, the ones he'd had listened to over and over again in the vain hope of not forgetting his voice, had lost their heart a while ago. The drone on constant replay might as well have been automated.

How long had it been since he'd last seen his smile, since the death of his lover? Years, decades, or centuries? Not being able to remember was worse than losing him.

Yes, being the destroyer of universes had many perks, but when all was said and done; Error was still left alone.

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