A Wordless Exchange

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Requested by xxxxXxReaperxXxxxx


(Error sans x Nightmare sans)

Word prompt: cuddle

Nightmare didn't stir behind his large, stone desk when Error wandered into his lavish office without so much as greeting him.

Had it been anyone else, the disrespect would have been tangible. Yet he didn't bat an eye when Error waltzed in unannounced.

Maybe because it had been a few weeks, or perhaps even months, since he had last seen the glitch, but both that and his sudden appearance failed to surprise him. Error always had a tendency to float about and seemed generally incapable of staying in any one place too long. Whether he was in the antivoid or travelling through universes, tracking him was a difficult endeavor Nightmare didn't waste time attempting. For all he knew, Error may have well been quietly roaming his castle for the past few days without his knowledge- it was quite large.

But it wasn't particularly to his concern as they had made an agreement of neutrality long ago; so long as Error didn't destroy the many universes under his reign nor ruin his plans, Nightmare wouldn't attack him and Error would be allowed total safety within his territory. Error used this arrangement to his advantage liberally, often retreating to his castle to lick wounds from fights with the star sanses or to rest while he was moving. It was far from unusual to find him lingering around for no reason in particular either.

Nightmare didn't mind in its entirety, having someone capable of such damage so close and on such good terms with himself was extremely useful- and he was granted favors by him sometimes. But still- keeping such a useful tool on a tight leash wasn't the best course of action, as he knew much better than to try and tack down the god of destruction.

So Error left and reappeared as he pleased without supervision and such a level of trust had allowed a sort of relationship to develop between them over the years.

Error quizzically observed the papers Nightmare was filling out- routine, boring paperwork- before picking up a pen himself.

Paperwork...wasn't something Nightmare was fond of. Even after waging a war against his brother for well over two hundred years, the sheer amount of paperwork was probably the only thing close to a cause that could make him surrender. Though he always attempted to be professional and not complain, his irritability when completing such a tasteless task still shined through. After years of silently watching him, maybe Error knew this.

Perhaps that's why Error summoned a foldable chair from out of his INVENTORY and opened it up before dragging it behind Nightmares desk next to him. The old, busted thing was bent in too many places and squeaked and scraped the floor as it was dragged along stone tiles. It shuddered as Error sat in it and was pathetic compared to Nightmare's own seat, which he had ensured was the most comfortable, expensive, seat in the entire castle aside from his actual throne.

Such was the running trend with Error, he tended to neglect his own items over time and only cared to replace them when on the verge of complete collapse. This was most evident in his clothes, stitched together and patched up with his own blue thread. Nightmare had made the offer multiple times to have new ones made for him, only to be refused.

Error put on his pair of red glasses that were also bent and held together by thick tape and sheer will. They were tacky, but somewhat...cute on him, making them the only thing of Error's Nightmare hadn't offered to replace despite the fact that the prescription might have been a little outdated. So Error sat beside him and began to file through papers squinting through glasses well past their replacement date.

Nightmare also chose not to comment on the fact that Error waited until he had not-so-subtly scooted over until their elbows were touching to start the pile of paperwork he'd split between the two of them. His own wordless greeting.

Error wasn't fond of touching, he did his best to avoid it actually, but still tried to tolerate it in order to reaffirm the gentle bond between the two feared outcasts. It was as close as they were gonna get to any true in depth embrace for the moment, because the destroyer of worlds and prince of negativity didn't cuddle.

The comfortable silence between them was filled with the scratching of pens on paper as words were never quite needed. Mindless chatter was cumbersome when they already knew everything about each other through their presence alone. They knew that, despite everything, they cared about one another enough to interact so comfortably, so silently. What more could they possibly need to talk about?

When Error finished his own pile in record time- always so much more proficient with paperwork despite what looks would suggest- he helped Nightmare with his. Upon completion, Error quietly slipped back out the door as Nightmare called for a servant to collect the completed work and prepared to head to another meeting about war strategies or something positively dull, not knowing when the next time he'd encounter the glitch would be.

Error often went, and he always came back. And so too did Nightmare.

There was no need to fuss.

That was just what their love meant.

A/N: Probably disappointed with this chapter, and I admit I really reached with having "cuddle" as a prompt. But these two dark bois just don't seem like the type to sit and snuggle, though Error tries. What do you expect when two tsunderes get into a relationship?

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