Stars And Sacrifices

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Requested by Internet_stranger


(Undertale sans x Outertale sans)

Word prompt: angst

There had been another reset.

Classic had lost count of how many that made a while ago. After a while it had just become the way of things; simply how his life went. So it shouldn't have surprised as much as it did. It shouldn't have hurt as much any more. But it shouldn't have happened.

Classic...was tired. He didn't understand why Frisk would do such a thing nor why they would do it so often. Hadn't things been going so well?

It had been a pacifist run this time, to his mercy. He'd been happy- or at least as happy as he could have been that at least his brother and friends weren't killed this time around. As happy as he could have been knowing that there was every chance he could wake up tomorrow and have to restarted in a loop that never seemed to end.

He wasn't entirely sure if the kid didn't know that the underground wasn't just some personal playground for them to run around in, and he wasn't sure if he entirely cared. Sure they were just a kid, a stupid child with no idea of how they affected everything each time they reset, but did it truly matter with so many lives on the line?

For the first time in a while, emotions Classic had long since learned to suppress came bubbling up. Anger and helplessness and every other nasty, snarling feeling flooded him with no reprieve.

And maybe his overwhelmed state was what allowed one voice in the back of his head to whisper gruesome solutions to him. It said that maybe he could stop them before they reset again. The little voice  filled with hatred and yearning for peace whispered to him so sweetly, so convincingly, that he actually considered it for a moment.

He considered it; the possibility of getting rid of Frisk and destroying their SOUL before they had the chance to reset. Of doing the dirty deed then maybe having a chance at a normal life. Then he put off the idea and immediately headed to his boyfriend's house.

It was a desire for comfort so instinctual that he didn't notice as he typed coordinates for Outertale into the pad. Not as the quiet whirr of the machine started up with a hum. He didn't recognize the movement of his feet as he weaved through the large series of space stations that the majority of Outertale consisted of, all afloat in the vastness of the galaxies. 

Not until he was engulfed in arms that made all the strange numbness and frustration fade away. He dug his face into a plush jacket and allowed tension and thoughts and emotions to drift away unheeded. If only this could be his home.

Outer didn't need to ask what was wrong, as the eye bags and tear stains and quivering frame told him all he needed to know. He'd been surprised at first when his boyfriend had burst into his room and threw himself into a hug that sent them both floating off the ground in his room's zero gravity atmosphere. But he didn't dare question as to what had caused such an episode this time.

Instead he ran a soothing hand along Classic's spine and let his boyfriend hold him. Outertale suffered no resets so he could hardly relate to what he was going through, and thus little he said could truly help in any way that mattered. 

It was during times like these that Outer felt bad for being jealous of Classic and his universe.

No one ever quite understood how Outer could desire a universe other than his own. Yes, his AU was beautiful and grand and getting to live in the middle of space made him so lucky, but he couldn't help that he wanted more. 

His universe was large, spread over thousands of interconnected stations all in various points of space each with their own purpose that fit together nicely like some sort of puzzle. But in a place so big, single people were rarely taken into account. When they were spoken about they always were reduced to numbers or marks on a chalkboard because they system wouldn't flow any less smoothly if a few were to disappear. It hardly mattered how pretty it was, because could a place really be a home when it didn't notice whether he was gone?

In Classic's universe, a small place contained underground, he mattered because he had friends and family to miss him if he ever disappeared. Outer would be lucky if anyone besides his brother noticed if he dropped dead.

But both of their homes were faulted, so perhaps they were silly in wanting for what the other had. So they sat in each other's embrace, floating into the middle of space and surrounded by twinkling stars.

Outer's universe was completely indifferent to him and Classic's world had been invaded by a child wielding too much power, but maybe they could find home in each other.

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