To Be Better

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A gift fic I made for my friend a while ago!


(Underfell sans x Undertale sans)

Word prompt: family

Red... had never thought of himself as much of a fatherly figure. 

He had known for a while that he was much too loud and brash and rude to be someone's father. Too eager to drink and somehow even more eager to fling himself into a drunken bar fight. Often prone to coming home shit-faced and beat up after a long night.

And drinking was only one of his many vices, the many vices that made his ability to be a sound parental figure questionable at least. He smoked, and cursed too much- he wasn't soft and gentle and loving like any good parent should be. Hell with the way he acted most of the time, the idea that anyone would actually trust him with a kid was more surprising than his poor child rearing skills.

Sure, he'd raised his own brother- but to say he'd served as any sort of fatherly figure or parental unit would have been a bold face lie. He had more or less just tasked himself with keeping Papyrus alive as they roamed the streets as orphans; even going as far to say that he "raised" his brother was a bit presumptuous. The only thing he really did was make sure the damn idiot didn't drop dead.

He had only been a few years older than Papyrus, toting his tiny sibling around on his back as they rummaged through garbage cans. They moved from place to place quickly in order to ensure they weren't ever noticed, with Red pretty much dragging his smaller companion around.

Red did pride himself on the many skills he taught his little brother. How to pick locks. How to steal. How to lie. All the basic survival skills to make sure that Papyrus would have the greatest chance at survival he could in a place like Underfell.

And he loved his brother dearly of course, but he hadn't turned out the best from Red's rearing. Egotistical, gruff, and loud just like him. And rough around the edges all the same.

But he was alive, so Red could say that he  had accomplished his most basic goal.

But now was a different story.

His current situation left him stranded and flailing about in unfamiliar territory as he looked into the innocent eyes of a baby bones who was simply too unbearably small.

He'd never expected to be a father, and to be honest- neither did Classic. With how immature the two were at times being parents simply hadn't been on their agenda. But months after both of their initial surprise, Red finally got to meet the culmination of such unexpected circumstances.

Red was completely removed from his element the moment a tiny, squirming infant was placed in his arms. His son, apparently.

The words "his son" felt wrong both in his head and on his tongue, but the tiny bundle still somehow managed to fit in his arms so perfectly.

Big eyed, he looked to the nurses and then to Classic in utter questioning of whether he was legally allowed to hold something so small, so fragile.

This time around, he'd have to raise another little baby bones. His own child now.

This time he wouldn't need to accustom such a tiny thing to a cruel world. This time he wouldn't have to worry about foraging and scrounging around for scraps. Red wouldn't have to teach him to fight and claw and bite for everything he wanted. This time he would have to do better.

Now he would have to delicately walk this little one through abc's and first steps and all the other things Red wasn't good at. Where he was proficient in the art of survival, theft, and general bullshittery he'd have to go above and beyond to teach this kid more. To be more for this kid.

The pint-sized monster yawned and his tiny hands were barely able to wrap around one of Red's claws as he brought it up to his mouth to harmlessly chew on with a soft mouth lacking both teeth and ill intentions.

Small legs kicked and writhed, desperate to be free of the power blue blanket he was swaddled in. Not even a day old and already had Red's signature impatience. Comically wide and curious eyes looked around quietly, tiny and desperate to be big already- and explore. They were a soft, dusty purple in color. The perfect mixture of red and blue.

"Calm down, lil guy. You'll get there, just a bit slower than you'd like." He cooed.

Classic watched on affectionately as Red spoke soft and lovingly to a bundle with positively no comprehension of what this large, gruff monster was saying to him. Yet the baby was amused nonetheless, as he reached towards the big monster grinning goofily at him.

Red wasn't much of a father, but for this kid, he would sure as hell try.

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