Unfortunate Events

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Requested by LaceyNewman9


(Horrortale sans x Underlust sans)

Word prompt: angst

You have to believe Horror when he says that it was an accident. That he didn't mean to.

He hadn't wanted to hurt Lust. He just hadn't been able to control himself during the feeding frenzy he'd been caught in.

It had been a matter of bad timing, honestly. Lust had simply...gotten in the way. He'd made the fatal mistake of coming between Horror and a meal, and he couldn't have helped himself. His caring nature had been his downfall as Lust had thrust himself in front of the injured human Horror had every intention of hunting. He hadn't been able to control it.

He shouldn't have taken Lust with him in the first place, he was too kind and gentle. Throwing away his own life for that of a human who was already doomed was only what he should have expected.

His own magic, tainted by LV, screamed for violence and he was just so hungry. In that state he hadn't really been able to distinguish food from friend, because with his soul singing for bloodshed, did it really matter? As long as he could hurt something and as long as he could eat, in a split second he decided that it didn't.

He doesn't quite remember when the feeling of torn human flesh beneath his claws had turned into the crunching of delicate bones that were flushed such a beautiful purple at the joints. A flurry of tears and two fists pounding at his back in a useless attempt to make him stop went unnoticed in the heat of the moment. While everything seemed to happen so quickly, he found himself failing to remember if it was a human or a skeleton suffering the brunt of his attack. 

Horror only really was able to realize what had happened when he had finally come to his senses, holding a torn and bloodstained purple jacket with his tongue heavy with monster dust.

The only person who had ever truly believed in him despite the fact that he was the very last person who deserved it, the only person who had ever been brave enough to love him, was dead and gone. Gone from Horror, gone for good, and gone forever. Lust left behind no goodbye kisses or playful flirts or mischievous laughter. Only resounding memories of the smaller skeleton begging for mercy before he made peace with fate. And saying that he wasn't angry with Horror for it.

Always the pacifist, he hadn't put up much of a fight. But Horror wishes he had, because then maybe, just maybe then he would have had enough time to snap out of it and realize what he was doing. To stop himself before any of this had happened. Or at least make amends before one of the only people in this damned world he cared about dusted in his arms. All because of him.

So you have to believe Horror when he said he was sorry, because he had no one else who would.

A/N: sorry this took so long! I was busy with other projects at the moment.

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