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hey! this is a sequel to my other book, concert, go check it out:)
by the way! I know i said this was going to b written when summer ended but here i am:))

3 years later

"rebecca! rumor says you are dating musician harry styles, is that true?" one of the paparazzi asked putting a mic in front of my face, i chuckled and shook my head "no, completely fake" i aswered smiling and posing to the other cameras like the diva i am.

so my life has changed quite a lot.

now i have four siblings, harry, you already know him, mark, luke and the youngest and only girl, madelyn.

i havent dated anyone since jaden.

my mother... well today has been 2 years since she died in an accident. it hurts a lot but my new father, john who loved my mother as nobody has, has taken care of me as a daughter.

he works for a model agency and he made me one of the most famous ones. right now im doing some work in new york.

today im visiting addison and avani, at LA.

we agreed not to see anyone else, just bryce and obviously payton.

i lost contact with everyone except them when jaden started dating mads again.

it was really soon so it hurt a lot then. it doesn't anymore, of course not, im SO over him. haha. yeah. yeah. obviously. welp. yeah.
they broke up but i don't care. i don't. lol

right now i don't live in a specific place, my manager that is my dad's secretary is now deciding wether im staying in spain or somewhere else.

also! im very popular in social media rn.
twitter: 8M
tiktok: 52M
instagram: 78M

i grabbed my back and walked out of the plane. i saw avani and addi in the distance. i run to them and hugged them, they hugged me back tightly, it has been a while since i last saw them.

"no hi for me?" bryce said, i smiled and hugged him. "how much are you staying for this time?" addi asked, i shrugged "by the way, some people want to say hi" avani said and pointed to olivia charli and payton. i hugged them too, i wasn't planning on seeing charli and via but i love them so yup

"well lets go to my house, you can leave ur bags there" avani said, i nodded and we walked to her house. she unlocked the door and guided me to the room i usually sleep at.

i left my bags there and walked back to the others "lets go do something fun" charli said, i nodded "um becca" bryce said rubbing the back of his head, i looked at him "um well there is a party tonight... at the sway house. you wanna go?" he asked nervously. actually maybe i should go, some people there are my friends and i missed them so yeah. "sure" i said, he gave me a confused look "ok thats new" avani said, i giggled "i haven't seen them in three fucking years so maybe it is time" i said, they smiled widely

"okay then lets go" addi said "its only like 8pm what kind of party starts at this time?" i asked "sway parties" charli answered, i chuckled and we got in paytons car.

we arrived within half an hour. i sighed before opening the door "are you sure you want to go?" olivia asked, i smiled and opened the door. i bumped into a tall body

"no fucking way" josh said, i smiled widely as he pulled me into a hug "hey" i said "it took you a long time to come missy" he said, i smiled and nessa came "wait, becca!" she yelled, i chuckled and hugged her. "so you both are back" i said, josh nodded. i was so happy for them, i knew they would end up going back.

i walked to grab some drinks "hey griggs" i said, quinton jumped back and his jaw dropped when he saw me "what?" "when?" "what the fuck are you doing here?" he asked and pulled me into a hug. a lot of hugs tonight. "well i missed you too" i said, he grinned "so you are staying at LA?" he asked smiling wide "im not sure yet" i said, he nodded understanding and pulled me into another hug "gosh i missed you" he said "i missed you too q"

someone patted my shoulder "becca?" "sophie!" i said pulling jaden's sister into a hug "i missed you being around" she said, i smiled and nodded "im glad to see you!" i said "me too! have u seen jaden?" she asked, i shook my head "oh there he is!" she said and pointed behind me, i saw jaden between a crowd. he looked amazingly hot. haha im kidding....

"wait are you becca smith!" a girl asked patting my shoulder, i nodded "oh my. can i take a picture with you?" she asked, i obviously nodded and she took a selfie with me. "thanks!" she said walking away, what a nice girl.

"becca?" "jaden" we both stared for a few seconds, he was perfect. oh gosh.

"wh- what are you doing here?" he asked "bryce wanted to come so yeah" i said, he nodded "cool" he said, i nodded awkwardly "yeah, cool" i answered. "bec" i heard someone call, i looked behind me and saw payton "oh hi jae" he said "save me" i mouthed, he chuckled "well ima have to steal her for a bit" pay said wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "yeah, bye" jaden said before leaving

"gosh thanks that was awkward" i said, he chuckled. i bumped into someone i didn't know. "shit im sorry" she said, looking at the red stain she had drawn on my shirt. "its okay" i kindly said "i will lend you my hoodie" payton said taking it off. i was wearing a sports bra so i didn't bother to take my shirt off and put his hoodie on.

we walked a bit more. i bumped into someone else, jaden. he rolled his eyes and walked away. okay. that wasn't nice. payton gave me a confused look, i shrugged.

"babes im going home" avani said "okay ill go too" i said "bye pay" i said, he smiled and hugged me "see ya loser" he said, i rolled my eyes playfully and we walked away "so payton?" avani said "what about him" i asked and took a sip of a of water "you like him" she said, i choked on my water "no avani! gross!" i almost yelled "fine" she said smirking, i rolled my eyes "tomorrow i am going there again i gotta talk to someone" she said rubbing the back of her head, i looked at her confused. probably anthony, apparently they have something again.

we arrived home quick, i took off my shoes and walked to my room. don't ever ask why i did this but i got on jadens Instagram account and started stalking it as i used too. i scrolled to the very bottom.

i put on a big tee that reached my knees and had one of the disgusting meals i have to eat as a model. not disgusting but healthy which is also disgusting but im kinda used to it now.

avani was already asleep.

i walked to my room and closed the windows. i brushed my teeth and got in bed

"faster" i heard avani moan

i was gonna throw up. i grabbed a pillow and covered my head with it, i dont wanna hear her fuck, no thanks.

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