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i walked downstairs, jaden stayed there, idk what he was doing but at least it wasn't as awkward.

"nick left" josh said "but they did have fun" bryce added looking at my neck covered with dark hickeys, i rolled my eyes and sat down next to addison. "should we talk to avani?" i asked, she shook her head "prolly not" she answered, i nodded and jaden came downstairs.

he sat down "why the fuck did you do that bud" quinton said, jaden stood up and walked back upstairs. we heard a few yells and after 15 mins they finally came down. ant and avani seemed to be okay and jaden, well, he was walking behind them.

they sat down and there was a huge awkward silence. "umm" i said softly "lets watch a movie?" payton asked, the others agreed and we decided to watch Gretel and Hansel, not Hansel and Gretel, this is an horror one.

as usual, everyone was scared with the movie and payton and i were just laughing at them. yeah, we are annoying.

pappa: sweetheart, we don't know where you are staying yet.
also, you have a photoshoot in 1h, he'll contact you.
for a bikini brand.
love you honey

me: ok dad! :) Ily2

there were only 10 minutes of the movie yet so when it finished i stood up "i gotta go" i said "ughh why?" payton asked, i smiled "a photoshoot" "why can't we go?" addison asked "i don't think I'm allowed to take 10 people" "what about two?" payton asked, i thought about it for a second and nodded "yeah but we have to go" i said "ill go" payton said, i smirked "then me too" jaden said. ngl, i didn't really want him to come. "okay lets go" i said, they stood up and we walked outside, i got a called

x: morning rebecca! im your photographer, mark
me: hi!
x: your manager told you about the phostoshoot didnt he?
me: yes he did
x: great, well ill send you the adress.
me: okay! see you soon then
x: see you.

my phone buzzed again, he sent me the adress. "Ill call an uber" i told pay and jaden "let me drive" jaden offered "ok, thanks" we got in the car. "how many photoshoots do you usually do in a normal week?" payton asked "from four to seven, depending on the week" "what the fuck thats crazy" jaden said, i chuckled "yeah i know".

we soon arrived and we got in the studio. there were 4 people, a boy who seemed to be the stylist, a girl and another boy who was probably the one who did my makeup and the photographer, who is probably mark. he was around our age

mark walked to us "goodmorning guys" he said with a grin on his face. how tf does he have his teeth so perfect. "good morning!" i answered "well we are doing 5 different bikinis" he said, i nodded "we'll do different makeup to each one but wont take a long time as make up for the pool must be something really natural" he said, i smiled and nodded "okay then please go there" he said pointing at the makeup table "and my friends will do your makeup" he said, i nodded and walked to payton and jaden "you guys are allowed to go, this will take a bit" i said, they both shook their heads

for the first look they put on some really natural makeup and this bikini:

for the first look they put on some really natural makeup and this bikini:

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i sat on a tall chair and posed as they told me to.

i repeated this process five times with different bikinis. when i finally finished i put my original clothes back on and walked to where jaden and payton were. they were sleeping, jaden's head laying on payton's shoulder and his head on top of jaden's.

"becca" mark called, i turned around "come back sometime this week to check the pictures" he said, i grinned "of course"

i patted jadens shoulder, he opened his beautiful eyes and gave me a little smile, he removed his head from paytons shoulder, making him wake up "are you done yet" payton said, i giggled and nodded.

we walked back to the car. i got a call, my phone was connected to the bluetooth of jadens car so it sounded through the speaker.

"bwecca?" a little girls voice said, it was my little sister. she is a three year old
"madelyn" i said happily
"i mwiss you" she said, a smile grew on my face
"i miss you too" i answered, i heard her giggle through the phone
"luke wants to twalk" she said
"ok princess, ill see you soon"
"hi loser" luke said, he is my brother. he is my age
"hey dork how you doin'"
"great u know who is here?"
"martin" i sighed heavily, i had a little thing with him when i was in spain and he is my brothers best friend so he doesnt know
"uh hey" martin's raspy voice said, a little smile appeared on my face
"hello, uh is luke hearing this?" i asked him
"nah and he doesn't know yet if thats what you were gonna ask" i giggled
"that's exactly what i was gonna ask"
"great well come back soon or i swear to god ill take my ass to la"
"i don't know when ill go but that would actually be sick"
"i know, well gotta go"
"later martin"
"later becky"
end called

"ohhh" anthony said with a smirk "ur brothers friend?" he asked "what are you talking about, of course not" i said being fake mad

the ride home was kind of awkward.

𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄, hosslerWhere stories live. Discover now