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"HI" payton said laughing at how excited i was to see him, i smiled and hopped on the passenger seat.

my dad called me when we were half our way to the mall

*payton's pov*

"hey dad" she said as she answered the call
"see ya dad!"

she looked at me grinning, we had just arrived. i parked the car and we both got out. "pay" she said, smiling "mhm?" "i am moving here" she said, i spit on my drink "YOU ARE KIDDING" i said, she smiled and i pull her into a tight hug, lifting her from the ground. "i just gotta stay in avanis a few more weeks and then ill probably get my own apartment" she said smiling "you have to tell everyone" i said "ill tell them tonight" she said smiling.

*becca's pov*

payton came to a shop with me to buy a dress for tonight. it was the third one i was trying on and it still looked horrible to my eyes.
"why can't i just wear sweats" i asked groaning
"come on becca this one does look good" he said
"look im not gonna keep looking so ill just stick with this one" i said, he smiled
"thanks god i can't stand you" he said, i chuckled and showed him my middle finger

i paid for my dress. "im starving" i told payton, he smiled "taco bell?" he suggested, i grinned "of course!" I said excited

we ate our food and he drove me to avanis.

"VONI" i yelled as i got in the house "BEDROOM" she yelled back

"okay i have news" i said sitting next to her
"good or bad ones" she asked sitting too
"well im moving to LA"
"WAIT YESSSSSS YES YES THATS GREAT THAT IS SO FUCKING GREAT OH MY GOD. HAVE YOU TOLD THE BOYS YET? OR PAYTON? AND ADDI? AYYEEE YAY" she yelled, i chuckled "calm down" i said, she smiled and pulled me into a hug


"BECCA COME ON WE ARE LATE" avani shouted "GOING" i yelled back. i put on the heels she made me wear and walked to her. "let me wear sneakers PLEASE" i begged, she shook her head "come on" she said, i sighed.

as a model i am used to heels now but they are still annoying.

we arrived to the hype house within 10 minutes. i opened the door and charli and chase pulled me into a hug "payton told us" charli said, i looked at payton who giggled "oop" he said looking down, i chuckled.

i patted nick's shoulder "happy birthday" i said, he smiled as he pulled me into a hug "im glad you came" he said with a big grin drawn on his face "you know where the boys are at?" i asked, he nodded and held my hand before we made our way through the crowd.

i found bryce and jaden sitting on a couch with a few more people i didn't know.

"okay thanks nicky" i said smiling "no prob see ya" he said before walking away

"yo becca" bryce yelled as he walked to me and hugged me "hi bryce" i said, he was still hugging me tight when he started spinning me around "bryce stop" i said laughing, he finally stopped and grabbed both of my wrists "listen becca i want you to know you are my favorite friend" he said as a tear rolled down his face "oh my god bryce how much have you drank?" i asked he started laughing loudly "YO BUDDY DONT STEAL MY GIRL" jaden said. that made the butterflies on my stomach get crazy. "hi babygirl" he said and cupped my face before planting his soft pink lips on mine. he pulled away and laid on the couch looking at the ceiling and humming a song, im not sure which though.

i decided to stay sober as avani was starting to drink and someone had to drive us home.

"becca?" josh asked, he actually did seem sober "hey josh" "please tell me you aren't drunk" he said, i chuckled and shook my head.

we sat down on a couch and laughed at how stupid everyone was acting.

payton came and laid on my lap "oh gosh" i muttered.

payton slowly fell asleep on my lap and his grip was tight around my waist

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