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"i just came here to say thank you" i said he lightly smiled and his hand made his way through his blonde wet hair. "im gonna dye my hair, like right now" he said "what colour?" I asked him "i have tons of colors but i think black or red i don't know" he said, i smiled "i want it red" i said, he gave me a wide toothy grin and walked to a bag that was laying on the floor.

he was the first one to dye it. we decided not to show eachother until both of us were done.

"okay 3... 2... 1..." i opened my eyes "WAIT IT LOOKS SICK" i shouted looking at jaden's messy black hair "my turn" he said, i smiled and counted to three. he opened his eyes "holly SHIT it looks great" he yelled, i smiled.

we laid down next to eachother and started catching up. not about relationships and all of that. not because it would have been awkward, of course not. as i said a hundred times i am so over him l o l

"you know what?" he asked, i looked to him smiling "well just a few months ago i saw the house you used to live at, no one lives in it right now, i got to the roof and looked at the stars" a crazy idea popped into my mind. "lets go watch the sunset" i said, he smiled as we ran downstairs. we raced eachother but he obviously won. "BYE" i said before slamming the door closed.

we got in the car and sang to some tyler the creator. we obviously tried to go fast as we wanted to be there to watch the sunset

we arrived and got to the roof.

i laid down looking at the sky when he pulled me closer to him. i laid my head on his chest as he traced my back softly.



"i missed you"

i smiled at him.

"i missed you too jae"

I missed every single detail of him.

and there we were, cuddling as if we were still a couple. my phone started ringing, it was payton. I looked at jaden to see if he was annoyed, he nodded his head so i answered the call.

"hey pay"
"hey watcha up to?"
"im with jay"
"oh so y'all are fucking"
"its 3am what are you doing then"
"uh talking... WELL why did you call me?"
"lets go somewhere tomorrow afternoon"
"im in, mall?"
"yuh lets have lunch there"
"okay well later pay"

jaden was now with his phone so i grabbed mine too.

?: hey, im ryland
becca: hey!
ryland: josh told me what happened with leo, im sorry i shouldn't have left
becca: its not your fault at all!

i talked with ry about random shit until i turned off my phone. i realized jaden was asleep so i cuddled with him and fell asleep too.

*jaden's pov*
i woke up by the sound chirping birds. i looked at becca. she was hugging my chest.
i stroked her red hair softly, a small smile appeared on her face which melted my heart.
she whimpered softly as her nails digged in my stomach. she moved closer to me.

suddenly my phone started ringing loud. she groaned "shit sorry" i muttered before turning off my phone.

she lifted her head from my chest and yawned cutely, she looked at me and smiled "morning hossler" she said "good morning" i answered staring at her.

*becca's pov*

jaden and i decided to go to the sway. we hopped in his car and arrived in 10 minutes. the ride was silent but not an awkward one.

"oh here they are" bryce said as we arrived "lovebirds" quinton said smiling. i rolled my eyes "we are friends" jaden said. OW OW OW. i nodded and faked a smile.

"i gotta call payton" i said leaving the room.

"hey, mall in an hour?" he asked as he answered
"yes yes yes" i said excited
"becca we saw eachother yesterday" he chuckled
"SO? i still miss you"
"fine, u r at the sway right?"
"ok ill pick you up in 45' "
"kay see ya loser"
"later dork"

I hung up and cyn ran to me "theres a party tonight, nicks birthday" she said "wait today?" I asked her, she nodded "he is 20" she said "wow i thought he was a lot younger" i said, cynthia chuckled and nodded "wait lets call him" she said, i smiled as we got in the living room. the boys decided to join us os we ft him.

"YO HAPPY BIRTHDAY" bryce shouted as nick answered


"come to the hype tonight y'all, sway is necessary" nick said, they all chuckled

"SWAY WAY BA- BYY" josh yelled

"wait the girls have to come too" someone said from the distance

"addison?" Bryce asked, she popped in the frame and smiled

"HE DOESNT SAY IT BUT HE WANTS BECCA TO COME REALLY REALLY BAD" someone shouted, i giggled. nick gave a glare to someone and we heard a chuckle.

"she is going" cynthia said, nick smirked "YO COME ON" ryland shouted getting in the frame "hey bec" he said, i smiled and waved. "well see y'all tonight" nick said before hanging up "so nicca or rebick uh i don't know" cynthia said i laughed and shook my head "that isn't a thing at all" i said "okay sure" quinton said rolling his eyes

i heard a honk "thats mine, see y'all" i said almost running away.

𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄, hosslerWhere stories live. Discover now