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josh and i struggled but finally made our way to the sway with the boys + pay + addi + voni

"ill stay here i have no keys anyways" i said, josh nodded as he threw himself on the couch quickly falling asleep

josh sleeping at the living room.
quinton at his room with cyn
addi with bryce
voni and ant
griff and dix
payton and jaden

i walked to jadens room as it was the largest. both payton and jaden were cuddling on the bed. i chuckled and took a picture of the two sleeping boys.

don't even ask why but i was so fucking tired i slept at the bathtub 

"oh gosh bec" payton said, i groaned and opened my eyes. "morning" i said, he walked to me and pulled me out of the bath tub, i smiled and pulled him into a hug

"have you told anyone yet?" payton asked pulling away, i looked at him confused
"that you are moving here dummy"
"shit i forg-"
"YOU ARE MOVING TO LA?!" jaden yelled as he jumped out of bed, he groaned and rubbed his eyes but still with an excited face "yes" i said smiling "who's are those?" payton asked pointing at a hickey on my neck

*party flashback*

i giggled as jaden laid on top of me "my girl" he whispered in my ear "WhAt?" avani said making me laugh crazy  for no reason. jaden suddenly started kissing my neck "oh shit jaden stop" i said, he wouldn't listen he just kept kissing it softly yet passionate leaving a trace of hickeys

"becca?" payton asked "uh no one's" i said, i think it would be awkward if jaden knew about it. i mean everyone says what you say drunk are sober thoughts but he doesn't want me.
i wish he fucking did.

"come on just tell us" jaden said, he wasn't smiling as payton was though.
"uh i don't know" i said, payton bursted into laughing "you kissed someone you don't even know?" payton laughed "no, i just can't remember" i said, he chuckled and nodded "fine ima go shower" he said leaving the room to go in the bathroom. he closed the door

"really who was it" jaden said moving my hair to a side so he could see the dark hickeys "you" i whispered "what?" he asked "you did" i said, jadens eyes wided "m- me?" he asked, i nodded "shit im sorry" "jaden you were drunk" i said, he sighed "i didn't care" i muttered loud enough for him to hear me "oh. uh-" he said, his hand making its way through his messy hair "i- i gotta go" i said as i opened the door and walked to the kitchen.

i grabbed a bottle of water and sat on a tall chair. a tear rolled down my face. he doesn't want me anymore. i gotta get over him.

"incoming call from leo" i obviously hung up

griffin walked in the kitchen "shit bec are you okay?" he asked worried, i sniffled and wiped my tears, then looked up to him and cracked a smile "im fine, thanks griff" i said, he walked to me and hugged me, i hugged him back. "becca are you alright?" bryce asked coming in the room. i giggled and pulled away from griffin who walked away quick "yeah just a little down" i said, he also seemed quite sad " are you okay?" i asked him, he shrugged "addison and i aregue yesterday" he said looking down, i sighed and walked to him pulling him into a hug "i guess we aren't doing too well with this love thing" i said, he chuckled "thats right" he said.

"so are you gonna tell me what happened?" bryce asked, i sighed "dont laugh dont tell anyone" i said, he smiled and nodded "well so i may like jaden again" i said. he looked at me with his eyes open wide "okay what?" he said "and i basically like told him and he just went uh oh UGH i am stupid" i said "he is stupid there's thousands of boys behind you" he said "actually maybe i take my fuckgirl ages back" i said "okay that is too much" he said, i sighed and the doorbell rang "ima go shower" bryce said, i walked to the door

"oh hey nick!" i said as i opened the door for him to come in "hey uh i am super sorry if this is awkward but would you like to hang today? like nothing really serious just taco bell maybe?" he said, i smiled "i'd love to" he grinned widely  "let me go grab a hoodie and my phobe first" i said "wait have this one" he said taking his hoodie off, i smiled and thanked him before walking upstairs for my phone

"WHY IN MY FUCKING ROOM YOU ASSHOLE" i yelled as jaden got off mads "uh i thought you were gone and uh bryce-" "okay jaden i don't care" i said, he grinned "you do care" he said, what the fuck is up with him "i actually don't" i said "i do care too" he said walking towards me. i slapped him "i don't know what the actual fuck is up with you but look mads is here you can't play with her and as much as i hate her you can't do this to her. also you dickhead, know this, i wanted the old jaden not this bipolar piece of shit" i said he just stood there looking impressed

"look i hate you too, like mortally but jaden if you are really gonna give up with her you are stupid" mads said, i looked at her amazed by what she had just said "actually thank you mads but you can keep him he actually gave up some time ago" i said jaden grabbed my wrist "uh nick is waiting for me so fuck off" i said "nick? no" jaden said, i laughed "honey you have nothing to do" i said as i grabbed my phone and walked away

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