Harry was sleeping, dreaming of who knows what, when he got pushed out of bed by none other than his roommate and best friend Ron. He groaned as he sat up "God Ron you could of just shakin' me awake" Harry said in a groggy voice since he just woke up. "Nope can't do. Go take a shower you stink. Me and Hermione will be waiting for you downstairs" Harry nodded at Ron's statement and watched him walk out. When he saw the door click he finally stood up, got his uniform and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Harry started to be friends with Hermione when he saved her from a troll in first year. From that point on he, Hermione and Ron were inseparable, like three peas in a pod. Though that didn't make his life easier since Malfoy always messed with him. Harry really didn't know why Draco hated him so much, just because he didn't want to be friends with the biggest prick and drama queen there is. As Harry was done showering and dressing up, he quickly grabbed his bag and made it down stairs to be greeted by his friends "God what took you so long? Thinking about Ginny again?" Ron smirked at his friend. "Oh Ron stop making fun of Harry. Don't worry hes just messing around, come on let's go" Hermione said and the three made it outside of their Gryfindor common room, starting to walk to the great hall for breakfast. As Ron and Hermione were walking in the front and talking, Harry was in the back thinking. He was actually dating Ginny, Ron's little sister, but he didn't feel anything tword's her anymore. The course of that is because Harry figured out he was Bi. Finding the new him he wanted to start over, that meant breaking up with Ginny, but he knew it ain't going to be easy. Since he was 'The Chosen One' every girl wanted to be with him, and every man wants to be him, so that made Ginny possessive. But Harry was wiling to take that chance. Because he was thinking he didn't see as he bumped in to someone. Harry stayed on his feet, as the other person fell. He opened his eyes to see his friend Cedric "Im sorry Cedric" Harry said as he helped the boy stand up "No problem Harry i was in a rush. I can't talk now, but hey, talk to ya later!" And with that the Hufflepuff was gone. Cedric was in his year, but he was quite older, since he didn't do good and had to redo the year. He had Brown hair and brown eye's. A pretty cool dude. "Harry you okay?" Hermione said as she put her hand on her friend's shoulder "Yeah im fine Mione, lets go" The two nodded and the Golden Trio made it to the great hall. Just as Harry sat down his possessive girlfriend Ginny clang on his arm like her life depended on it...it probably did actually. "Hi Honeyyyy~" She said, extending the 'y'. Harry cringed and tried to shake her off but that proved difficult. Finally he got his arm back and started to eat. Ginny pouted and got into Harry's face as he was eating "Why aren't you talking to me babe?~" She asked in her sweat voice. Harry heard someone snicker from behind him so he turned around, only to see Draco and his gang pointing fingers at him and laughing. When Draco saw him looking he glared at Harry, and Harry glared back. His attention was brought back to Ginny when she started to touch his thigh. Harry grabbed her hand and put it on her lap "Please Ginny just let me eat" Harry said as he looked at the ginger. "Fine" She said with a huff, before turning to her food and eating. Harry thanked the lord above in his head and started to eat when he felt eye's on him again. He turned around to see who it might be, but it turned out no one was looking. Harry thinking he was just paranoid about braking up with Ginny, turned around to look at her "Hey Gin?" The girl quickly turned to look at Harry "Yes?" She said with puppy dog eye's, playing innocent. "I have to tell you something. Meet me in the library at 6pm" Ginny only nodded and kissed Harry on the lips before he stood up and made his way out of the great hall, not waiting for any of his friend's to join.
This was a lucky day for Harry, really. First he had to think of a way to brake up with Ginny, and now he was sitting in potion's hearing who Snape will put him with "Granger, Parkinson" "Weasley, Zabini" "Potter, Malfoy" Harry groaned and made his way to sit next to Malfoy, who looked just as displeased as he was. When Snape was done with telling everyone their partner's the work began, and right of the bat the two boy's started to argue "Go get the ingredient's Potter" Malfoy said as he sat on a stool near the cauldron "And why can't you do it Malfoy? Are you too pretty?" Harry said with a taunting voice "Yes" Was Draco's only reply. Harry glared at the boy and made his way to get the ingredient's, deciding that it's not worth arguing with the git. Their second argument happened when Harry, supposedly put the wrong ingredient's in the cauldron, making their potion turn pink, not blue "What did you do now Potter?! Our potion is PINK" Harry turned away from what he was writing to an angry Malfoy "Your the one making the potion you git. Take responsibility for once" Draco glared and Harry and took out his wand "Oh il show you responsibility-" And before Draco could do anything Snape walked up to them, hit them on top of the head and took away 20 point's, saying if they make more noise that he will take a lot more off. After the bell rang Harry tried to put everything in his bag as fast as he could, but he wasn't fast enough since Snape stopped him "Potter. Stay" Harry, with a disappointed look, and Malfoy's taunting's sat down and waited for everyone to get out of the class. When everyone was out Snape wasted no time in talking "Tomorrow we will have three new student's, Professor McGonagall wanted you to show them around until they will be sorted. You will meet them at Hogsmeade with..." Harry looked at his professor, seeing that he didn't want to say the person's name, and Harry knowing his professor for so many year's figured who it might be "Professor Hagrid?" Snape glared at the boy from speaking out of place "Yes" Harry nodded and proceeded to walk out, when a question popped in his head "Professor can i ask a question?" He asked as he turned to look at the annoyed professor "What is it now Potter?" Harry ignored the cold tone of his professor "Why didn't professor McGonagall tell me this?" Snape turned away from the boy to search for something "She's busy" and with that Harry left the professor's class.
The day passed by very quickly for Harry. From hanging out with his two best bud's, to his and Malfoy's arguing. It was now getting to the hour Harry was dreading the whole day. He was standing in the library, counting the second's it turned 6pm. When the clock hit 6 as if on cue Ginny walked through the door. Well, by walk Harry meant bolting to him full force almost knocking him to the ground. Harry cought Ginny, but that only made her get closer to him, giving her the free will to kiss him all over the face. Harry gently pushed her away "Okay Ginny that's enough" The red head seemed to calm down. Detaching her self from Harry and staying just a couple centimetres away from him "Sooooo..." Harry tried to start, but he couldn't think of anything. He should of probably thought this through. Trying to calm his fast beating heart, he decided that the best way is just to say the truth, without the whole Bi deal. "Look Ginny these past couple of month's we spent together were awesome and i really loved every second of it, but im not here to tell you that. I wanted you to come here to say something important. Ginny..im breaking up with you" Harry looked at the girl, who still had a smile on her face, but he could see the tear's coming. Oh no. "Why?" She asked him in a whisper "Well it's because i-" "Why?" The girl asked again, a bit louder this time "Ginny let me explain-" "Why?!" By now she was getting louder with every word, and Harry started to freak out "Why?!WHY?!WHY!" When she started shouting at him, he knew it was his cue to run the heck out of their. When Ginny went to grab him he maneuvered out of her way and bolted out of the library "COME BACK HERE HARRY" Of course he didn't listen and just ran, thinking maybe he could escape her. Not even running for a while he collided with a person, and because he didn't want to fall he griped onto them "POTTER? The fuck are you-" But Draco didn't get to finish what he was saying since he saw the red head running to them. Without thinking he grabbed Harry's hand and the two ran away from the girl. When they turned a coner Draco pulled Harry into an abandoned classroom. When the two heard the girl's step's getting further away they stopped to breath, not realizing that their still holding hand's. When Harry did notice he quickly took his hand back and took stepped back to get away from Draco "Thank's Malfoy" The boy turned to him with a somewhat soft expression, but in was gone as soon as it came "Don't bother thanking me. I did it to save myself" Harry turned to look at Draco with a confused expression "But you-" "You were clinging on to me, what should of i done? Taken of my shirt? Your gay ass probably would of-" Draco was cut of by a flying book coming tword's his face, dust and everything. He nearly got out of the way "What was that for!" Harry glared at him and turned to walk out, but Draco was near the door so he blocked the way "Why was that psycho chasing you" "Break up" And with that Harry moved Draco aside, exiting the forgotten classroom, leaving the blonde behind.
As you have probably guessed your self this does not follow the movies, since Cedric is alive. I feel like that bean should of lived.

Fortunate events
FanfictionDraco and Harry never saw eye to eye, so when their tasked with another mystery in Hogwarts can they work together? Or will their rivalry get the best of them?