Fortune cave

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The next day continued as normal for the chaotic group, well, as normal as it could be. Everyone were just chatting with each other. Cedric stopped talking to his sister, and turned his head to look at the two Slytherin's in the back. Unina saw where he was looking and smirked "Go talk to her" Cedric turned back to his sister, blushing "And what if she says in was just in the moment" Unina rolled her eye's and dragged her brother to the two. She pushed Cedric into Ruby, who cought him, and took Blaise by the arm, dragging him away so the two love birds could talk. Cedric quickly regained his balance and got himself off of Ruby. The two walked in silence, looking anywhere but the person to their side. "I-" both of them started. They turned to look at each other, blushing and chuckling. "You can go first" Ruby said, smiling at the boy. Cedric blushed and started to rub his neck "Well i-you, what happened was-um, i-yeah-um-" Ruby giggled and kissed Cedric on the cheek. Cedric quit talking and looked at the shorter female. "I like you too Cedric" Cedric smiled. He started to lough as he picked up Ruby and started spinning her around "Im so glad!" He said, as cheerful as ever. Ruby giggled and kissed Cedric, while they were still spinning. Finally Cedric stopped spinning and kissed her back, putting her down.

Unina and the other's turned around at the sound of laughing and giggling. Unina smiled and crossed her arm's when she saw her brother and Ruby, Cedric spinning her around and both smiling. Blaise leaned closer to Unina to whisper "Their a cute duo, aren't they?" Unina shook her head whit a smile and pushed Blaise's face away "Yeah they are, you don't have to whisper that" Blaise laughed and put a hand on Unina's waist, pulling her in "What if~-" Blaise was suddenly cut of by a rock hitting his head. Hermione stomped her way and got in the middle of the two "Not today!" Unina and Blaise chuckled, while Hermione scolded Blaise for no reason. Suddenly Unina felt another hand on her shoulder. Turning her head she saw it was Ruby's hand on her shoulder, while Cedric's arm was around her waist. Unina smirked "You done love birds?" Ruby shook her head with a smile and leaned closer "I know who you likeeee~" And with that she skipped away to talk with Hermione, leaving Cedric and Unina behind. "The heck did she tell you?" Unina blushed and covered her face. It took Cedric a couple of seconds to figure out why his sister was acting this way. He chuckled and put and arm on her shoulder, dragging her to the group.

After walking for a while, Ron as always started to complain "This is so booooringgg, now i wish i was in class. I could of at least cast pranks on students" Hermione turned to him, about to scold him, before she was stopped. In front of them stood two males chatting away. "Not this again" Hermione whispered out of frustration. She walked up to the two, who turned their heads to look at her "Hello, who are you if i may ask?" The blonde one stepped forward "I am Prince Arthur of Camelot, and this is my servant, Merlin. Were looking for the-" The supposed 'Prince of Camelot' Was cut of by Ruby and Unina running to the servant boy "Your Merlin!?" They asked the boy. Arthur looked at the two confused before turning to look at Hermione "What's up with these two?" He gestured to the two females, who looked like they were about to explode from excitement. Hermione shrugged her shoulders, before Merlin spoke "Hey listen to this Arthur, im basically god to them. Take that you clot pole" Arthur rolled his eyes and hit Merlin on top of the head. The females chuckled and turned to their friends "Their looking for a cave, who can tell them their future" Arthur looked at his servant, pissed "You told them!?" Merlin avoided one of Arthur's punches before speaking "Yes i did, maybe they can help". Cedric walked up to Ruby and side hugged her "I have read a bit about that sort of cave. I might know where it is, but im not certain" Arthur turned his head to look at Cedric "Do what you know" The Hufflepuff nodded and started to walk, the two stranger's following, and his lover geeking out besides him "Isn't this awesome Cedric? The two came from a very different timeline, and Merlin doesn't even know how important he is" Cedric smirked and looked down at Ruby "Or maybe it just didn't happen for them yet" Ruby looked up at Cedric with sparkly eyes "Trueeee" Cedric chuckled and turned to look at the two male's walking beside's them, looking at them weirdly "Were dating" Merlin smiled at them "Sorry, we didn't want to come of as rude, it's just where we come from people don't really act like that with each other" "Or wear what you wear" Hermione shook her head "That's because were from a different timeline" The two turned to her "Timeline?" By now Blaise cought on too "Yeah timeline. It looks like your from the Arthurian era, while were from a modern one" Merlin seemed  to catch on a bit, but Arthur still had questions "Then how are we here?" Unina giggled and shook her head "Were trying to figure that out too, trust me" Arthur looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Before he could ask any further question's they came across a dark cave, who was surrounded by crystals "Were here?" Cedric answered the group, with a questionable voice. Arthur took out his sword and proceeded to the cave, everyone else following him.

"Guys something just touched me!" Ron screeched "it was me, you dumbass" Unina replied "Oh, i knew that" "Sure you did-" Their banter was cut off when they got deeper into the cave, revealing a path surrounded by crystals. Everyone starred in aw as Merlin and Arthur proceeded to hurry up to the end. When they reached the paths everything was dark, and you couldn't see anything beyond that point "Welp nothing's here, lets go-" Ron was cut off when suddenly the cave lit up, revealing a crystal right in a middle of a clearing. Everyone got closer to it and stood in a circle around it. Nobody moved "Well you go first, you were the one who needed it" Blaise said, gesturing to Arthur. He took in a breath and touched the crystal, shutting his eyes. After a couple of seconds he pulled away, stumbling back. Merlin was quick to help him "Arthur what did you see?" Arthur looked at his servant and blushed, grabbing his hand "No time to talk, thank you" And with that he dragged Merlin out.

Everyone was just staring in shock of what just happened "So...should we go?" Ron gestured to the crystal "Are you insane!? You saw what happened to the blonde" Hermione said, pushing Ron. Unina shrugged "But he was blushing, so it couldn't of been that bad" Hermione sighed and pointed to the crystal "Fine whoever want's to live, just back away" Everyone but Ron, Unina and Ruby backed away. "Well, il go first then" Unina said after a while. She touched the Crystal and closed her eyes;

Mother can you tell me a bedtime story? asked a small child lying in bed "Of course honey, anything you would like? replied the woman "How did you and dad meet?" "Well-";

Unina gasped and pulled her hand away "Well?" Blaise asked, concerned. The girl shrugged and went to stand beside's her brother "I didn't see anything special" "Okay okay okay, now i go" Ron said before quickly putting his hand on the crystal, closing his eyes;

"God your more annoying then ever, aren't you?" asked a woman "Oh shut it you brunet, your no better" the male answered "Guys were here for Teddy's birthday, shut it" responded another woman "Fineeee" the two laughed;

Ron opened his eyes and pulled his hand away, turning to the group "I only heard voices" Unina shook her head "Exactly" He sighed and everyone turned to look at Ruby "I guess it's my turn" She said as she put her hand on the crystal and, you guessed it, closed her eyes;

"Why are we the babysitters?" the male asked, while the woman chuckled "Because we never go anywhere. And besides, the two never go out anymore since they got children" "I know my love, but now we got our children to take care of, plus these two" the woman laughed "Stop complaining";

Ruby opened her eyes and shrugged "God am i glad it wasn't anything bad" Everyone chuckled and sat around the clearing. By night everyone was already asleep, except for two "Who do you think the voices are?" Unina asked Ruby, while braiding her hair "If i had to guess, then us" Unina stopped for a second, then continued "What did you hear?" Ruby smiled and plucked some grass from the ground "A woman and a man bickering about babysitting, you?" Unina giggled and tied the hair together with an elastic band she carried "well i heard a child's voice asking for the mother to explain how they met" Ruby turned around and wiggled her eyebrows "So you and Blaiseeee~" Unina blushed and pushed the woman aside, who was trying really hard not to lough. Ruby stood up and dusted her clothes "As i said before, it's fine if you do like him" And with that she made her way to sleep next to Cedric. Unina turned her head to look at the sleeping Blaise, who was talking in his sleep. She chuckled and went to sleep herself.

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