Creature in the wood's.

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When Draco wake up he already saw everyone but the two annoying female's awake. As he went to sit up he saw a Gryfindor robe on himself. He looked at where the teenager's were sitting and saw that Harry didn't have his robe. Even though Draco was touched, he played it off as it disgusted him. He got up with a scowl and threw Harry's robe on his lap before sitting down to where the fire used to be "I don't even get a thanks, huh?" Draco turned to Harry, glaring "For what Potter? I don't need your pity" The teen sighed, knowing that's the closest thing he will get to a thanks from the Malfoy "Even though i enjoy watching you two argue we should wake up the two still sleeping and keep moving" Amelia said as she got help from Neville to stand up "Or we can leave them" Draco said as he dusted himself off. Harry scowled at the blonde "Of course you would think that, would't you git" Before Draco could argue back with the boy the two female's stirred awake. The group, knowing they wont get any peace anymore, just took in the silence until Ginny started to complain "God was that uncomfortable" "Shut up you red head Weasel" The four teenager's groaned and started to walk, the two females catching up to them pretty soon. "We should probably find a lake or something, to catch fish" Harry suggested as he looked at the path he was walking on, careful not to trip "That would be great, but we dont even know where we are. Finding an apple tree, or some non-poisonous berries would be better" Neville said, while too looking at the path. Draco mentally prepared himself to eat forest berries. 'This is the worst day of my life' Draco thought as he almost stepped in mud. Before they could walk any further Amelia raised her hand, gesturing for the group to stay quiet. Scared, everyone complied. While Amelia looked around for the sound she heard, Harry cought something shimmering from the coner of his eye. So as quietly as he could he sneaked to the thing, only to find something  terrifying "Um guys.." The lot turned to the kneeling boy and went to him "what is it Potter-" Draco got cut off when he saw what Harry was holding. In Harry's hand's were a snakes skin, the one every snake shed's. But this one was huge. Bigger than any snakes by a lot. Amelia leaned next to the boy and inspected the sheded scales "By how i see it, this snake is still growing, and i only know one snake that grows this much. It's an Anaconda" The group looked at her with fear "So you mean to tell us there's an Anaconda here with us!" Ginny screeched, which earned a small slap from Pansy, signaling the girl to shut up "There is no telling if it is still here with us, but we do know it's still alive and growing" Quickly the group decided not to stay in one place and keep moving. They agreed to travel as silent as they can, but you really cant expect much when Harry and Draco are in distance of each other "Say Potter, do you think every man in Hogwart's would be gay for you?" Harry silently cursed Draco and replied to him without turning to look at the blonde "Shove off Malfoy" "So that's a yes" Draco said as he got closer "I could never see myself falling for such a bloke like you" Harry once again didn't turn around "And i could never see myself dating someone so self centered" Draco put an offended hand on his chest, even though Harry didn't see that "Im deeply offended. Then again i shouldn't be since im talking with a stupid ass" "Guy's you should really be quiet-" Amelia tried, but she was cut of "Oh yeah" Harry said finally turning around "well your a-" He was cut of when he turned around, frozen in place. "What is it Potter? Lost your word's?" Draco smirked, but Harry wasn't looking at him, and at the creature behind Draco. The giant snake started to decent down the tree, aiming at the blonde. Everyone were now staring at the snake "What is it with you all?" Draco asked once again. Harry, as slowly as he could, extended his hand to take Draco's "The fuck Potter-" Draco was quickly cut of by Amelia's scream "RUN!" And with that the snake attacked, but since Harry had good instincts he moved Draco out of the way just in time, making the snake hit the ground with a loud 'THUD'. When it did everyone took sprinting away,  Harry still holding Draco's hand, but Draco had no time to complain since he was cared more for his life then holding Harry's hand, which felt really warm, and really soft-NOT THE TIME. The snake, hungry as ever, chased the six. Since Harry and Draco were running behind everyone else, there was a bigger chance the snake will get them first. Harry felt the snake getting closer and closer. Just then everything happened slow motion for Harry. The snake somewhat jumped, aiming for Draco again, and this time Harry couldn't help him. So with that thought in mind he let go of Draco and pushed the boy to the ground, letting the snake bite him instead. The snake quickly raped itself around the boy, squeezing him and looking at him, knowing he couldn't do anything anymore. Draco finally taking in that he wasn't the one raped in the scales stood up and turned around, only to see the boy he was rivals with being somewhat squeezed to death, about to be swallowed alive. In that moment something sparked in Draco. He couldn't quit put his finger on it, but he just knew he had to protect the boy. Since the giant snake wasn't paying attention to anyone else Draco made his way to the other teen's who were frozen in fear and shook one of them "Get a pile of rocks and throw them at the snake" Amelia nodded and quickly got the message to other's. Before the snake could get Harry's head in it's mouth it felt a hard object hitting it's head, making it lose some of the grip on the boy, letting him breath. The teen's didn't stop throwing rock's until the snake droped Harry and went away, or so they thought. Draco quickly ran up to Harry, followed by everyone else. As Harry cought his breath Draco sat him up "Thanks guys, thought i was a goner" The group smiled, well everyone except for Draco, but he was happy inside. "It was Draco's idea actually"Neville said. Harry turned to look at Draco, who was looking away. The coner of Harry's lips lifted "Thanks you git" Draco finally turned his head and nodded. Before any one of them could get happy the snake attacked again. This time they acted quick. Draco scope up Harry in his arms bridle style and ran, this time not being the last in the group. Even though Harry felt embarrassed, he was just happy he lived another day. Since Draco didn't look where he was going the two teen's fell into a deep whole, but that made them well hid from the snake still chasing their friends. Harry got out of Draco's arm's and looked over the teen. While falling Draco cushioned Harry, but in the process cut him self on the fall. "Got that hurts like a bitch" Draco said while trying to keep in the pain. Harry acted fast, again, and tore some cloth from his robe to rap around the cut until they can find someway to clean it. since Harry's robes were a mess, just like Draco's, he took the both robes and made a blanket for Draco, until their friends found them. That is if they will find them. Since Draco couldn't sleep Harry started small talk "Why did you save me Draco. You could of just been done with me, isn't that what you always wanted?" Draco opened his eye's and looked at the boy. He did know why he saved Harry. It's the same action he would of done if his sister was in his place. He saved Harry because he cared, but he wasn't going to tell him that "Well i couldn't just lose my rival now could i?" Draco asked back. Harry smiled at the blonde and giggled "I guess not" The next actions that came surprised Harry. Draco moved his arm out and took Harry's hand in his. "And what does this action do?" Harry said, somewhat being flirty. The truth is, that Draco didn't know. He just let his mind do what it wanted. Draco shrugged and closed his eyes, falling in a dreamless sleep. "Sleep well...Draco"


It's been a day since Snape saw Amelia for the last time. He never showed his feeling's, but when it came to his daughter he could and probably would brake. Right at this moment Snape was in Dumbledore's office, trying to find out where his daughter, along with the other student's have gone "So, any news" Snape asked the headmaster, with the voice he gives everyone. Dumbledore's eyes twinkle "It seems like we have our answer" "Well?" Snape asked, sounding a bit too happy, but he didn't care. "It seems like our student's found the lost book of Monstre de pierre. The book was written by a french author-" "I know the god damn book" Snape snarled at the headmaster, who looked too calm in his opinion, knowing that 12 students went missing in a cursed book full of creatures that could kill them "Calm down Severus" "How can i calm down Albus, when my daughter is stuck in a book full of monsters. For all i know she could be dead already" Still the headmaster didn't seem bothered "As far as i have heard, you only cared for young Amelia when she was sick" Severus froze in place. He looked down. Once upon a time he was in love with a woman, who he couldn't have. When he found out she died and the only thing left of her family was her child he knew he had to protect him. He married a woman, thinking that his pain will go away when he created a family, but the pain got even worse. Soon he kicked out the woman he married, and shut out his girl. The only person who he had left. He didn't even notice how cold he was acting to her until she was gone. "Now that you thought about what you did Severus, there is a way to go and help them" Snape cut out from his thinking and listened to the other man "When it's full moon, the monster will come out and turn everything that moves to stone. It's fortress will be seen by all, that's where they will probably go" Snape lifted his hand, understanding what the headmaster wanted to say. with a swift move Snape left the headmasters office. It will be 10 days till the full moon. And he just wished his girl will be okay, because he can't afford to lose another loved one.

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