Hermione was the first to wake up to a big headache. She sat up and took a look at her surrounding's. The group were in the middle of the wood's, nothing could be seen for mile's. Hermione groaned and stood up to wake the other's up, but quickly noticed half of them were missing. Not going into panic she woke up the person that would be calm in situation's like this "Hey, hey Unina. Wake up" The girl stirred at opened her eye's. Hermione helped the girl sit up. When Unina finally realized that this wasn't a dream she looked at Hermione "Mione', where are the other's?" she asked in a somewhat panicked voice as she looked around. When she spotted her brother she calmed down and listened to the other girl "I don't know, but we can't go into panic. Wake everyone else up" Unina nodded and got up to help Hermione wake everyone up. "Hey bro, you good?" Unina asked her brother as he sat up "Head hurt's, but everything else is fine" the girl smiled at him and hugged him "If you say so. Go wake up Ruby, she might need the support from a Hufflepuff after knowing her brother isn't here" Cedric blushed, but nodded. He stood up and made his way to the female. Before he can shake her awake she woke up and sat up, holding her head "Where are we?" She asked the boy in front of her. Cedric shrugged and sat down by her side "We don't know. But it look's like a forest to me" the girl giggled and pushed the boy playfully "I can see that" Cedric smiled at her and helped her up. When Ruby looked around she could see that her brother wasn't there, then she started to panic a little "Where is my brother?" She asked Cedric, but the boy only shrugged. Before she can panic further more she took deep breaths and made her way to Hermione "Do you know at least which way to go?" Hermione nodded her head and waited for everyone to gather together "I might know where we could go. We will head north, since Amelia knows her compass like i do that would make the most sense" The group didn't argue much since they really didn't have much to argue over. Walking started to get boring, so Ruby decided to strike up a conversation "So where was your sister before Hogwarts? I never got to ask her that question" Cedric turned to the girl, surprised she even talked with him "Well she was out researching Dragon's since she like's them that much. And as far as i heard she was with Ron's brother, Charlie" "Ohhhh" Ruby replied to Cedric, who chuckled at her action's. The boy didn't know why he was so nervous around the girl before. Sure he liked her, but that was no excuse to just be nervous "And what about you?" Ruby smirked and looked up ahead "Well i was in Beauxbatons. I never told anyone i had special training though" Now Cedric was intrigued "What kind of special training?" Ruby turned to look at him, her smirk still plasted on her face "Now why would i tell?" Cedric rolled his eye's at the girl, but he couldn't suppress the smile. Just then another question popped into his head "Why aren't you worried about Draco?" The smirk faded from her face as she looked down "I know how he is. Even though he look's like a total loser who trust everyone else to do everything for him, he isn't like that. he's far more stronger than he looks, and i trust him not to die on me" Then she looked up at the boy "And why aren't you calling my brother Malfoy? Everyone else seems to" Cedric rubed his neck "Maybe because he has never done anything to me. To be honest we only ever see each other in the halls" Ruby nodded and the too fell into peaceful silence, of course it was broken up far too quickly since Unina and Ron started to argue "How can you say chicken is the best food when you haven't even tried pizza?!" Unina threw her hand's up, while Ron had his hand's on his hips "I can and i will! You ain't the boss of me-" "Can't you too be quiet" Hermione cut them off. Of course the two still argued, but now at least they were whispering. Ruby looked to the side to see her friend Blaise. She excused her self from Cedric and went to stand by Blaise "Your doing fine?" He only nodded. Ruby was getting kind of worried for her friend "What happened? Your never this quiet" Blaise sighed and finally replied "I don't feel comfortable with these people. Before we were suppose to hate them, and now were a team" Ruby shook her head "We didn't have to hate them, we were lead to believe that. You can't truly hate them" Ruby pointed to the group. Blaise looked in thought for a moment before speaking "Hey, stop talking, cause i might jump you" Unina turned to the male "Try me bitch" Before raising her middle finger's. Blaise copied her moves and the girl laughed before giving him a thumbs up and turning back to her arguing with Ron "Your right Rubs, i guess their not that bad" The girl smiled and the group walked further into the forest. Not long after Ron started to complain that hes hungry "You should eat less, then you wont get as hungry" Hermione said while putting her hand on her face. Out of the coner of his eye Blaise saw an apple tree, a very tall apple tree "Hey guys look here" He said pointing to the tree "That's great and all you chicken nugget, but how will we reach it?" Unina said while walking to Blaise "i can climb it" Ruby said while taking her robe off, leaving her in pant's (since she doesn't wear skirts) and a white button up. "Don't hurt your self" Hermione said as she took the robe from her. Ruby smiled and started to climb. When she reached at least one branch which had apples she started to drop them. "Is that enough!" She shouted after a while and when she heard a "Yeah!" Back she started to climb down. While climbing back down she stepped on the wrong branch. It broke underneath her, making her loose her grip and start falling. Cedric acted fast and got under the girl right in time to catch her. When Ruby opened her eyes from not feeling the impact, she was met with chocolate brown eye's "Thanks" She blushed as Cedric put her onto the ground "Yeah no problem" He said back, blushing as well. "Okay you too it's getting quit dark, so we need to make a campfire" Unina said. The two teenagers got away from each other. Ruby took her robe back and the group kept on moving. When they found a somewhat good place to sleep, they set up a fire and all sat around it "This is the worst" Unina complained as she griped her robe. "Look on the bright side, we don't have Pansy or Ginny with us" Ruby said jokingly. "Good point" Blaise said as he pushed her playfully "I just want to find the other group so we can get out of here" Hermione said as she lifted her knees to her chest "Yeah talking about that, how did we get here" Cedric stated "One of us probably did something" Ron said, while eating an apple. "Let's not point fingers here. Let's just be grateful were alive" Ruby told them. The group nodded and chatted away, while Ruby looked up, admiring the night sky, hoping her brother is safe and sound.

Fortunate events
FanfictionDraco and Harry never saw eye to eye, so when their tasked with another mystery in Hogwarts can they work together? Or will their rivalry get the best of them?