Le swamp

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The next morning the group woke up hungry and tired, so they decided to go and search for something to eat. Draco especially was having the worst day yet. He couldn't stop thinking about the Potter boy. How his smile is everything Draco think's about, and how his lough makes Draco want to get closer to the boy. The boy make's Draco feel something he has never felt before, but Draco just couldn't put his finger on what that feeling is. He snarled and looked at Harry. Whatever he was thinking is fake. He hate's Potter, better than that, he despises the boy. He got cut out of his thought's when the two girls that Draco and Harry grew to despised over time, started to bicker again "Oh come on you red head, no one would like you, even Potter broke up with you, and hes just as ugly as you are" Harry rolled his eye's and kept moving with the rest of the teen's, the girls trailing behind him. "How dare you say that about my Harry!" Ginny screeched, which got the remaining teens to wince. In the front Amelia started to talk "Would it really be that bad to leave them?" Harry shrugged "No, we would get in trouble if we do though" Neville nodded and looked around, before stopping everyone else. Draco was about to yell at the boy to let him go, before he saw what they came a cross. In front of them was a bridge, leading further into an existing swamp. "Hey you two-" Amelia tried to talk with the girl's, but got cut of by some more arguing. "How can you say that you cow!" "Oh im the cow! Look at-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP" Harry screamed at the two, fed up with the bickering. Everything fell silent, and the girls just stopped in place. Harry sighed and returned to his normal self "We have come a cross a swap, and it would be nice if no one fell in. So please, shut up for at least a minute, and lets keep moving" And with that he stepped onto the bridge. Everyone, still a bit shocked at Harry's outburst, followed him. Draco pushed the teens in front of him a part, so he could walk in the front with Harry. The boy turned to the blonde boy, about to speak, before getting cut off  "I wasn't about to walk behind you and smell your dust Potter" The boy sighed and turned to look around. "You sure you will be fine in a swamp Malfoy?" Harry asked, smirking. Draco glared at him "Shut it you dimwit" Harry rolled his eye's and kept walking. 

"You sure these two could end up together?" Neville whispered to the girl besides him. She turned to look at the two boys in front, then turned to Neville with a determined smile "Yes, im positive" "If you say so" And then the two went into peaceful silent's. The group walked further along the bridge, before they heard the sound of crying. Harry gestured for everyone to stop moving. He looked around for the sound, and found a hunched figure, sitting again's a tree, almost blending in. "Over there" He whispered and gestured for the teens where to look. Since the bridge reached where the figure was sitting, Harry decided it was a good idea to go check it out "Is he crazy?!" Amelia whispered. Draco sneered "Apparently" Harry got near the figure and knelled down beside's it, putting his hand on it's shoulder "Hey are you okay-" Suddenly the figure jumped up, knocking Harry to the ground. "Harry!" Amelia and Neville shouted in sync as the figure looked at the now sitting Harry. "Who are you?" It asked in a shy demeanor. Harry smiled and stood up slowly, to not scare the person "Im Harry, and this is my group-" He gestured to the people behind him before continuing "-and what is your name?" The person (he was in the shadows) cowered a bit "Dilan" Harry smiled "That's a beautiful name" Draco winced, feeling a tad bit jealous. "Can you show yourself, Dilan?" The person quickly cowered back "No. Every time someone sees me, they scream and run" Harry got closer and extended his hand "Were not like that, were not going to scream or run" The figure looked in thought before he extended his hand and took Harry's, stepping into the light. It's was a male. he was pretty tall, and he had scales all over his body. Also you couldn't miss his wing's and tail. Harry smiled and pulled him closer to the group "See? Didn't i say we wont scream and run, and besides being a dragon is pretty cool" Dilan laughed and blushed, squeezing Harry's hand tighter "Thank you, and who are your friend's sweetheart?" Harry blushed, but brushed the name away, which got Draco kind of mad "Well this is Amelia, Neville, Ginny, Pansy and.." Harry couldn't bring him self to say the Malfoy's name. Dilan saw that and pulled Harry closer to himself, one hand still holding his hand and the other on the boy's waist "Is he a problem to you, my dear?" Draco growled and stomped closer to the dragon, who in case he wanted to hurt Harry, hid him behind him self. Everyone in the group were concerned for what's about to happen "If i mey ask, who the fuck are you to call that scar face your dear you creep" The dragon growled and stepped closer to the male "And what right do you have to tell me he can't be" Draco shut his mouth up and let down his hand's. The dragon smirked "Thought so" then he turned to Harry and took him in his arms. Harry finally figured that this dragon didn't want to be friend's with him, oh no, he wanted to be more. When the dragon picked up Harry bridle style, that was the cue for Harry to start speaking his mind  "hey dude your cool and all, but i don't swing that way" The dragon turned to Harry and leaned in "Not yet at least. You will after what i do to you~" He extended his wing's and started to fly. "HARRY!" The group screamed after the dragon, even Draco was concerned about what will happen. They weren't even in the air when Harry started to struggle more and more "Calm down, i won't kill you" Dilan said in a stoic voice. Harry looked down and saw that they were flying over water.

The group chased after the dragon, but had to stop when they reached the water the two teens were flying over.

Harry shrugged. He really didn't want to do what he was thinking, but he had to if he didn't want to be mated to a dragon. He turned to look at a dragon with a flirty look "Kiss me~" Dilan, surprised, stopped and looked down. "You sure my love~" He answered back, getting flirty himself "As sure as i can be~" And with that the two leaned in and kissed each other. 

Draco looked from below and saw the two kiss. In that moment he felt something clench his chest. In that moment he didn't know what he was thinking, but he wanted to be in the dragon's place.

When Harry felt Dilan's arm's loosen around him, he made his move. He pulled away and rolled out of his hand's, plummeting to the water, which he knew if he hit the wrong way would hurt like hell. "NO MY LOVE" Dilan screamed as he tried to catch the falling teen.

The teenagers from below could only watch their friend falling from a high place, right into the water "HARRY" Everyone but Draco screamed. Before Dilan could grab Harry's arm he fell into the water, with a huge splash. Dilan flew up so he wouldn't get hit by the water. All of them waited until Harry would come out, but he didn't. In that moment Draco felt it again, the feeling he felt when Harry was in the hand's of the anaconda. "POTTER" He shouted as he dove down into the water to search for the male. He found him unconscious and bleeding. Draco didn't have the time to think how he could have started bleeding. He just grabbed him and got back from the water. When Dilan saw Draco coming up with Harry he was relieved. As Draco started to swim back to shore Dilan followed "Thank you. Now please let me hold him" Draco turned to look at the flying dragon "As if i will let you. Scurry away" Dilan furrowed his eyebrows together "Why wont you let me hold my lover you mortal? It's not like you love him, so let me have him!" Draco sneered and continued to swim. Dilan glared at the boy "Just you wait. I will find you again, and when i do, there will be nothing stopping me from getting my lover back" And with that he flew away.

Finally Draco made it back. Amelia and Neville helped him get Harry out of the water and onto the grass. As Amelia laid him down she saw blood on her hand "How did he cut him self?!" She said panicky as she tried to find the scar. "I don't know" Draco replied simply before getting pushed away by Ginny "Come on Harry, baby, please wake up" Draco glared at the girl. Neville took of his robe and gave it to Draco. Draco took in and put in on "Thank's Longbottom" Neville nodded and went by Amelia's side. "Is everything fine?" Neville asked as he put a hand on the girl's shoulder. She sighed and sat back "yeah he will be fine. Looking at the scar the most reasonable reason is that he landed on a rock or something" Then she turned to look at the standing Draco "Thank you for saving him. He is pretty reckless sometime's, isn't he? And how you shouted out his last name was fun to watch" Draco blushed and turned to look at the girl, while crossing his arms "Shut it Snape" She giggled. Before she could tell a joke, Ginny started her bullshit again "Please Harry wake up. I love you, and i know you love me-" Amelia stood up and went to Ginny. "Ginny" She said while kneeling down. The girl turned to look at the black haired female "Shut.up" And with that she slapped, more like punched, the girl. Knocking her out "One point for Slytherins!" Draco shouted, cupping his hand's to his lips. Pansy laughed and went to the male "Can we talk please?" Draco felt a bit suspicious, but nodded and followed her further away from the group.

"Look Draco, i just wanted to say sorry. Sorry for how i acted all this time. I just really liked you, but now i see that it's making you really uncomfortable. I can't believe im saying this, but i think Potter's shouting made me realize what of a bitch i was" Draco went up to Pansy and hugged her "It's fine, i forgive you" Pansy hugged back and whispered into Draco's ear "So, Potter eh?~" Draco pulled away and slapped her across the backside of her head. She laughed while rubbing her head "Worth it"

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