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The group woke up, tired as ever. They didn't know why they were still so tired. It couldn't of been because of the ground, since they have slept on hard ground. Ruby sat up and looked at everyone, while rubbing her head "Does everyone's head hurt like mine" she asked the group. Blaise sat up too "For me it is" "Same here" Unina answered. Everyone got up and made their way out of the cave, feeling a bit better "Maybe it was the cave?" Ron asked, yawning. Hermione nodded "it could of been the cave, or it could of been something else" "Like what?" Ruby asked, while holding on to Cedric for support, and the taller male leaned in to her. "I don't know. It could be anything. I mean we encountered clones, giant spiders and cannibals. There is no telling what else the book will through at us" Unina sighed "I almost forgot we're in a god damn book" Blaise chuckled "Yeah. If it weren't for all of the scary things that have happened to us, and for the fact that we lost half of our team, this would be pretty relaxing" everyone nodded. Just then someone threw a rock at Ron. He turned around and glared at Unina, who was walking behind him "What did you do that for!" She looked at him, confused "Did what?" Ron glared at the woman "Don't play dumb with me" 

Everyone else watched from the sidelines as the two bickered. Hermione turned to look at the others "Somethings off" Cedric looked at her "Like what? Those two always bicker" Hermione shook her head "I know that. The weird thing is that Ron was calm the first second, then mad the second" Ruby looked closer at the two bickering teen's, and spotted some green smoke. It was small, and hard to spot, and the weird thing was, that it was in the eyes of them. She detached herself from Cedric, and went up to them, standing in the middle of them "Stop fighting like small children. If it didn't hurt anybody then it's okay. We have to keep moving" she looked closer, and saw that the mist from both of their eyes faded. The two look at each other and apologized. Ruby noted that and went up to Hermione "Their eyes. When they were fighting some green some just flew around their eye's, like it was influencing them, and when they stopped, it went away" Hermione glanced at the two teen's, before turning back to Ruby "Who could be doing this?" Ruby only shrugged "I don't know" The group kept walking forward, when another accident triggered something. This time Cedric tripped over Blaise's robe, and that seemed to piss Blaise off. Ruby glared at the now angry Blaise "The people under the green smoke aren't our friend's. Blaise never get's mad about these thing's" Ruby whispered to Hermione. Once again she started to make her way to stop the two boy's from doing something stupid, but she didn't get very far. out of the bushed came a chain that wrapped around her ankle. She looked down, before the chain got tugged. She fell and the creature started dragging her away, her screaming fading away. Hermione and the others tried to run after her, but were stopped by something. They fell back when they hit it. Hermione stood up and slowly made her way to where they have hit, having her hand in front of her. After some searching she did touch something, the only problem is that it was invisible, or at least invisible to them. "Guys i think were are stuck in some kind of a force field" she said as she kept touching around. "What the fuck are those creature's" Unina said, from beside's her brother who just sat on the ground "Who cares what they are, they took Ruby! And if anything happens to her...i wouldn't know what to do with myself" Cedric said while still sitting on the ground, on the verge of tears. "She is a strong one. She will be fine" Blaise said as he patted Cedric on the back. Just then they heard something coming out of the bushed. Hermione stepped back and took Ron's hand out of fear, but Ron didn't have a problem with that. And what came out of the bushed scared them to death.

Ruby was dragged for a while. She was dragged over ground, some sand and sometimes even puddles of rain, when the pulling finally stopped. Immediately she tried to run, but that proved impossible as she has hit some kind of object making her fly back and into a tree. When she regained her senses from the hit, she was hanging upside down on a tree. She looked around and spotted some other people, but their faith was counted. They were dead. Ruby started to squirm, but that didn't do anything. She stopped squirming and looked around again. Finally she spotted a tree, made of metal, and below it there were people. Well more like green rats. They looked disgusting, with their green skin, pointy teeth and saggy skin. She has read up about these creatures, or Goblins if you would, and she knows that if she doesn't get out of this mess, she will end up as the hanging people. With carved out insides, and taken out eyes. She was about to try and get up to the chains keeping her up, when she saw even more Goblins walk into the camp, dragging her friends behind. Unina spotted her, just as everyone else, but the woman just shook her head, signaling for them not to do anything. A moment later all of her friends were in the same position she was in. "I would say it is glad to see you, but i don't think it is" Ruby said to the people beside her hanging "Missed you too love" Cedric answered.  She turned to look at the boy and smiled, before turning to look at Hermione "What can we do?" Hermione turned to look at her "I don't think there is anything we can-" before she could finish the both of them got hit on the head with a branch. They looked down and saw it was one of the Goblins keeping watch that did that. Ruby glared at it. After some time the Goblins stopped standing around the tree, and moved on to stand around a boiling pot "What is that for?" Ron asked. Ruby just looked horrified at it "Us" was her simple reply. And it proved true, because Unina's rope started to lower down. Everyone started shouting, especially Unina, to let her go, but their efforts didn't do anything. The girl was finally lowered and they unchained her. She got up and started kicking the Goblins that got close to her, her friends cheering her on. Finally her shenanigans were stopped when the biggest Goblin squeezed her, and started to carry her to the burning pot. "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE BASTARDS" Cedric shouted as he started to squirm more and more, but the creatures didn't pay any mind to him. Unina was finally over the pot, and was about to be dropped in, when out of no where, rocks came flying into the Goblins. Unina was put down, and she quickly ran to her friends, letting them down. Even though Cedric was happy his sister was okay, they had to time to waste. They were about to book it, when the huge Goblin came their way. At that moment even Ruby forgot every fighting technique she learned. But that wasn't needed, because one of the people who saved them just jumped up on it, and stabbed it in the head, making in fall down without even fighting. The person stood up and smiled at the group "Hey guys" Harry said. Hermione and Ron ran to him and hugged him, but Harry pushed them away "No time, lets go" He said before taking off, the group following him. The now reunited group ran away from the goblins, who were still chasing them, when they reached a creek. If you fell, then you would surely die. "What now" Pansy said frantically as she kept looking back. Amelia spotted a rope leading from their spot to a lower part of the creek. "Everyone take off your robe's and use them as something to hold on to when zipping down" then she tosses her's to Harry and Draco "You too go together, and il zip down with Neville" the group agreed to it, since they had no other choice. The final one's were Harry and Draco. Draco rapped the robe over his arms and was about to jump down, but looked back at Harry, who was just frozen in place "Come on Harry, we have to go!" He shouted, but Harry shook his head "What if il slip and fall to my death" Draco looked back and saw that the Goblins were near, so he just went up to Harry, dragged him to the edge, and rapped the boy's hand around himself "Don't look and hold on tight" And with that they were off.

They landed safely, and Draco whispered to Harry "Were on solid ground now" Harry opened his eyes, and smiled at Draco "Thanks" Draco nodded. Harry smiled at the blonde, and then turned around, spotting his friends "Mione, Ron!" he shouted. The two turned around and Harry ran to them, engulfing them in a hug. Draco put on a small smile on his lips as he saw how happy Harry was to be back with his friends. His smile just grew larger as he saw his sister running to him. She jumped into her brother's arms, and Draco cought her. "Didn't even miss you, sis" Draco said as he squeezed his sister. she giggled "I can say the same to you too, bro" They let go of each other, and now Draco could see that Cedric was here too. Draco nodded at Cedric, as Ruby started to speak "Draco, this is my boyfriend, Cedric" Draco nodded at her words, when he finally cought onto what she was saying "Wait, WHAT!" she chuckled as Cedric put an arm around her. Draco pointed a finger at him, about to speak, when Cedric stepped in "You don't need to tell me anything. I know if i hurt her you will rip my heart out" Draco nodded "That's god damn right" Ruby rolled her eyes and pushed her brothers shoulder "Oh stop it you. Go say hi to Blaise, you haven't seen him in a while" at the mention of his friends name Draco stopped glaring at Cedric, and turned to look at his sister "Your right" and with that he was off. He found Blaise chatting with Pansy. "I see the Bronze trio is back together" Draco joked as he neared his friends. Blaise looked at him and rolled his eyes. The two teenagers hugged, and as they pulled away Pansy commented "You know i really don't get why we are bronze" "I know right" Draco answered. The three chuckled as Hermione called them over. "It is safer to bunker down for now, and we will get a move on later" everyone agreed. They went into a cave and sat around in a circle. "So, who's the first to tell us of their journey?" Pansy asked as she got comfortable. Without permission to speak Ron started "Well im just going to say that i have met the biggest spider in the whole universe, and i have never felt more horrified. That is all, who's next" some of the group chuckled and continued to tell each other of their journey. Without noticing it Draco and Harry fell asleep, right next to each other.

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