Forest people

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Ruby woke up with the biggest headache she had in years. She sat up holding her head to look around. It seemed that everyone were still sleeping. She sighed and got up to wake up everyone else. One by one she got everyone to wake up. The last to wake up was Ron, just because he was so difficult to wake up. When each and everyone of the group were up they gathered in a circle "Okay so as before we will head north, i just want to know if everyone is okay with that?" everyone nodded "Of course we are. If we weren't then we would of said something a while ago" Unina said, crossing her arms. Hermione nodded and turned to look at everyone again "Now i want you in groups of two, this way it will be easier to travel" Yet again everyone nodded their head's and got into place. Ron and Hermione were in the front. Cedric and his sister in the middle, and Blaise with Ruby in the back. Since Blaise and Ruby dont talk a lot, this was their chance to catch up "How do you think Draco and Potter are doing" Blaise asked the blonde. she sighed and rubbed her forehead "I don't know. Probably horrible since Pansy and that red head are there" Blaise laughed and turned to the blonde. When he saw in what condition the girl was in he got a bit concerned. Ruby had become more pale that usual, and she had some spots on her forehead, noting the snot coming from her nose. "Jeez Rubs, are you okay?" Blaise asked as he put his hand on the girls shoulder, who stumbled with every step she took "yes im fine-" As she finished she blacked out and fell. Luckily Blaise was there and cought her before she could hit the cold hard ground. "Guys!" He shouted out, getting the groups attention. When the lot turned around to look at the male they saw their friend knocked out. Everyone quickly rushed to the two. Hermione knelt down to the girl's level and touched her forehead, before pulling her hand away "She's sick, and badly. From all of those years of studying muggle symptoms i never heard of one who would make a human look like this" she pointed to the girl who was now as pale as a vampire. The red dots have spread all over her face now, and the snot became a sickly green and purple color. Everyone were concerned, but even they couldn't look at the girl for long "What should we do?" Unina asked as she walked to the still knelling Hermione and put a hand on her shoulder "We have to find her help. Can anyone carry her?" Hermione said as she stood up, looking around her at the teenagers. Cedric, after thinking for a bit, walked in front "I can carry her" Unina looked concerned at her brother "Won't you get sick too" She knew that her friend needed help, but she didn't want her brother to end up like her "It's our only option" Hermione said as she gestured for Cedric to take Ruby out of Blaise's arms. He picked up the girl bridle style. Hermione took one last glance at the sick female and continued to lead. 

It was hours of the teen's walking and not finding anything "Ugh we have been walking forever, and we haven't even found anything that could help Ruby" Ron complained, kind of surprised at him self for saying the Malfoy's name. Hermione sighed and turned to the red head "We have to keep-" Before Hermione could finish she was quited by Blaise. Everyone stayed quiet and listened for any sounds. Before Blaise was going to say that everything's fine, out of the bushes popped out a dog. A bulldog to be exact. Hermione gestured for everyone to stay still as she made her way to the dog "Hey little guy" she said as she extended her hand for the dog to sniff "Our friend here needs help, do you know where she can get it?" Hermione asked the dog. "Hermione i don't think that-" Ron began, but was cut of by the dog running away. "After him!" Hermione shouted, and now everyone was running after the dog, not even sure if he will lead them anywhere. The group didn't run long since the dog stopped in place "Well?" Hermione asked before looking up. She gasped and gestured for everyone to look up, not knowing that everyone were already doing that. Before them stood a beautiful house. Before they could even walk to the door out walked a family. A mom, dad, grandma, two little kids, and two teenagers. The family saw the group and started to smile "Why hello, what takes you here to our humble home?" The woman (mother) asked. "The dog lead us here miss" Hermione replied as politely as she could. The mother giggled and pet the dog before it went inside "That's our dog Sergio. He loves to help out" Cedric thought that the woman seemed scary, as did the rest of the family, but that might of been just him. "And what is it that you need?" The Man (father) said all cheery. This time Unina spoke up "Our friend needs help. we dont know what happened to her" the teenager boy spoke up "Is that now? We would love to help" the boy said, a bit too creepily for Cedric's liking "yes come in!" the younger girl spoke up, as cheerful as her brother. Before they all could make it in the house Cedric stopped the group "Don't they seem a bit too fishy?" Hermione looked at him "yeah they do, but do we have a choice? Ruby needs help" At the mention of the female in his arms he quited down and nodded. Yes the family might seem weard to him, but Hermione was right. Ruby needs the help. Before they could walk in, the floor beneath them opened up and the teens fell down it, being knocked out on impact.

A couple moments later Cedric woke up with a hurting head. He opened his eye's and looked around. They were in a cell, at the other side of the bars sat the creepy man, sleeping. Taking a better look around Cedric found out that they were chained to the wall, and all of the females were gone. He tried to wiggle free, but that didn't work. He looked to his side and saw Blaise, further away was Ron. Cedric kicked Blaise abit, waking up the boy "Where are we?" He asked, still a bit groggy from just waking up "That doesn't matter now. What matters is getting out of here and getting the girls" Blaise took a look around and he did see that the girls were gone. "Well where should we start-" Blaise was cut of by the metal door opening and in walking the teenager girl they saw before. "I know you would like to leave. And i will let you go, with one condition" By now Ron has woken up and was listening to the girl as well "If you can figure out my riddle, your free to go" The boys looked at each other, before Cedric looked at the girl "Deal" She smirked and crossed her hands "I hurt the most when lost, yet also when not had at all. I'm sometimes the hardest to express, but the easiest to ignore. I can be given to many, or just one. What am I?" Blaise cursed under his breath and turned to the two other boys "i dont get this one" Ron nodded "Me nether" Cedric thought for a bit, before a thought came to his mind "i might have the answer" The two boys turned to look at the Hufflepuff "You do?" Blaise asked. Cedric nodded and turned to the girl "I have my answer" She smirked and leaned closer "And what is it" Without hesitation Cedric replied "Love" The girl froze up for a second. The boys began to fear the answer was incorrect, but then the girl leaned closer and cut the ropes away for all of them "The others are on the second floor. Be careful. If my family catches you, your dead meat" And with that she left, leaving a key behind to the door the girls were left behind. Cedric grabbed the key and the group quietly made their way out of the cell's, not waking the father up. They walked through the house when they had to stop because the mother was blocking their way. They needed to get upstairs, but the kitchen was in full view of the stairs, so they had to wait till the mother went away, or at least turned away. When they were waiting they could see what the mother was doing perfectly. she was slicing something. The boys couldn't really make out what thought. When the woman finally turned the other way, the boys quickly made their way up stairs and looked through every door, when they finally found the one. When they opened the door they saw the girls, Ruby completely healed and awake, but they looked terrified. When the girls finally acknowledged the guys their eyes lit up. As Cedric was untying Ruby he asked them "Why are you all so terrified?" when Hermione was untied she stood up and held on to Ron, careful not to fall "They aren't normal. Their-" "Cannibals" Unina answered before Hermione, cutting the girl off. Everyone froze up and turned to Unina "Their cannibals?" Cedric asked his sister, terrified for his and the others life's. She nodded "They were going to eat us too, that's why they helped Ruby" Blaise looked confused "But how did they-" "Magic" Ruby replied for him. Just then the two youngest females came in, and saw everyone up. "Kids listen-" Ruby tried to reason with them, but the kids just started screeching, alerting the whole house hold. "OUT THE WINDOW" Ron shouted as he busted the window open and jumped out. Cedric quickly made his way to the door and closed it on the girls and family, waiting for everyone to got out. When he was the last one left he timed just when the one pushing the door would ready them self's, than sprinted to the window and jumped out. The lot could hear the whole family screeching, shouting at each other to get their guns. The group didn't waste any time and ran deeper into the woods. When they were far enough, and they knew no one was chasing them they stopped and cought their breaths "Were alive" Ron said, panting. Hermione smiled at him about to reply, when the truth had hit her "We might of ran away, but now we lost the path we were heading" The group quieted down. Now that was a shitty day.

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