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"Mom, how can you say to me to marry her? She is only 17, and we are having an age difference of 11 years. Mom, she is so young, I don't think so she will ever be able to get comfortable with me," He said in a frustrated tone.

"Sanskar, I promised my friend in our childhood that our children will marry each other," his mother said with a pout on which Sanskar gave a helpless look to his father who was chuckling silently.

"Dad, why are you laughing? Why are you not making mom understand?" Sanskar asked his father, who raised his hand in surrender and said, "Sorry, son, but in this matter, I can't help you."

"But...," Sanskar said, on which his mother interrupted him and said, "Sanskar at least meet her once. I promise if you don't like her, then I'll not force you, but please son for your mother, please," his mother said while making a puppy face.

"Who will say that she is my mother, after seeing her dramatic antics," Sanskar murmured under his breath and while taking a deep breath nodded his head.

"Okay, I'll meet her," Sanskar said, and before his mother can tell him anything more, he flew away from there.

Next Morning:-

"So, Bhai are you ready to meet my future bhabi?" Arush, his younger brother asked him who was getting ready, as they had to leave for the girl's house in an hour. "Don't know Arush, I mean I never got the time to think about this matter. In making mom and dad proud I forgot that I have to marry someday," Sanskar said while brushing his hair.

"I'm afraid, what if I failed in this thing? Arush, she is so young. I don't know if I ever be able to handle her. Will she accept my workaholic nature?" Sanskar kept his worries in front of his brother.

"Bhai, you have already made our company on number 1 position, just in 4 years. You are winning the best businessman award from the last 3 years. Mom and dad never get tired in praising you whenever they go somewhere. You are the best son, best brother, and I know you will be the best husband which any girl can ever have."

Arush said with a smile while keeping a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder. A smile came on Sanskar's lips after seeing his not so serious younger brother talking like a mature person.

"Today, we are just going to visit them. Mom already said that she would never force you. If you didn't like the girl, then deny for this marriage." Arush said and munched the apple kept in the fruit basket of Sanskar's room.

Sanskar, after some time, went out with his brother. However, while walking downstairs, one thing was roaming in his mind, that why his mother wants him to marry a girl who is not even 18? He didn't ask further details, because he knew that if his mother started her talks, then it will be difficult to stop her ranting.

It's not that he doesn't have any trust in his mother. It was just this marriage thing was very foreign to him. He met no girl 11 years younger. He always trusted his instincts, but this time his mind was blank.

Many questions were roaming in his mind, but he could not able to find the answer to any question. Finally, after battling with his mind for some time, he left all the things on his destiny.

Marriage is just a game of our destinies. Sanskar knew it very well.

He was a perfect son, perfect brother, and a perfect businessman. He has a name in the business world; he had already conquered the world with his talent. However, in making his parents proud, he forgot that he had to marry someday.

He was the person who never failed in his professional life. So, will he be able to win in his married life? Especially when he knows nothing about his future wife?

To be continued.

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