Episode # 1: Time Will Decide

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Episode # 1:- (Time will decide)

Sanskar came downstairs followed by Arush. They saw their parents were sitting in the hall and talking in a hushed tone.

"I'm 100% sure, mom and dad are hiding something from me," Sanskar thought in his mind and came near them.

After seeing him in front of them, his parents sat straight and gave him a tight smile. His mother, Swathi, was looking nervous while his father was calm.

"Ronit Agnihotri and Swathi Agnihotri, I know that you both are the only ones who have given me birth. But, after handling business from these many years, I can easily tell that the person is lying or not. And today my 6th sense is saying, that the excuse mom made for this marriage, was a lame one," Sanskar said with his hands wrapped on his chest.

Ronit and Swathi who heard this, gave each other a nervous smile and turn, their gazes towards their son, who was looking towards them with a raised eyebrow. When they came to know that he will not leave them without getting the full information, they took a deep breath and signalled him to settle down on the sofa kept in front of them.

"Sanskar, do you know about Arnav Chauhan?" Ronit asked on which Sanskar thought for a while and said, "That politician, who is famous for his kindness and social works?"

"Yes, right," Ronit, said. "Arnav's wife Niharika is your mother's childhood friend; I met Arnav not more than 3 times in person. As you know, they live in Delhi while we are in Mumbai." Ronit said on which Sanskar nodded his head.

With that, Swathi narrates from the start. Both brothers were hearing their mother keenly.

Third Person's POV:-

Swathi and Niharika were childhood best friends. Both studied together till intermediate. After that, Niharika's family shifted to Delhi and there she got married after completing her graduation. Many years passed, and both best friends lost contact with each other.

Niharika and Arnav had 2 children. Reyansh and Swara, Reyansh was 14 years elder than Swara and got married to his class fellow Aastha, six years back. Reyansh was running an architecture firm.

Aastha was also from a family of a politician, but as compared to Arnav, her father was a corrupt politician. Her 2 elder brothers were also the same as her father, Aastha never liked her family, and she told about this thing to Reyansh who was her friend.

Reyansh, after his studies, sent his parents to Aastha's home for a marriage proposal. With great difficulty, Aastha's parents got agreed, and their marriage took place.

Everything was going fine, but things get complicated when Aastha's elder brother, who was a widower also, sent a marriage proposal for Swara when she was just 15 years old. Swara was only 11 when Reyansh got married.

Aastha came to know that her brother was having an eye on Swara from that time. She was ashamed of her brother, who was having an eye on a young girl. Arnav and family knew about the mentality of Aastha's family, so they just denied, because one Swara was underage and 2nd Aastha's brother Rajiv was almost 25 years elder than Swara.

Till one year Rajiv kept sending a marriage proposal for Swara, but when every time Arnav denied for this, Rajiv in anger planned Arnav's murder.

1 year back Arnav and Niharika met with a fatal accident in which Niharika lost the ability to walk.

Arnav and Reyansh could not prove Rajiv culprit because they could not find any proofs against him. Swara didn't know about all these things, she came to know about this thing when 4 months back Rajiv tried to kidnap her.

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