Episode # 8: How Is The Feeling?

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Episode # 8: (How is the feeling?)

"Mrs Swara Sanskar Agnihotri?" Sanskar called her. They were in a separate car. Family members thought to give them some time alone.

"Yes?" Swara asked while gazing at his side pose as his concentration was on the road.

"How is the feeling? I mean, from today your surname has changed," Sanskar asked and glances at her.

Swara took a deep breath and while looking at her hands in her lap said, "I don't know what I'm feeling now. However, I'm sure that I'm not regretting."

"I'm glad, and you know our feelings are mutual. For now, I know that we don't have any idea about our feelings, but in the coming future everything will change for the better, I know," Sanskar said.

"You didn't gift me anything on my birthday," Swara realized that he didn't give her any gift.

Sanskar chuckled after hearing this and while glancing at her, turns his gaze towards the road and said, "How can I forget the gift of my wife's 1st birthday?"

Swara, who heard this, turns her head towards the back seat and tried to find the gift, but nothing was there.

"There is no gift in the car," Swara said while checking the glove compartment.

"Who said that your gift is here?" Sanskar asked with a raised eyebrow. "Then, where is it?" Swara asked with a frown.

Sanskar shook his head with a smile and picked his cellphone. He opened the gallery of his cellphone and passed it to Swara.

"This is your gift," Sanskar said while passing his cellphone to Swara. Swara with confusion looked at the picture on his cellphone.

She was shocked after seeing the 3 giant teddy bears in the picture, and the thing which shocked her more was that those bears were lying in Sanskar's bedroom in Mumbai.

"What they are doing in your room?" Swara asked with a narrow look. Sanskar who heard this smirked a little and said,

"What you think?" Swara gazes at the bears and tries to figure it out, but failed.

"Sanskar," Swara said in a whiny tone because she was not getting that why her gifts were in Mumbai.

"Maybe they delivered mistakenly to your home instead of mine?" Swara said, and Sanskar shook his head after hearing this.

"Tch, I thought you are intelligent, but here you failed to understand the simple thing," Sanskar said in a mocking tone.

Swara while giving him a narrow look said, "Are you telling me or not?"

"What if I say no?" Sanskar said with a smirk. Swara on hearing this gave him a death glare and said, "I'll not talk to you, go," by saying that Swara gazes out of the window with puffed cheeks.

Sanskar laughs out loud after hearing this and said, "You know, you look cuter with these puffed cheeks and red nose."

Swara fumed in anger after hearing this and turns fully towards Sanskar. "Sanskar," she said in a warning tone while pointing her finger towards him.

Sanskar controlled his chuckle and while clearing his throat, "Okay, sorry. So, my baby wife, these bears are in my room, because the next entire week you are going to spend with us in Mumbai. And this is not the only thing, in fact, from now on, every weekend we will spend together, sometimes in Mumbai or sometimes in Delhi. We will decide every week, where we want to spend our weekend."

Swara was gazing at him with open mouth and wide eyes. Sanskar, after finishing his talks, gazes at her and shook his head while chuckling a little after seeing her expressions.

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