Episode # 3: Decision

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Episode # 3:- (Decision)

Swara was staring at his hand; she wanted to trust him, but what about her current problems? Sanskar was gazing at her with warm expressions. She was hesitant a little, but when she stares at his eyes again, she found only determination in it.

She slowly kept her petite hand over his big yet warm one. Sanskar felt her hand cold as ice, on seeing this; he wrapped his hand around hers like a warm blanket and with other hand patted it.

"I'll not disappoint you, that's my promise," Sanskar said with a smile on which Swara kept quiet for a while and later said, "I don't know it's early or not, but my heart is saying to have a trust on you."

Sanskar got a smile on his face after hearing this and said, "So shall we go downstairs? All might be eagerly waiting for us, and I bet my mom might be busy bribing the God about me, that if I said yes for this marriage, she would do this or that."

Swara giggled after hearing this while Sanskar after hearing her giggle, just felt a sudden feeling of contentment.

They came downstairs, and Arush was the one who saw their entwined hands, first. He was a little surprised after seeing his ever so serious brother, smiling and behaving like this, but on the other side, he was glad that his brother will get a wife like Swara.

He in first glance only liked her very much for his brother. "Mom, when can we keep their engagement?" Arush asked loudly on which all turn their faces with confused expressions. On the other side, Swasan didn't hear a word.

"What happened to you?" Swathi asked with a puzzled look on which Arush gave her a bright smile and pointed towards the direction of the staircase.

All turns around, first, they become confused, but later a beautiful smile came on their faces after seeing their entwined hand. They both didn't notice anybody; they were busy talking with each other about random things.

Both didn't realize that they are holding each other's hand. "Wow, my son is so fast," Swathi said in a chirpy tone on which Sanskar who heard his mother's voice turns his gaze toward her.

"When you both want the marriage to happen?" Niharika asked on which both gave each other a confused look that how they came to know about their answer. "Mom, you people didn't hear our answer yet," Swara said on which all surpassed their smile.

"Beta, it's true that you both didn't tell about your answer yet, but your entwined hands gave us the answer," Ronit said, on which Swasan looked down with a horrified look and with a jerk left each other's hand.

All burst into laughter after seeing their expressions, while both were looking here and there because of embarrassment. Sanskar was scratching his neck in nervousness and Swara was trying hard to cover her red cheeks with her open hair.

"Why Bua is coming with this Rasgulla, Mommy?" Aarav asked in a confused tone while pulling his mother's sari corner. Arush who heard the word Rasgulla for his brother from Aarav's mouth burst into laughter and said,

"Bhai, you are a Rasgulla," he said and again burst into laughter. Sanskar cursed him under his breath, took out his mobile, and typed something on it.

Arush who was giggling till now heard a beep and took out his mobile. "Shut the hell up, joker, or else I'll text your girlfriend and will tell her, you are cheating on her."

Arush gulped his saliva after reading this message and gave a sheepish smile to his brother who was shooting daggers towards him. "Agay he, 4 Saal ragray khanay k Baad maani, Ria (Already after doing hard work for 4 years Ria said yes) If Bhai said something then I'll have to do hard work for more 40 years," Arush murmured under his breath and composed himself.

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