Episode # 4: His Child Bride

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Episode # 4:- (His Child Bride)

Sanskar closed Reyansh's laptop and got up from the chair. He stretched his body and looked at the time on the wall clock. It was 4 in the morning. His meeting went long, and he didn't realize that it's late.

He came out of the study; he looked around and tried to find the way towards the terrace. He was not feeling sleepy so thought to get some fresh air. He kept looking for a while and later, saw the staircase going upward.

He came upstairs and found the door. He frowned after seeing the door open, "How careless," he murmured and walked towards the door and looked around. Nobody was present on the terrace.

He walked further and found a nest swing on the way. He chuckled when he saw a giant teddy was lying on the swing. He took a deep breath and came towards the edge of the terrace and starts gazing around.

He was lost in his thoughts when his thoughts lingered towards Swara and their coming future. Marriage is a big responsibility. He didn't know why he promised those things to Swara. However, he was ready to put his all efforts into making their marriage and married life successful.

Sanskar took a deep breath and turns to go. However, while walking towards the door, he felt that the bear on the swing moved a little. He frowned and came towards the swing; he kept staring at the bear for a while and later held it from its one ear.

He felt a grip on the teddy bear on which his frowns deepened, and he moved the teddy on the side. His eyes went wide when he saw Swara sleeping peacefully under the teddy.

"What the...," Sanskar said and kept staring at Swara like a fool. "How can she sleep like this? Nobody will ever come to know that under the Teddy there is a girl," Sanskar murmured.

Swara held the teddy tightly and again vanished under it. Sanskar didn't know whether to laugh or cry after seeing his child bride. "She will choke," Sanskar said and tried to move the bear on the side. However, Swara was having a tight grip on it, and she was in deep sleep.

Sanskar was having no heart to wake her up. But it's not safe to sleep on the terrace like this. Sanskar held the bear tightly and pulled it from Swara's hand. Swara frowned in her sleep and opened her eyes.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes and found a figure standing in front of her while holding her bear. "Bhai, give me back my bear and let me sleep," Swara said in a sleepy voice and tried to take the bear from Sanskar's hand.

Sanskar controlled his chuckle and cleared his throat, "Swara, I'm Sanskar, not Reyansh," Sanskar said on which Swara opened her sleepy eyes with a jerk. She becomes shocked after seeing Sanskar standing in front of her with her bear in his one hand.

She got up from the swing with a jerk, and in this process, her foot tangled in her staller, and she stumbled a little. Sanskar held her at the right moment and made her stand properly.

"What's so hurry?" Sanskar asked on which Swara scratched her neck nervously and said, "Umm, nothing, what are you doing here?" she asked on which Sanskar smiled at her.

"If I didn't come here, then how can I be able to know that my future wife loves to sleep under a huge a teddy? You know I didn't realize that you were sleeping under this giant bear," Sanskar said and showed her the bear.

"I don't know how and when I got this habit, but it's years old," Swara said sheepishly.

"In future, if ever I want to find you, then I should check under the giant bears, isn't it?" Sanskar asked with a mischievous glint in his tone.

"You will tell nobody about this, this is my secret," Swara said in a warning tone on which Sanskar chuckled a little and said, "Okay, I promise I'll not tell anybody about this thing." On hearing this, Swara gave him a wide grin.

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