Episode # 6: Spending The Time Together.

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Episode # 6:- (Spending The Time Together)

Sanskar tried his level best to complete his pending work before they leave again for Delhi, one day before Swara's birthday. In between his work, he didn't miss a chance to talk with Swara. Swara knew that he is trying his best to give time to her and his work, that's why she also didn't disturb him much during his working hours.

Today they had to leave for Delhi early in the morning, as they planned to spend the next three days with Chauhan's. However, at the last moment, Sanskar left for a meeting of the development department for their coming new Web Application.

"Sanskar what is this? I have told you that you will not go to the office today, but again you went?" Swathi scolded him when she saw him coming inside the mansion from the front door.

Sanskar gave an apologetic look to his mother and said, "Sorry mom, at the last moment I got an important meeting, I'm very sorry," Sanskar, said while encircling his arms around her shoulder.

"Okay, go and change, we have to leave. Niharika called me many times that when are we leaving. Tomorrow is Swara's birthday, and you both have to go today for your engagement rings," Swathi said, on which Sanskar nodded his head and went upstairs.

In between these days, Sanskar already talked with the lawyer, and their marriage papers are also ready. He had a detailed discussion with the lawyer so that there will be no loopholes or complications in their marriage.

"Let's go," Sanskar came downstairs after getting ready and together with his family he left for the airport.

A few Hours Later:-

Agnihotri's car entered inside from the large gate of Chauhan Mansion. Sanskar came out of his car, followed by his family members. They found Arnav, Niharika with Aastha beside them were standing at the front door and waiting for them.

"Welcome," Niharika said, and Swathi gave her a tight hug. Arnav met with Ronit, Sanskar, and Arush. Aastha also greeted them all, and together they all went inside.

"Where is Reyansh?" Ronit asked on which Arnav told that he went to his office for some important work. "Where are Swara and the children?" Swathi asked while gazing around.

"Aarav and Samay are in their room. Aastha has given a bath to them, and after that, they slept. And Swara was waiting for you guys, but she had some assignment to submit, that's why she left with the driver." Niharika told them on which they all nodded their heads.

Aastha served refreshments to them. Sanskar excused himself and went to freshen up. The moment he went, Swara came back. She met all and started gazing around for Sanskar.

Arush, who saw her doing that surpassed his laughter and while bending to her ear level, said, "The one you are finding is upstairs." Swara becomes red on getting caught and while excusing herself went upstairs towards her room.

Arush chuckled and took a sip of his juice. Sanskar was coming out of the guest room when suddenly he banged into someone. "Ouch," he heard a voice and looked down. There in front of him was standing Swara. She was rubbing her nose as she banged hard on his chest.

"Hey," Sanskar said on which Swara who was busy in rubbing her nose gave him a bright smile and said, "How are you?"

"I'm fine, but you tell me, where were you going like a bullet train?" Sanskar asked on which Swara gave him a sheepish smile and said, "I was going to my room, and on the way, I didn't realise that you are coming out of the room."

"Okay, you freshen up then we have to go for our engagement rings," Sanskar said on which Swara nodded her head and left from there.

After around 1 hour, both left for the shopping of their engagement rings. Security guards were following them, but on reaching the mall, they didn't intrude in their privacy. They came to one jewellery shop and started checking the rings.

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