Episode # 5: Baby Steps to Strengthen Their Bond

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Episode # 5:- (Baby Steps to Strengthen Their Bond)

Sanskar came towards the dining hall with Swara beside him. They came and saw Aarav was sitting on his chair with a grumpy face.

"What happened?" Swara asked and came towards Aarav who jumped in her arms and hides his face in her hair. Aastha, who was feeding Samay his baby food, rolled her eyes and said, "Your dear nephew is grumpy because he didn't find the Rasgulla whiter than Sanskar."

Swara who heard this burst into laughter, while Sanskar looks here and there. He never knew that a 4 years' old child will embarrass him like this.

"Bhai, people get whitening injections, I think you should go for tanning injections," Arush said, and on hearing this, all shared a hearty laugh.

"Bua, I want the whitest Rasgulla," Aarav said to Swara, who pressed her lips to control her laughter and nodded her head while looking towards Sanskar with a mischievous glint.

"Don't worry Aarav, we will get the whitest, more than this Rasgulla," she said while pointing towards Sanskar who rolled his eyes after hearing this and settled down on his chair.

"After 4 days it's Swara's birthday," Arnav said on which Sanskar turns his gaze towards Swara who was not looking towards him.

"I want our kids to have their proper engagement, not with lots of guests, just we all," Swathi said on which all other also nodded their heads.

"Engagement rings?" Niharika said on which all look towards Sanskar, as they wanted to both go together and get their rings, but they all knew that he is having a tight schedule. Sanskar who felt their gazes smile warmly and said, "I'll try to wrap up my work within 3 days, then we both can go for our engagement rings."

"Done, we will be back after 3 days," Swathi said in a chirpy tone. Swara who was feeding Aarav didn't look towards anyone, as she was feeling shy. Sanskar, who saw her red cheeks, chuckled inwardly and resumed his lunch.

After around 3 hours, Agnihotri's took their leave. Swara was sad as she wanted to talk with Sanskar, but she didn't get the opportunity. She was walking behind everyone when she felt a tug on her wrist, and within a second she found herself pressed against a wall.

"I'm going, but I'll be back soon," she heard Sanskar's voice and looks above. Sanskar was looking towards her with warm expressions.

"I want to know about you," Swara said while lowering her gaze. Sanskar who heard this chuckled a little and said, "Don't worry, you can ask as many questions as you want about me, I promise I'll answer all of them."

"Okay," Swara said in a meek tone. Sanskar who was standing by keeping his hands on her each side bends his head a little and gave a chaste kiss on her forehead, "Take care of yourself, I'll be back soon," and by saying that he left from there hurriedly.

Swara was standing in a daze on her spot; she with a shivery hand touched the area where he kissed her. A pink colour spread on her cheeks after thinking about the kiss and palmed her face because of shyness.

Sanskar came out and took a deep breath; he didn't know why he kissed her. He did what his heart said. He realized that after coming here; he was doing the things which his heart is saying.

He was a person who always took the decisions from his mind, but here he didn't listen to anything which his mind said. He came to know that many times you have to decide from your heart instead of your mind.

Agnihotri's left; Reyansh and Aastha were seeing Swara from the time when Sanskar and family left. Reyansh signalled something to Aastha, who after getting his signal walked towards Swara.

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