Episode # 7: It's The Time

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Episode # 7:- (It's the time)

Precap: Swasan came for the shopping of their engagement rings. They were in the mall when Swara went to the restroom. While returning from there she saw Rajiv (the one behind her) and she ran outside in fear. Sanskar found her after some time hiding behind one car.

Let's Start:-

"Swara what happened? Why are you here like this?" Sanskar asked and tried to entangle her arms around his torso, but she made her grip tighter and hides her face more into his chest. She was shivering like a dry leaf.

"Swara," Sanskar said in a firm tone and entangled her arms. She tried to hug him again, but he kept his hand on her shoulders and pressed them a little. "Tell me, Swara?" Sanskar asked Swara, who was gazing around with wary eyes.

She turns her gaze towards him and found him looking towards her with concern in his eyes. "He was there, I saw him," Swara said while hiccupping like a child.

"Who?" Sanskar asked while cupping her face. "That Rajiv Chaudhry," Swara said on which Sanskar made a confused face, but later he remembered and his eyes went wide.

In the tension of searching Swara, Sanskar forgot about his meeting with Rajiv as he didn't know his surname. That meeting was of a few minutes, and he didn't think he could be the same Rajiv. He only remembered the surname of the person behind Swara.

"Did he see you?" Sanskar asked on which Swara shook her head. Sanskar took her in his embrace and patted her back to calm her down.

"Don't worry, till I'm here nobody can harm you," Sanskar said and kissed above her head. Swara also snuggles more in his embrace and wept silently.

"Shall we go?" Sanskar asked after sometimes, and on hearing this Swara breaks the hug and nodded her head while wiping her tears. Sanskar gave her a soft smile and stepped forward.

Swara held his hand from the back. Sanskar felt a tug and turns around. He saw her gazing at their entwined hands. He said nothing and waited for her to speak.

"I will hide nothing from anyone, nor you, nor from our family. It's just tomorrow is our engagement and marriage, that's why I don't want to tell them for now. After tomorrow I'll tell them," Swara said and looked above towards him.

"I'm glad you took this decision. Hiding things from your closed ones will never be a solution. It will only increase the problems," Sanskar said and gave her a warm smile. Swara felt better after talking with him.

Sanskar held her hand and came towards their car. Sanskar asked the driver that he will drive.

He was driving the car, and Swara was sitting beside him. She was gazing out of the window with a lost look.

Sanskar felt her mood gloomy. He thought for a while and to change her mood said,

"Swara, what you thought, how will you show whiter rasgulla than me to Aarav?" Sanskar asked Swara who was sitting lost in her thoughts.

Swara who heard his question chuckled a little. She turns her gaze towards him who was looking on the road.

"I'll make your colour tan," Swara said. Sanskar who heard this becomes shocked and look towards her with a jerk.

"Seriously, for showing Aarav a white rasgulla you will dim my colour?" Sanskar asked on which Swara nodded her head with a wide grin.

"I think I should be more careful of you," Sanskar said. Swara who heard this nodded her head vigorously and while giving him a cheeky grin said.

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