5-My prayer to the LORD

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AN: this does cover religion, as always it is sometimes a sore subject. I apologize in advance if I offend anyone without meaning to.


Oh LORD I know you to be true

answer my prayers tonight

tell me what to do.

Guard me from the bitter cold

make me hat and gloves

through my faith in you I prove

LORD, it's you I truly love.

When you shine yourself through the grey

I understand I am truly needed, LORD,

to do you bidding and create hope

anyone can afford.

Help me patch up holes

help me fix something broken

though in relationships step back

I can handle things spoken

HE is with me wherever I go

leading my soul

oh, this great power in my hand

in the fire HE is the coal.

I respect you,

oh great and holy 

LORD Duct Tape.


11/21/12  3:26 pm

No one offended right? Good.  

I am not actually religious, so I was wondering if in stanza 3 line 1 I should capitialize "you" and "yourself". if I should speak up and I will change it immeadiately.

comment? vote? fan? please? with a cherry on top?


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