C1: Known You For A While

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I stood there as I looked at the piece of paper which had previously floated to my feet, it seemed that it was a letter of some sort. I doubted that it was for me as who would actually want to send a note to me? plain and simple me.

but it wouldn't do any harm if I did read it right? it's not like someone's personal details would be on there so really it didn't matter.

but what if it was for me? seen as it was in my locker, I have all right to open it.

so I did, carefully unfolding the paper I smoothed out all the lines and started to read.

'I've known you for a while Alexia, so I've got something for you to do. let's start with the facts:
-My name starts with T
-I've known you since we were 3
so I'll be waiting for you to come find me. -T'

so the letter was for me? why though? who is this T person?

"what's that?" Leah, my best friend asked. Leah had been my best friend ever since kindergarten when we both ran over to the same Sand Box and ran into each other. ever since that day we've ran into each other more times that we both can remember. she was the definition of perfection, blue eyes and blonde hair cropped just below her shoulders. but me, I was the complete opposite. I had long brown hair down to my waist and deep brown eyes.

I shook my head but showed her the letter anyway, I mean what harm could it actually do?

"oh my god" she exclaimed "this will be exiting" I could actually see the grin appearing on her face.

by the time I said what I had to say, she was beaming. "who said I was going to actually look for him?

"your mouth says no, but your eyes say you want to" she challenged

"we'll figure this out tonight" I told her as I stuffed the letter in my bag and shut my locker.

"okay" she squeeled, obviously more exited than I was, and I think I probably should have kept those few little words to myself.

Leah linked our arms together pulling me towards out Next lesson which was Chemistry with Mr Morgan.

I sat down in class before Mr Morgan started droning on and on about the assignments that he was planning on setting for us, which we was apparently going to be in pairs for.

Once Mr Morgan said the word 'Pairs' everyone decided to go frantic and look at either their friends in the class with that 'knowing' look or to the ever so popular Tyler Legend, our High School QB.

"STOP" Mr Morgan shouted over the chaos we called students. "I will be placing you in the pairs"

everyone decided that the best thing to do was to over exaggerate their groans which sounded like some sort of walrus dying. I have to admit, it wasn't a nice sound.

he started rolling the pairs of names off his tounge, I finally heard my name. I seemed to be paired up with the 'High School famous Tyler' I did have to admit that I had a crush on him, but any girl in this school would be lying if they said they didnt, and I'm sure that even Tyler knew that.

once I got off my seat and walked over to Tyler the whole class shifted their glances and focused their devil eyes on me. I was never a confidant girl and I knew I would never be as I just wasn't the type of girl to get myself in a situation that I needed to be confidant.

I was wrong though, being partnered with Tyler Legend was a scenario where you was going to be looked at and stared at the whole assignment, so sometime in the time frame I would be asked many questions about how 'Tyler' is outside of school and I knew that I wasn't going to enjoy trying to get out of that situation.

I opened up my textbook for Mr Morgan to explain what we was going to have to do for this assignment but he carried on listing the names.

I ran a hand through my Dark Brown hair and scrunched it up to one side.

Mr Morgan explained that the partners that we were in now had been chosen by all out teachers and that we would have them for the whole semester and in every class. seems although I was stuck with Tyler.

my eyes widened at the realisation, I looked over at Tyler, he on the other hand just smirked at me with his forest green eyes. I had to admit looking over him he looked so much better up close with his brown hair similar colour to mine was perfected and amazing.

The rest of the time of the class droned on about how our assignment for all classes should be the 'best of our ability' and that we should always try no matter how hard it was.

as Mr Morgan wrapped up our class I finally had a chance to look over at Leah who had also unfortunately been partnered with Tyler's oh so popular girlfriend. Megan.

I wish her luck more than I wish myself luck.

as we were allowed to leave, I grabbed my books and collected them before jumping off my seat an running up to Leah.

"he's a T" she told me

"he's dating your partner remember, that thing named Megan" I reminded her.

"Tiny Details Lexi, Tiny Details" she simply said.

"it would be great though wouldn't it, seen as he is your crush" she sang the last part.

"shut up" I said before I accidentally walked into someone causing not only the contents of my arms but myself to fall onto the ground, not very ladylike I had to admit.

sprawled out on the floor I never expected to have a popular teen to help me back up.

"are you alright?" Tristan asked, holding his hand out for me.

I gladly took it before he picked up all my books for me and handed them to me.

"thanks" I smiled before getting nervous and running after Leah who had left me sprawled out on the floor for everyone to see.

I got my lunch and made my way over to our normal table. "he started with a T as well"

"later" I told her as I picked up the sandwich I had just brought and stalked out of the canteen. I was just so fed up at the moment of the whole T subject as it's all I had been thinking about, and it was all Leah could talk about. I got to my locker and once again, another letter floated to the ground.

I placed my books in my locker before picking up the Paper and opening it.

'I love your deep brown eyes -T'

I smiled as I placed the note in my bag next to the original, I shut my locker and made my way to the courtyard.

This school day wasn't how I expected..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2014 ⏰

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