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[Kim Seungmin, Main Focus]


It was 6 pm when I said goodbye to Minho hyung. Felix and I is having a sleepover at their house. Because Chan hyung will stay somewhere else with his friend.

I knocked at Felix's door and he opened the door quickly. I headed at the living room and turned the TV on. I was watching Sponge bob Square pants when he sat next to me handing me a glass of orange juice.

I grabbed the drink and leaned on his shoulders. I put the drink down to start a conversation with Felix.

"Felix" I called to get his attention. "Can you help me?"

"Anything for you" Felix looked at me and then looked up as if he had an idea. "Except doing embarrassing things with you" He pointed that one at me.

"No it's not embarrassing" I defended. "It's about my friend"

He suddenly looked at me as if he knew everything. "What happened?" He asked me worriedly.

"It's about my friend who can't stop thinking about this guy" I continued "He tried to deny his feelings for the guy but now he's torn"

"I think he likes him" He bluntly said after I shared my situation. "He should just confess to the guy"

"Well yesterday the guy asked him for dinner so he agreed" I said looking at a smirking Felix. I hit his shoulders and he yelped in pain.

"What was that for?" Felix complained at me for hitting him.

"You weren't listening to me" I said annoyed by him.

"I am listening! Just continue your story" He said to me. "I'm curious of what happened to your boy" he then added.

I hit him once again "Don't you think of anything dirty" I said to him with an annoyed face.

"Okay dirty guy" It was his last phrase I heard before I hit him very hard.

"Okay back to the story" I opened the story Again.

"My friend said that the guy looks like he want to talk to him but didn't until he got home" I said then added "He also said that the guy was acting weird. He ordered fancy foods, invited him to dinner, and-and he also saw a candle at the side of the counter"

"That's something fishy" Felix rubbed his chin as if he's a wise man "I think the guy would confess to him but haven't felt the courage to ask" He added.

"Really?" I made sure. "Yeah!" He reassure me more.

"Well, did you enjoy the dinner?" He asked me so I answered "Yes, definitely. I love the meal he ordered"

I stopped when I realized I fell for his trap. "No! It was my 'friend' who I am talking" I defended.

He just chuckled and I just looked down defeated.

A few hours had passed when I realized I left my phone at home. So I talked to Felix that I would be gone for a while to get my phone.

He said he would go with me but I didn't wanna bother him so we two went down. I left the house and he closed the door.

I was walking home when I looked at my watch. It was 10:30 pm. I bet Minho hyung is sleeping.

I opened the front door carefully trying not to make any sound. I walked up the stairs and opened my room. I grabbed my phone and went down.

I saw a familiar bag by the couch and wonder 'why is this here?'. I walked back again upstairs. I got in front of Minho hyung's bedroom door. I opened it slightly and walked towards his bed.

Wait! What!? J-ji-ji-Jisung? What was he doing here at this hour, No wait why is he sleeping and cuddling with my brother?

Minho hyung looked back and saw me. He was surprised at me inside his room seeing them both cuddling. But, that's okay for me. If they both like each other.

I signaled him that I left my phone and going to return back at Felix's. He signed 'okay' with his hand.

I was then out of the house. The tea I knew is getting boiled for Felix later. I then was two houses away from Felix' house.

I knocked and he opened it. I sat down the couch and laughed ny myself. He looked at me with those eyes of curiousness.

He sat down beside me and grabbed my hands. "Did you do something bad?" He was worried for me.

I shook my head and opened my phone. There he looked at the picture. And he returned his look on me and I just nodded slowly.

"It's good that we had a proof about this" he said to me handing back the phone. I grabbed my phone with a picture of Minho hyung and Jisung sleeping together while hugging. It's good that I managed to take a picture before Minho hyung noticed me.

"Wanna bet?" Felix looked at me with sharp eyes. I didn't back down "1 week" he added.

I think that Minho hyung will confess at Jisung's birthday so I my bet is "Jisung's birthday"

"10 bucks" Felix demanded the prize. "Deal!" I then shake hands with him.

After our bet Felix quickly ran to the kitchen grabbing four pieces of pizza. He also grabbed a bottle of Coke for us to drink.

While he did all those things, I opened NetFelix and scrolled to see a good movie.

I decided to just watch Titanic. And Dang! That movie was good. We ate a whole slice of our own pizza leaving us with two slices. The bottle also was emptied half.

It's now his turn to search for a good movie. He picked a movie called 50 First dates. It made me sad about the condition of the girl but this movie overall made me happy. We laughed at almost every scene.

After that movie we finished all of our pizza and a bottle of coke. We both decided to sleep. So we got into our own rooms to wash up.

I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and an over-sized white shirt which exposed my great collarbones. I did my night routine and listened to music.

I can't sleep so I just watched some Stray kids videos. And it worked after a few minutes of watching three episode I felt sleepy.

But again to my dismay, Hyunjin entered my mind. The dinner we had, the food he ordered, the reason why he wanted to have dinner, and-and-and

Ahh! I can't get him out of my head. I started to overthink. What does he want to say? Does he like me? Can he like me back?


"I like him!"

I'm back peaches! The 'guys' that I used to tell you is getting boring so lemme call y'all peaches.

So sorry for the typos and I hope you like the Minsung part in this chapter. My main ship in Stray kids is Seungjin to be followed by Jeongchan so... for the next chapter Jeongchan will bless you with their sweetness.

So bye Peaches and I 🍑 you all btw.

~ k_minjun

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