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[Third Person]

The new boy sat beside Seungmin and opened his bag. He grabbed some of the books and put it in his table.

Seungmin was curious about the boy so he asked him. "Are you new here?" Seungmin asked making the boy give him attention.

"Yes, I'm a transferee" the boy replied making Seungmin nod a little. "By the way, my name is Min Inseong" says the boy who introduced himself.

"My name is Kim Seungmin" Seungmin said as he smile and offer his hand. Inseong gladly took the offer and shook hands with him.

Then the doors opened and it was our teacher Mrs. Shin.

The bell rang indicating that it was lunch. Both Seungmin and Inseong had the same class so they sat together in each and every class.

Hyunjin also had the same classes with Seungmin so they always sat beside each other.

But when Hyunjin saw that someone else was sitting beside Seungmin, he can't help himself but be pissed.

On the cafeteria the boys would always sit at this certain table but to Seungmin's surprise Hyunjin wasn't there.

He scanned the whole place to see that Hyunjin was sitting with Jeongin.

His heart felt a pang but Inseong called his name. "Hey Seungmin! Do you want to eat together?" Inseong asked but Seungmin turned him down.

Inseong looked down so Seungmin invited him to the boys' table.

To Seungmin's surprise Changbin was also there hugging Felix. And there Inseong sat at Hyunjin's seat beside Seungmin's.

"Hey guys!" Seungmin called the other's attention. "This is my friend Inseong" He aligned his palm on Inseong's chin and smiled.

And there the boys introduce themselves. Then Inseong introduced himself personally. "Hello! My name is Inseong, I'm 19 years old, a transferee"

"That's why I don't recognize you" Felix admitted and Inseong just let out a small laugh.

Hyunjin looked to the table of the boys as he hears them laughing. Jeongin followed the older's gaze that landed to the guys.

Hyunjin wants to go and talk to them but his seat beside Seungmin is taken. He just looked back to Jeongin and looked down.

Jeongin wanted to let him go and tell Hyunjin that he is fine eating alone.

Inseong excused himself and left. Hyunjin became suspicious about Inseong so he followed him.

Hyunjin was weirded out when Inseong knew the secret passageways in the school.

Inseong felt like he was being followed so he looked back. And he saw nothing so he continued.

Hyunjin luckily fit himself at a crack when Inseong stopped. And when Inseong looked in front he followed him.

And there a small rusty gate were the bullies rests. Inseong entered while Hyunjin peaked at a small crack.

"Did you do what we want you to do?" A guy asked Inseong.

"Yeah, Seungmin is a fool to believe me" Inseong replied.

"Good! Just play with him because that's what a faggot deserves" A guy commanded making Hyunjin gasp.

(a/n: don't worry he won't be seen. I know the feeling)

Hyunjin ran back to the cafeteria to call Seungmin. Seungmin being jealous didn't look back and pretended Hyunjin wasn't there.

Hyunjin was forced to drag Seungmin by the wrists and pull him in the nearest bathroom.

"What?" Seungmin asked Hyunjin. The older is still panting from what happend and decided to swallow his saliva.

"Please get away from Inseong" Hyunjin asked Seungmin to be careful of the boy.

"Why? Do you like him?" Seungmin fire back with a sassy tone.

"No... I just don't want him to hurt you..." Hyunjin begged the younger.

Hey peaches🍑 A late update here so gonna get back on writing another chapter.

~ k_minjun

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